Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Not entirely sure where I left off. I think I posted my reminiscing stuff and old blog. However, a lot has gone on since then! First of all - FINALS ARE OVER! I am just so glad that school is not happening for two weeks. It was beginning to REALLY grate on my nerves having to be there from 10 am until 5 pm EVERY day. That is just not cool at all, really. Grades came in on Friday I think - I got two B's and a C. I thought I would get at least one A, but oh well. Didn't see the C coming either. 79.2. WHAT a lovely man. :/

ANYWAYS, on a more happy note: We got a roommate!! :p Hannah moved in the other day and we have been having a fabulous time playing Sally Homemaker. We went out and painted and moved her stuff in and just really made it more homey here. :) We got these three paint colors approved at the apartment to do accent walls in a few rooms - and apparently my pictures are not uploading to blogger at all. That makes me very very unhappy. I'll just continue with what has happened. Hannah moved in to our "spare room," we got paint colors approved, we went to Lowe's and got paint, and painted and decorated, pretty much all in a two-day span, because we are superheroes. We finished over half of a to-do list in a day (A BIG to-do list) and now we are all bored with nothing to do! haha.

Seth is at work and Hannah and I are getting dressed up to go sell books back to the bookstore. That is basically it. And laundry is going right now, but really.. OH, we went to the pool yesterday. Got some "sun." Not a BURN though, thank goodness!

Basically another HUGE thing has happened in my family - our Bolivian exchange student Nic arrived on Saturday night/Sunday morning! My Mom thinks he is really sweet - but I have yet to meet him. The boys seem to like him a lot (Soccer!) and Ava thinks he is her new friend to play with. "I'm so glad we found you." <-- Literally what she said to him the second day we were here. She's so funny.

I guess I'll be uploading pictures later.... Stupid thing. Going out - Bye!

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