Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Oh, Life, Oh Life, Oh Life

Hm. I have nothing completely interesting to blog about, mostly because the majority of my energy is being directed at my school stuff that is going on. Yesterday I took my first exam - Got a B, which is better than I expected! He graded it very leniently. Thankfully.

Here is one thing. Today in Dreams the professor made a few points I'm still contemplating. Someone asked him if he "agreed" with something. Well that was not the best wording. His answer? "You don't care if I agree with you, just like I don't care if you agree with me." At the same time as being sarcastic, it was VERY true. No one TRULY cares if someone agrees. Someone can truly care about someone's thoughts, but not if they "agree." So to that, I say touche!

Another thing we talked about was the ability to be reflective. Freud says this ability is much harder, more transcendent, than the ability to observe. People who never get past the version of life as far as experiences is psychotic, those who never get past observing are neurotic, and a healthy human being can and does reflect. It makes sense to me. I kind of love the concept.

"Those who say do not know, and those who know do not say." THAT came up in Religion today. We are studying the Daoists/Taoists. :) Love.

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