Saturday, July 10, 2010


Have I mentioned at all that my weeks suck? Well yesterday I woke up with a sinus headache. It was fantastic. But I'm not blogging about that, it's boring.

Monday I have my first test of the semester. Lol. And then Friday I have TWO midterms. Isn't that fantastic? I'm going to need some pills! hahah. And they are back-to-back classes. Plus I have no idea what to study for my Psychology MT. He is so vague!!

Well anyways. Yesterday we completely cleaned and reorganized our kitchen. It was good because it needed to be done! So then we decide that we need to move around our bedroom furniture. It ended up being that pretty much everything got moved, but we definitely like the new layout! Luckily. Plus it gave us a chance to do some major cleaning behind the furniture! haha. Now all we need to do is get a rug for the bedroom and get the carpet cleaned and presto! We both like how things ended up. Then we went to Wal-Mart and we bought some cheap chairs and a table for our deck. It is such useless space right now and it needed to feel more lived in. I mean, we've been here a year and we've signed our lease for another one. We also bought the dogs a new dogbed that they seem to like. They alternated between sleeping with us and sleeping in it last night, so we are working on getting them to sleep in their own beds!! Exciting. :) haha.

Other than that........ My life is average? lol. I'm going to go fix some lunch in a minute and maybe do a bit more cleaning. Seth is supposed to bring our new vacuum home with him today, so I'll wait on that. Oh and our complex is installing fans in the apartments! Yes! Then we went have to use the air as much! Score.

Other than that not a whole lot going on. I'll probably start my studying for my Religion test on Monday.

Au Revoir.

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