Saturday, July 24, 2010

Memory Lane Blog-Style

So this may or may not be interesting to anyone else, but today I came across some blogs I wrote in high school from myspace. I'm going to copy two of them onto here. What is ironic.... is the first is quite relevant to how I feel now, though in a different context, and the second is just funny. :)

OLD BLOG NUMBER ONE: December 29, 2006

Why is it that we're all "waiting" on life to go our way?

That may seem a bit random, but on the way back from the doctor today my Mommy & I were talking about how life just seems to pass you by. (She brought up "how much I've grown up & changed" & that type of thing.)

So I got to thinking...we're always "waiting" for something. Trust me, I'm guilty of it too, maybe even more than other people, but it hit me today. We think that after we graduate life will just fall into place and we'll be fulfilled? Well, that's not how it happens. As soon as we graduate, we're going to be off to college. But THEN when we get there, we'll be focusing on after we graduate and "starting life."

Well excuse me, but what the hell is this? PRE-Life? I don't think so.

These experiences we're encountering in high school and when we were younger have helped shape who we are becoming and who we will CONTINUE to be. You don't get a free pass & a personality change with your college diploma. What you get is MORE work, more goals, more things to overcome, more building opportunities, and DIFFERENT things to work towards.

People are always saying "I can't wait to graduate, then everything will get better." Well, I can't wait to graduate either, but that's just because high school is dumb. lol. I don't think it'll be my "easy button" when I get my high school diploma, I think it will be my chance to CONTINUE growing into the young woman I already have started to become.

Everyone is a child, everyone is a teenager, everyone becomes an adult. It's our lifestyle choices that we make that shape how we will look back on our life when we're 80 and go "damn, that was a good run."

Everyone is always working towards things and once they get them, it's on to the next thing they want or need. Don't get me wrong, goals are GREAT, they're the basis of life really, I have plenty. Probably more than I should. But why don't we ever just "stop and smell the roses" like old sayings recommend? I mean, honestly, I don't like the smell of roses, but you get what I'm saying.

I'm just wondering, how do people ever "become fulfilled" and what am I missing? There are plenty of things that I haven't done yet that I'm going to do. PLENTY. I want to fall in love, I want to have a kid (yeah, maybe just one, lol) I want to travel the world...I want to learn to dance like the people in Pearl Harbor (haha) and TONS of other things, but I don't want my life to turn into a timeline. Age 9 - went through hell. Age 16 - first wreck. Age 22 - graduated from college. Age 26 - got married. I don't WANT that. I want to remember all the "in betweens." All the laughter and inside jokes, all the hugs and kisses, all the mushy stuff, everything I've learned from. And yes, I know I sound like a cheeseball. lol.

Ok...I'm off my soap box, comment it and make YOUR feelings on the matter known? <3

Bye Guys

BLOG NUMBER TWO: February 24, 2006

I have a tendency--

--To race my microwave by seeing if I can get something I need from my car or room, etc. when or before my food is done.

-- To really like fruit roll ups...and not share them with my brothers.

-- To be overly obnoxious

-- To fall UP the stairs...yes, it can be done

-- To run my words together when I'm excited...or any other time, but mostly just then

-- To talk too much

-- To watch WAYYY too many DVD's. It's so unhealthy.

-- To get annoyed very easily

-- To be extremely unable to trust people, but expect them to be able to trust me

-- To be slightly possessive. (no, that's mine.)

-- To like playing in the mud, but not being dirty afterwards

-- To be a huge smartass at times

-- To use my hands when I talk...even on the phone.

-- To be stupid

-- To make jokes at the worst times

-- To sleep too much. To the point where I'm even more tired after I wake up

-- To fight too much when I'm telling the truth, so I look like I'm lying

-- To like Disney movies and be able to quote them

-- To yell at the TV during Steelers and UGA football games

-- To stay up WAYYY too late watching movies or talking on the phone.

-- To carry on many conversations at one time...on the phone and in person.

-- To always want to wear my *favorite* jeans

-- To obsessively watch "House"

-- To list things I want to do before I die that continues to grow every 2.3 seconds. I check it all the time.

-- To love all boys with accents...British, Australian, Southern. ooh la la.

--To act hypocritical when it comes to clothing and style

--To wish I was different

-- To try to be quiet when I'm down stairs at 2 in the morning, but then make a ton of noise walking up the stairs

-- To speak before I think on numerous occasions.

-- To be semi-obsessed w/ Nickelback...

That is a trip down memory lane for sure. :)

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