Saturday, July 3, 2010

AFTER Sunday in Orlando

So after Sunday in Orlando well, here it goes! If you need to catch up, please scroll down. Monday (aka Day 3) was spent fairly lazily at first as we were exhausted from the day before. OH! On Sunday, Ava, Mom and Mark went to the Magic Kingdom! I can try and post pictures for that, but it will be a while. I believe I've mentioned that my mom does not enjoy loading and sending pictures? It's still true. SO we shall wait and see when I get those - needless to say, Ava had a BLAST! She had breakfast with the Princesses and got to meet them all, etc etc. The Snow White ride scared her.

So Day 3, Monday, we swam in the pool a lot and then around 3 o'clock me and mom and Ava went to the "Bibbity Bobbity Boo-tique." First off, WHAT a cute name. Secondly, she loved it and looked adorable before, during, and afterwards. :) Let me see - it was located in Downtown Disney. She got a "fairy godmother in training." They put her hair up, put make up on her, did her nails, put fairy dust (glitter) in her hair and ta-da! Mom bought some of the pics the professionals took, so they shall come later too. :) Here is an "after shot" that I got. Can you imagine her when it comes time for prom? Oh so cute.

After the "boutique" we met up with the boys at this place called T-Rex. It had a bunch of different themed rooms and we thought it would be cool. Okay. We were wrong. It FREAKED Ava out. By the time we were half-way through dinner she was so scared she was digging her nails into my arm whenever the T-Rex moved. We even asked for the least scary room.... I don't want to know what it would have been like in a scarier room! It was cool though, but way expensive. Isn't she cute? Here is a really good picture of ALL of us from the trip, taken that night. It's actually pretty good, huh?

So after Monday was over we went back and swam some more and got ready for Tuesday (Day 4) AKA Blizzard Beach! I love Blizzard Beach, minus the being in a bathing suit with skinny folks. Sorry, but I don't like you, and I don't like being half-naked around you, and I know this is too much of a blanket statement. But if you think it includes you, it might. We went on the tube rides, the boys did the summit plummit thing (I've done it once a few years ago - don't need to repeat the experience!) But they did, lol. We went to the lazy river a few times (I like it. lol.) We did the wave pool, some family tube rides, some individual tube rides. Overall, a good day. :) No pictures yet - Mom bought them from the Disney people. Again, we shall wait until they are safely delivered to my inbox. Love you Mom! :)

Wednesday was another "lazy day." We did the pool and whatnot and tried to recoup from the days before. Hard when your feet are blistered to hell, BUT, we didn't let that bother us. lol. We went and ate at Macaroni Grill, went to Downtown Disney (Seth saw some cool cars, we went into a funny store, saw the House of Blues, etc.) But the reason for going was to see Eclipse. Me and the boys and Seth went - Will and I are Team Edward, Seth and Zach are Team Jacob. lol. At least I've read the books and I know I win! ;)

This is Seth and I on Wednesday night (Day 5) waiting for Eclipse to start! The boys were there too, but no pictures. After Wednesday night (we got back to the condo at like 2 am) we got up late on Thursday to do Universal Studios (the original one.) This is the one with E.T., MIB, Twister, Jaws, The Mummy, The Simpsons (new), and those rides. :) There was a cool rollercoaster the boys rode (I am a chicken. I admit it. It went STRAIGHT UP. No way, not when I was soaking wet from the rain!) Speaking of that part. Okay. So we did Twister and The Mummy. While waiting in line for Jaws it starts POURING RAIN. We wait for an hour. Then give up and just go out in the rain and get wet. Who cares. It rained from like 4 until after we left at 9. We did all of the rides except the Simpsons (it was kiddie) and we couldn't find the Back to the Future entrance because we're retards.

Overall, good days.

Friday was our last real day there. We swam a lot, Mom and Mark went to their movie while I babysat Ava at the "big pool" in the complex. We swam, we ate, we relaxed. Then today (Saturday) we left at 10 this morning and got to Carrollton at around 6. We got our babies!! :) :) I missed them so much! They got groomed and got their Fourth of July bandannas. Cute. More pictures to come surely - but these tell the story for now! We had a good time! And now I have my babies back!! :)

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