Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Whatever kind of day

Okay, so here we go. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about today. Class was realllllyyyyy boring. Okay, correction, I was just REALLY BORED, it wasn't "boring" necessarily. I normally find all of my classes interesting, but today I just was NOT into it at all. It was just ridiculous how long the day seemed to be taking. I woke up a little late for me today - 11:10 instead of 10:40 so I had time to shower, I just didn't have time to dry my hair.... So. I went to class with it still slightly wet. Being outside took care of a lot of that issue - but it dried kind of wavy. It was actually sort of cute-ish. I'm putting a picture up just because it was kind of cute and different, though I do prefer/feel more comfortable when my hair is straight. Ha - maybe that is a control issue of mine! It probably is.

Oh, here is a really random picture that I actually took on Sunday. Sunday Seth and I were going stir-crazy being in the apartment so we drove to Douglasville for dinner (more choices anyways - I love not being a "real adult" with a family, haha, because we can go somewhere nice every once in a while and NOT break the bank. We went to Olive Garden - which my parents would be like ooooh spending a lot of money...but really it costs us probably $5 more to go to Olive Garden than it does to go somewhere like IHOP or Applebee's. Let me put it this way. PLUS TIP, it cost like $32. And that's a $4-$5 tip.. Anyways. The picture was one of those fluke pictures where the camera wasn't pointing the right way and it ended up showing us both perfectly.... kinda cute, but awkward and goofy at the same time. :D CHEEESSSEEEEEE.

Anyways. I need to go do some schoolwork and whatnot and play hide-n-seek with the puppies so they'll quit acting crazy. Goobers.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

52 Fights Quotes

This is really for Saturday...since I haven't gone to sleep yet. I'm getting sick. I dislike being sick. :/

Anyways, I want these on here for several reasons. The place I got them from is the book I am reading. There is a quote like this in the beginning of every chapter and here are some of my favorites. (There are lots of short chapters. I think 55.)

"Love keeps no score of wrongs; does not gloat over anothers sins, but delights in the truth. There is nothing love cannot face; there is no limit to its faith, its hope, and its endurance." 1 Corinthians 13

"The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook." - William James

"One falsehood spoils a thousand truths." - Ashanti

"Learn the wisdom of compromise, for it is better to bend a little than to break." - Jane Wells

"The worse reconciliation is better than the best divorce." - Cervantes

"Marriage is one long conversation, checkered with disputes." - Robert Louis Stevenson

"Marriage is the perfection which love aimed at, ignorant of what it sought." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"If you are afraid of loneliness, don't marry." - Anton Chekhov

"Love is an ocean of emotions, entirely surrounded by expenses." - Lord Dewar

"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"The only way not to think about money is to have a great deal of it." - Edith Wharton

"It is not who is right, but WHAT is right, that is important." - Thomas Huxley

"If two people who love each other let a single moment come between them, it will grow and it will become a month, a year, a century until it becomes too late." - Jean Giraudoux

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

52 Fights and One of my own

I'm reading this really awesome book. Honestly, most people probably wouldn't consider it awesome because it seems juvenile, maybe, or irrelevant to some. It's called "52 Fights." The book is about a couple's first year living together, dealing with the changes, and all of the fights and thoughts about the fights and reflection on the fights. It's psychological, without being preachy at all. It's just this woman's open, honest account of her fights that every couple goes through. And it's helping me. Now, see, the problem is that it is ONLY helping me. It's helping me to realize why things happen and how I want to deal with them, but when I DO that, it just gets thrown back in my face. Now this does not only apply to me and Seth, it applies to a lot of my relationships. Granted, it does apply to Seth and I. We do fight, we argue, we disagree, we don't see eye to eye, but in the end we both want the same thing. That is what I am getting out of this book - that that is okay and it happens in most couples that are honest with their feelings and it's OK and it WILL work out if you work at it. That gives me hope.

