Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Three Things Day ♥

I wanted to do something that required very little emotion from me because today I am quite confused as to how things really work. So I'm going to do some "three things" based on the prompts. Just going to write down my first thoughts.

Three favorite things to wear:
1. My LB Jeans with the cute back pockets. Too bad they are falling apart! :/
2. Pajamas! Comfy pajama pants and a big ol' t-shirt. haha.
3. Flip Flops! They are the best shoes ever.

Three favorite book characters:
This one really depends on the books I've read recently since at any given time I have probably read several and I tend to have a lot of favorites. BUT... I think I'll go with some of my classic favorites.
1. Anne from Anne of Green Gables (read the whole series when I was younger; loved it)
2. Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice :) Because who didn't love her?
3. Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind. Did I always agree with her? No. BUT she was captivating and memorable. :) THAT is what I love.
I noticed this: All of these women were not the easiest to get along with. But they were memorable and they did something.

Three pet peeves:
1. Being lied to. It leaves a funny taste in my mouth.
2. Being taken advantage of and/or used for my generosity. It is interesting that I don't see myself as "nice" but I do things for people that are not necessarily expected. Too bad it seems to bite me in the ass.
3. People being late! Ooh how this annoys me.

Three things I can't go without:
1. Shampoo & Conditioner - MUST HAVE IT.
2. Mascara - again, must have it. I hate not having it. It is my "go-to" makeup fix.
3. Clean clothes.

Three things I want in a relationship:
I'm going to assume that this is talking about a romantic relationship, but I might go back and do more. Will see in a minute.

In a romantic relationship, I expect and want:
1. Honesty and Truth
2. Unconditional Love
3. The ability to work together as a "team."

Let's do family relationships:
1. Honesty
2. Support and Respect
3. Unconditional Love

1. Honesty
2. A listening ear
3. Common ground

That's really the only relationships that mean anything, right? Boyfriend, Family and Friends? Well, except my babies and my future children? But I can't really do a three list when I don't have kids yet?

Oh well. I suppose I am done with my three's! haha. Seth and I are about to go to Cathy Ho's! YUMMM! We have been craving it for a while now - so excited! Then Seth has to go to school :/ But I get some "alone time" where I can just reflect/relax/regroup. I think it might be a much-needed thing after the past two days. Because unfortunately, I do feel a bit topsy-turvy? I feel kind of put-out. Maybe I'll watch a good movie or read another good book. Thank God for endless amounts of great authors! Then Seth and I are going to watch a movie we have both been wanting to watch - Date Night with Steve Carrell and Tina Fey!! :) Finally we will watch it. haha.

Bye all.

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