Sunday, July 4, 2010

Disney Channel

So I'm watching the Disney channel. Yes, I'm 20 years old. But Freaky Friday was on - which I love. The one with Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis before Lindsay Lohan was crazy and Jamie Lee Curtis didn't have grey hair. I just love that movie - it seems like something my Mom and I should have done/should do. haha. It's amazing how eye opening it is for a Disney movie, lol.

I'm not entirely sure how that relates to anything, but I guess it does. That we should see other peoples' perspectives. HOWEVER. When the perspective of another is hurtful, disrespectful, and does not regard the other person, then it becomes in your better interest to cut them from your life. I had to do that. I haven't spoken to this *person* in over a year - and HONESTLY, I couldn't be happier! She was toxic! She made everyone else feel inadequate, she was narcissistic, she didn't take responsibility for her actions like a normal adult-aged person, and she was shallow. I know it sounds like I'm bashing - but I'm not. I'm not perfect. BUT, I take responsibility for myself and my actions and would never be able to act the way she did. If anything, I act older than my age rather than younger. I'm not narcissistic - my feelings get hurt for my siblings or my friends more than they do for myself. I'm emotional, but I try to be careful with how I deal with my own issues rather than blaming others. And I am far from shallow - I'm actually so emotionally deep that I haven't found the bottom yet and that is turning out to be more difficult than you can imagine.

Oh. This was brought on when my friend Hannah had a "friend" do something similar to her and it hurt me more for her than it probably did for me last year. I SO want to just spill out everything that I've experienced because of my ex-friend but I had to stop myself and realize that I can't push my feelings onto her and just be there for her and let her know how it went down without involving the emotions as much. If that makes sense. Which it probably doesn't. But here's the moral of the story? Friends are not always what they seem, and if they DON'T come off as genuine they probably aren't. If you do immediately have a connection with someone don't hold back - but be sure that you don't overlook their faults. We all have faults, but overlooking someone else's is probably clinically insane.

You don't overlook the faults of your family or your "boyfriend/spouse" so why do we try and do it with friends? It's kind of stupid on our parts, isn't it? We pick apart those that are closest to us, and yet our "friends" can get away with a lot.. I think we all have to have that experience with that one person that makes you mistrust. But you experience it differently depending on age. We have to learn how to deal with it through different stages of our lives and grow from it rather than let it hurt us. We have to let go of the negative feelings. I'm not saying forgive, because I'm not a hypocrite and it always takes me a while to forgive, but some things are unforgivable.... And other things need to be internalized and dealt with that way rather than extending forgiveness when it hasn't been earned.

I have no idea if I make sense.
Needless to say....Hannah, I'm sorry you had this experience too. Maybe we can help eachother figure it out. It's a process. lol.

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