How this relates to my other relationships is this - I don't know if my mother reads this blog, but here we go. I texted her last night with my (I thought) good/cool news - I wanted to get my tattoo today. Instead I get back a series of texts saying I am too broke to get a tattoo, I'm not thinking it through, and I am making a "poor decision." I don't think my mother realizes that my tattoo will only cost maybe $40. That's not that much money, whether you are broke or not. She claims it only has to do with money - so I assume that as soon as I get a job and pay for my own stuff she won't have an issue.. No, now it's just a "poor decision." My goodness, I really felt so judged. I have wanted this tattoo (this particular one, in this particular area, on this particular foot) literally for three years. It is NOT an impulse. It has been thought out - A LOT. And I finally decide that I'm ready - and I'm shut down. Because I am still in that uncomfortable place where my mother and father help me out financially. So this has turned into dictation over the way the money is used? But only when they feel I am using it irresponsibly. The concept just irritates me. Honestly, it just does. It comes across as pushy and controlling and judgmental. And I do not do well with any of those emotions being directed at me when I am also sometimes called "so mature." Why does it become mature when you agree with it and immature and impulsive when it's a disagreed upon thing? I feel like I'm being told to Be my parents and that's impossible. I want to be me. If me is someone with a really awesome tattoo on her foot, so be it, that will be me.

I appreciate their help IMMENSELY - but I don't like the control factor. Loan companies don't control how you spend their money. Why is family trying to be more controlling than a corporation?? It's just a point, and this is mainly just frustration/anger/irritation, but it is still how I feel somewhat. Why does it matter how I spend my "allowance?" And why did no one tell me that they were going to be like this BEFORE they told me they would help me out financially through college? Not really. Not when it's a choice that I am the only one that has to deal with it. Not when it's control over things. I don't know how to deal with this. I usually don't know how to deal with it because I get too emotional in the heat of the moment. I am not spoiled. Spoiled is a girl who has never worked a day in her life (not me) who has never had to help out her family (not me) who drives a super nice car (by super nice I mean a BMW, Mercedes, etc) and who does not take into consideration anyone else (also not me.) Someone who doesn't work hard at what they're doing (not me) and someone who is immature (again, not me, usually). So......... I'll leave it at that. I am just a 20-year old woman who is comfortable with a decision that cannot be carried out until I have a job.... Awkward.

I'm hungry, I'm tired, I'm grumpy, and I'm ready to veg out with my puppies and my boyfriend and the TV. I need to reflect. And if I re-read this tomorrow and realize I sound ridiculous I'll take it down - and, more than likely, I'll leave it so I don't censor myself. It's my blog, at the very least. It's free. ;) And I kind of want to remember how I felt about this instead of it being fuzzy in my memory. Gosh I love blogging sometimes. It's like therapy.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

CRAZY PICTURES and Awesomely Sweet Song (Contradiciton?)

Oooh, so much going on! Not really, but in my head there is! haha.

I have a new Rascal Flatts song that I ADORE! I had kind of forgotten about them since they faded away in all the new country singer-stuff, but this song just spoke to me when I heard it on the radio for the first time. It's called "Why Wait." If you're in love... you should go listen to it! haha. It'll at least make you smile. :D

"The stars can't line up any straighter
Let's do it now and think about it later

Why wait another minute
For somethin' we should'a done yesterday?"

On a completely opposite note, like complete 180, here is a recap of my day! My FRIDAY I mean.
Got up this morning fully intending that we were going to Friday Night Drags at AMS with a big group of people, however, a bunch of people couldn't make it for one reason or another and it ended up being me, Seth, Shane, Heather and Chris. So we go down to AMS and after we're there for a few mins it starts POURING down rain. It was cool though because we could SEE it coming! haha.

So when we left, we went and got something to eat, and then this totally weird/cool experience happened! We are driving and the lightning is INSANE! I have NEVER seen lightning in this magnitude ever in my whole life. It was constant - at least 5 or 6 times a MINUTE! So we recorded it on my camera in several-minute-long sessions and it was SO cool because I went back and in Picasa I took freeze-frames of some of the coolest moments. SEE BELOW! We literally saw Lightning strike the McDonough courthouse...... AND caught it on camera, because we're badass like that. haha. Here are a few of the MOST awesome freeze frames. I'm going to try and upload the whole video later if I can figure that out tomorrow, but seriously this one on the courthouse is pretty freaking awesomely fantastic. We captured some cool shots with my little camera recorder. :) ((BTW, remember if you click on images in blogs they enlarge))

