Saturday, July 24, 2010

Don't know where to start at all. Let's just go over yesterday, because I hardly remember Thursday except for going to Taco Bell at like midnight and eating it with a smirnoff? I dk. Anyways, yesterday Seth worked and I went to school. In Religion we watched this AWFUL movie. Only awful because it made me really sad. I dk if you all have seen it, but it's called The Mission with Robert DeNiro and Jeremy Irons. It really made me MAD/UPSET.

Then after, Seth and I somehow found our way to the Gwinnett Braves game. They lost. :/ But that's bc Ortegano was like NOT GOOD in the first FOUR innings. Don't know why it took that long for him to be taken out. They scored 6 of their 7 runs on him. Literally. But then we got to see some fireworks and I got to see Zach and Toad. (Yep. That's Zach's friend Greg, but his nn is Toad.)

Anyways. That's really it. Today or tomorrow I have to get 10 pages of papers done. (two 5-pagers) and I am REALLY lacking the drive for it, AND lacking interest in the subject. Oh well. Has to be done.

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