Thursday, July 15, 2010

If you want something to read and reflect on...

So I've been feeling a lot of stress for the past little while and I realized that I haven't blogged at all about anything really and that that was not allowing me to get out the thoughts that I inherently do not talk about normally. SO. Here is my blog on my week and the topics that have really gotten to me in a way.

First of all, I'll do kind of an update. Tomorrow I have two mid-terms. Yep, History and Psychology. I am quite scared of the History one for this reason: It is completely essay and short answer and it counts a lot! This does not look so great for me considering I am really not super-interested in how this man teaches his class. I find myself falling asleep in his 2.5 hour class and it can't all be because of lack of sleep. It's 10 am. I've had at least 7-8 hours of sleep, maybe even more, but that is doubtful. Here is the thing. He is monotone! He can't get excited about his stuff! I mean, I think this applies to a lot of things people do. We approach it as a necessity and we don't get excited anymore. I mentioned that I am not excited about school anymore - it almost comes in bursts.

Psychology. Psychology is really challenging me to read more into things more than it has in several of my other psyc classes. Here's how. Dr. Kunkel is making us confront theory. He doesn't really give you the out of saying "I like" or "I dislike." I love that about the class. As vague as it is (not exactly GREAT for multiple choice tests) it is definitely something I will learn from. Here is the thing. I will probably get a B, simply because vague and studying......... but, I will learn more from it than classes I have gotten A's in. So what is more important? My GPA, which will remain fine if not great, should not be the only goal in college should it? That leads me to some things that have been said in class. "Without conflict we have no meaning. We need our demons AND our angels." I also love his approach to psychotherapy. He said something like "We drown together. Want to go up? Because I'm going up." If that doesn't make sense, well I'm not surprised. But he is saying that to be a good listener and helper you have to be able to experience something with someone without influencing how they do it. You can help them to the top by example, not by telling them in words. It was kind of brilliant.

Now my religion class is proving to be just as interesting as my Psychology and it is the ONLY reason I might do well on my History midterm tomorrow. Doesn't make sense yet, huh. Well Religion and the part of History we are covering have common overlapping themes. I think in Religion that, hey, that is kind of like blah blah blah in History. Thank you Dr. Tietjen for helping me pass History! haha. But besides that, what do you think about this? Judaism has a facet that talks about how your vocation, your sex life, your clothing, your food, everything has to do with God. So if your vocation has to do with God, then by going to work you are practicing your religion, if you are truly invested. I am a fan of this concept. If we were on Facebook, I would click "like." It makes me feel as if what I love to do (volunteer) and what I wish to do in my career (help and/or guide) is going to mean something to someone other than myself and the people involved. I also dislike that I feel as if I don't have the time to volunteer anymore. This is not literally true, but my feeling this way is true. I do feel this way. I do feel like my priorities have shifted in a way in which I am not happy. This won't change overnight, but I can slowly change this part of my life so I can get back to feeling as if I can do the things I love again. I'll get there. It's a journey, right?

Another thing this brought up is that college is selfish. It's inevitable. College is only about us. It isn't about our parents. It isn't about our siblings. It isn't about the greater good. It's also something we have to get over and also to realize is a learning experience rather than completely "real life." I don't go to college for anyone but myself. It may FEEL like it is expected, but expectations are not rules and not even rules can MAKE a person do something. I'm going to leave that open-ended...because I'm not done yet.

Good bye!

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