Monday, August 16, 2010


Today has been rather boring, but not as boring as Sunday. :p

Went to class from 2:00 - 2:50 and met up with Seth. We came back to the apt and got the doggies ready and met up with Elea & Derek on the Square where we walked the dogs! We came back here and Seth went to school and now I'm bored! I watched Secret Life and now watching HUGE by accident. I didn't mean to watch this show, it just happened, and now I'm slowly getting sucked in. Realized Seth & I were right - it IS Hayley Hasselhoff in this show. Apparently it was her and Nikki Blonsky's idea! Yeah. We saw her last night on the Roast - btw, it's really funny. "When alcohol does it's taxes, it lists you as a dependent." - Greg Giraldo. Now the doggies are passed out and have been for the majority of the night - it's kind of funny. One really long walk and they can sleep for hours. Maybe we should take them on THREE walks a day! haha.

This weekend we are trying to make some plans and whatnot. See how all that goes. I'm really just bored and already don't want to read for all of these classes - not to mention I have no idea how to read the stuff for Law & Society. There was a sentence that was several lines long with lots of commas and it seemed like it NEVER ended and kept going in 1,000 different directions. I hope not all of the readings for class are like this...... I'll go crazy! And feel really stupid! How can you be a Senior in college and not be able to read?! Well. When it looks like this.... haha

That's really it. No cool picture, no revelation, nothing funny!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


This is me. The me without makeup, the me that hasn't gotten "dolled up" yet. The me that I see always, whether I'm wearing makeup and have my hair done or not - this is as real as it gets. There is a point to this blog and I am finally comfortable with this - so many people would be so proud of me for this! It's shocking. Feel free to pick up your jaws Seth & Hannah. I really did post a picture with no makeup on! Two actually!

This is the real me. I decided to take a picture of myself without any make up and without my hair dry and just be RAW. I have not taken a picture of myself without make up and not been repulsed in a very long time. There are all kinds of issues behind that - trust, body image, self-worth. But right now, at this point in my life, is the time I want to work on these issues. Am I "thin?" No. Am I "gorgeous?" No. But I am me. I know that I have features that are "pretty" but overall I feel like I have to enhance or have to change or have to work on these things - but why?

So because I wrote the blog "Dear Past Me" I want to do this one....

Dear Future Me:

Please always remember how you felt about things when you were younger. Never let life get in the way of living - "life" as in money, jobs, things to do, cleaning, kids' stuff. Always take a day for yourself once a month (or even once a week!) and watch shows you like, take bubble baths, read good books, and be nice! ;) Never forget why you are who you are - I'm sure that I will have changed by this time, but there will always be this time in my life - this crazy time where we are making it living off of nothing and my babies are my dogs (not that that will change - I will just add human babies! haha) I don't ever want to overwhelm myself with mundane things like I see so many people do and have a tendency towards myself now. I wish for my future self that I let myself enjoy it when I have what I want NOW. When we are stable money-wise and married and whatnot, when life is what I dream of right now, I really hope I appreciate it and appreciate myself for what I HAVE done and not what I HAVEN'T done! Dear Future Me: You are beautiful and different; interesting and unique; fabulous and intelligent and always always caring. Life is scary and money-woes are scary - but don't ever live scared. Love yourself and Love others; and let yourself feel.

Love, Current Me.

Friday, August 13, 2010


So these are some "old" pictures that I never texted to my email before! haha. I decided to send them to myself today after I pulled the motorcycle pic off my phone. lol. I played around with one of the pictures I took. It's amazing how different pictures can look based on extremely simple effects in Picasa! The first one is when I put shadows and a tint on the picture. The other is when I just put the tint on it. And it looks crazy different! Btw. I think my cheekbones look amazing! hahaha.

These are from when I got my nails done in June. A bit old.... yeah, I know. But they were really cute!

