Sunday, July 18, 2010

Inception = Amazing

Wow. I am having a good weekend, I think. :) First let's talk about yesterday. History test was kind of overwhelming. I almost used up an entire blue book to answer the questions. If you don't know, that is a lot. Then in Psyc I felt very bland... I felt like the test was designed honestly (on his part) but in a way that pretty much means we can't get an A. I would not be surprised to get somewhere around 50% even though did I study? Yes. Did I go to class? Yes. Did I participate and understand? Yes. I still feel like some of the questions were obscure and the essays were too vague. Oh well. It's done. Then in Religion we watched a movie called "Ushpizin." It was STRANGE. I wasn't entirely sure what the point was for probably the whole movie. I'll have to watch it again. I liked their names though, Moshe and Mali.

Now today, that is a whole different, much more interesting story. :) I slept in for the first time in weeks! I woke up when Seth left at like 9, but I went back to sleep for about 2 more hours. Then I got ready, Seth came back, and we met up with Elea and Derek. We went to Carabba's (yum!) where Seth got ceiling water dripped on him. haha. Then we went and walked around the mall and even looked at pretty rings. ;) I'm not sure how either of us feel about this yet though. (Sorry to my parents if you are reading this! You may want to stop NOW!) That was fair warning, right? Well anyways, there was this gorgeous one that Seth actually picked out and I loved (perfect, right?) And it was on sale! Luck? Yeah, maybe. But we aren't sure.... how we feel about this... I don't want to share those feelings with the whole blog-world right now. I'll keep ya updated though.

THEN we went to see Inception. Besides the fact that Leonardo Dicaprio and Joseph Gordon-Levitt are gorgeous and Ellen Page is phenomenal, it was a BEAUTIFUL movie! It was so fascinating and made you question things and life and truth and reality. It coincided kind of perfectly with my Psychology of Dreams class - let me tell you I will be writing a journal or five about it for that class! It is impossible to sum up this movie with simple words or to even begin to form a real reaction to the movie, because it was almost more than a movie - more like an experience? It was really SO good. Some people may not have liked it, but I could care less. I thought it was brilliant. I thought it was just what our society needed - something to THINK about. Most movies just show facts or "truths." I love how open to interpretation it was and how it was a lot to do with WHO was watching the movie. From what I gather, Seth liked it too. :) I will have to see it again. I can feel it becoming one of my favorites because I'll never watch it exactly the same. Oh brilliant!! :) :) That really makes me happy.

On that note, I am going to bed since Seth won't watch another movie with me tonight. ;) I know he's tired but my mind won't stop because of that movie. haha. Going to read maybe.
Night blog readers! :)

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