That's it really. I changed my schedule so I don't have to take yucky Tests & Measurements anymore!! Instead I'm taking a Research Practicum with one of my favorite Crim teachers.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

First Day of Senior Year of College

So, today was my FIRST day of my LAST year of College. :D That makes me quite happy! Whether I graduate in the Spring (May) or the Summer (July) I will be graduating sometime before THIS time next year. :) YAY! Today was my Thurday classes - which means I went to three. I went to Sexuality & Spirituality (Psyc) which was really good. I think it is going to be really interesting! Then I went to Law & Society (Crim) which is taught by Dr. Jenks (who is awesome) and then Correctional Programs (Crim) with a really cool teacher. He's "new" but he seems to have a lot of good things to teach us. Matter of fact, most of my teachers have really cool backgrounds and lots of different things to teach us that none of us will ever experience, more than likely. Overall, I really liked my classes. I have friends in all of them - some newer some older. :) I'm excited about going to my remaining classes to find out about them next week - it feels so AWESOME and WEIRD to not have class tomorrow. Helllooooo three day weekends! I could get used to this! ;) Oh, this is the motorcycle that I parked next to today! I took the picture of it so I could send it to Hannah. lol.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Three Things Day ♥

I wanted to do something that required very little emotion from me because today I am quite confused as to how things really work. So I'm going to do some "three things" based on the prompts. Just going to write down my first thoughts.

Three favorite things to wear:
1. My LB Jeans with the cute back pockets. Too bad they are falling apart! :/
2. Pajamas! Comfy pajama pants and a big ol' t-shirt. haha.
3. Flip Flops! They are the best shoes ever.

Three favorite book characters:
This one really depends on the books I've read recently since at any given time I have probably read several and I tend to have a lot of favorites. BUT... I think I'll go with some of my classic favorites.
1. Anne from Anne of Green Gables (read the whole series when I was younger; loved it)
2. Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice :) Because who didn't love her?
3. Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind. Did I always agree with her? No. BUT she was captivating and memorable. :) THAT is what I love.
I noticed this: All of these women were not the easiest to get along with. But they were memorable and they did something.

Three pet peeves:
1. Being lied to. It leaves a funny taste in my mouth.
2. Being taken advantage of and/or used for my generosity. It is interesting that I don't see myself as "nice" but I do things for people that are not necessarily expected. Too bad it seems to bite me in the ass.
3. People being late! Ooh how this annoys me.

Three things I can't go without:
1. Shampoo & Conditioner - MUST HAVE IT.
2. Mascara - again, must have it. I hate not having it. It is my "go-to" makeup fix.
3. Clean clothes.

Three things I want in a relationship:
I'm going to assume that this is talking about a romantic relationship, but I might go back and do more. Will see in a minute.

In a romantic relationship, I expect and want:
1. Honesty and Truth
2. Unconditional Love
3. The ability to work together as a "team."

Let's do family relationships:
1. Honesty
2. Support and Respect
3. Unconditional Love

1. Honesty
2. A listening ear
3. Common ground

That's really the only relationships that mean anything, right? Boyfriend, Family and Friends? Well, except my babies and my future children? But I can't really do a three list when I don't have kids yet?

Oh well. I suppose I am done with my three's! haha. Seth and I are about to go to Cathy Ho's! YUMMM! We have been craving it for a while now - so excited! Then Seth has to go to school :/ But I get some "alone time" where I can just reflect/relax/regroup. I think it might be a much-needed thing after the past two days. Because unfortunately, I do feel a bit topsy-turvy? I feel kind of put-out. Maybe I'll watch a good movie or read another good book. Thank God for endless amounts of great authors! Then Seth and I are going to watch a movie we have both been wanting to watch - Date Night with Steve Carrell and Tina Fey!! :) Finally we will watch it. haha.

Bye all.

Monday, August 9, 2010

I forgot this.
It's my facebook status today.

“We're not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be." C.S. Lewis.

Serious and then Irrelevant

My weakness is that I am too emotional. I don't want to say it like that, exactly. I think it is that I allow myself to experience emotions more fully, and I honestly believe that. I cannot stand being attacked for that trait that is such a large part of me. Of my "Amelia-ness." I AM emotional - but damn it, it's a choice! I can choose to not be emotional. Which, at the moment, I am experimenting with. Maybe it would make my life easier and my dealings with people less "dramatic." To me, that also makes them less real. I can't find that balance like I used to be able to do. I can't decide if it's me or if it's everyone else. Being "emotionally feeling" is not only hard for most people, but it is different. Shouldn't I feel blessed that I am able to experience my emotions without a problem? Blessing or curse? I guess I'll never know, honestly.

I can't know that. I can't know if the way I am is "right" or "wrong" because...there is no right or wrong in this. To me, it is me being me. But apparently it makes other people uncomfortable sometimes. Apparently, I am pushy. I can see that. Sure, of course I can be pushy. People should realize that me being pushy is really me trying to help. But I can't make people see that...at all. People will see what they want to see. They will see me how they want to see me. That is on them. Not me. It has nothing to do with me really. It has to do with perception. And I think that people are not perceiving me accurately. How do I change that? It seems kind of impossible. Maybe it is. Maybe I won't try. Maybe I will.

It feels good to get that out. Maybe my blog will now just become me dealing with my "emotions" and I can stop doing that in my "real life." I can stop doing that verbally - and do it with writing. Maybe that will be my "plan." I know I will deviate from this "plan." But there is nothing wrong with having a plan and deviating from it. That's what ALL plans are because you can't exactly plan out your life - but you can have guidelines. That is what I do. I make guidelines and then they deviate and turn out how they are supposed to.

For the remainder of today's blog I'm going to use one of those journal prompts again - but it will not be "deep" and instead I might just enjoy it for it's simplicity.

"Three Things"
Three favorite TV shows: I love...Secret Life of the American Teenager. Make it or Break it. Law and Order:SVU or CI. I love them for different reasons. I love Secret Life for it's "real issues" that it tries to cover while still being entertaining and relatable. I love Make it or Break it for the drama that I know nothing of. For the fact that it makes me feel normal and like my life is not that dramatic. I love the Law and Orders because of their investigative quality and their "almost real" quality - because these things probably have happened but maybe with less attractive detectives with more or less quirks? Because there is a real-ness to all of the shows and they are also entertaining. And because I want to.

Three celebrity crushes. Goodness. I'm going to definitely go with number one: Leonardo Dicaprio. First of all, how could I not? And second of all - I have had a crush on him since I was like 7. Literally. I saw him in Titanic when it first came out (I remember that I was sick but me and my dad went anyway - I think?) I remember him in Growing Pains. Jack and Rose forever. I love all of his newer movies. Revolutionary Road, Blood Diamond, Inception. I love all the movies in between. He has continued to be extremeeeeellllyyy attractive and always play the part in his movies fully. It's probably a crush because I feel like he is one of the best actors. I also have a crush on... Ryan Reynolds and Josh Duhamel. Ryan Reynolds is a newer crush - The Proposal, X-Men, Definitely Maybe, Just Friends, Van Wilder. Even Amityville Horror's remake. He is just so cute! And a good actor as well. Josh Duhamel became my crush on the tv show Las Vegas. Also Win a Date with Tad Hamilton. Basically, they all kind of look alike don't they? LOL.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

This Weekend

Oh goodness, I don't even know where to start! I will not be explaining the above picture... for several reasons, not the least of which is that the other two involved might get angry. :p That's all. :) Let's just go over my past couple of days, perhaps. Yesterday was really quite boring as far as I can remember up until the point where Hannah and I got ready and went to my Mom's. We went for a few reasons, but they will become obvious shortly.

When we got there, Kate and Ava were there (and Mark was working in his office). I went to high school with Kate -- we suffered through Latin I together -- and she is now Ava's after-school sitter. :) Ava and Kate and Hannah and I did a puzzle, and then Will and Nic got home. Nic is my family's exchange student from Bolivia (originally, he's Italian and looks it. Cutie.) So THEN Nic and Will and all of us are hanging in the living room. Nic has this cool ability to fall asleep anywhere - I'm really quite envious.

Then Mom gets home, Mark and Ava leave to go get Zach from Football, and then eventually we all leave for Tokyo. I wish we had a huge family picture, except it wouldn't be a family picture without Seth. My Mom's words actually. :) That makes my heart smile in a way. :) We went to Tokyo because it is delicious, fairly-priced Japanese food. We LITERALLY took up an ENTIRE Hibachi table! Hilarious. And that is sans Seth! Wth! I'm also pretty sure my mother has adopted Hannah. :) Life is good. haha.

So then... last night was interesting. We all had a very very good time after Hannah, Seth and I were all home. It was gooooood. :p That is what that picture is from, so, you can infer, but we will never tell. haha.

TODAY, We got up and watched TV and lazed around, but then Seth left for work and Hannah and I went to the pool for some sun for almost 2 hours. It was really nice except for the noisy kids with the absolutely horrible parents that clearly have no idea what they are doing. But I will not get into that. Then Hannah and I got ready and went to Target to go and get Tabitha and Brian's Shower gift. :) They are having a Couple's Shower, which I find a really cute concept. One that I might steal one day if I ever have a reason to. *HINT HINT SETH HINT HINT* heheh.

Then we went and ate at Lazy Donkey - yummm. It was good. Apparently everyone in Carrollton had a birthday today and wanted to celebrate it at 9 pm though. Lol. Now we are back - Hannah went to bed after we "talked weddings." Both hypothetical and real. haha. Mostly "our hypothetical weddings" but also a lot of her cousin Christa's in which she is the MOH. :) It's a cute girly thing to do - especially after shopping for one and doing the whole pretty wrapping paper stuff. haha. :) Fun times.

Now Seth and I are sitting in the living room. I'm typing this while he eats ice cream and Shane keeps asking him if he's licking tequila out of the dog bowl. FYI: It is from Texts from Last Night. It's funny. Don't think Shane knows the site. Oh and the doggies are being pretty good - don't want to jinx it! Hopefully fun Bridal Shower tomorrow! Then we have to be back to watch "our shows." hahah.

Love y'all -- bye.
Hope it was enjoyable to see the concept from my last post - I really kind of liked it! I'll be doing more of those randomly.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Dear Past Me...

This is an idea that my bff Hannah gave to me.

Dear Past Me,

If I could tell "past me" something, I would say this. It is not that big of deal. Drama isn't worth it. Boys are dumb. And you are so much prettier than you think. Size 14 is not fat - it is sexy as hell, especially when you are 5'9. If boys are not interested, wait for a man. Continue to value education and have a good time, but don't mess up. Drive carefully and pay attention - other drivers are the problem. Be better friends - don't take people for granted and don't bother with fake people. Be you. "Be a best friend. Tell the truth. Overuse I love you." <-- Except I love you should only be used when the emotion is ACTUALLY present. I wish that I had kept my childhood fascination through middle and high school. I wish that I had not given a certain "friend" the time of day - and that I had been a better friend to another friend. I would tell myself to be wiser and less "narcissistic." The fact that I FELT fat I wish I could have changed. I was not. Size 12, 14 is not fat. ESPECIALLY when you are tall. I wish I had known that, to preserve some self-esteem. Bye past me. :) You're beautiful and smart and honest, caring and loyal and sexy in your own right. Love you!! Here is a favorite picture from high school of me and Ashley :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

CONTINUED - See next blog for details

Okay - so here are the pictures I was talking about! This first one is a group of picture hangings that the three of us finally found a use for. Here is the order (Left to Right) Hannah's, Amelia's, Seth's). It's funny because there are some themes - the top pic for all of us has water in the background - and NONE of them were taken in the same place. Hannah's was in Daytona, Mine was in Charleston, and Seth's was in Savannah - all this year. :) We had fun picking out our five pictures.

This green wall is the color in Seth and my bedroom - it looks fantastic. The picture does not even do it justice. It makes it feel more like a "home" to have paint on the walls. Yes, that is incense, and yes, Seth hates it, and yes, I love it. :) BUT the color is magnificent!!

This is a little "puppy montage" we did. The three-frame on the left is Lucy, Lucy and Chevy, and Chevy. Then the picture frame on the right has this in it:
To those who visit and like to complain about my pets:
1. They live here, you don't!
2. If you don't want their fur on your clothes, stay off my furniture. That's why they call it 'fur'-niture.
3. I like my furkids a lot better than I like most people.
4. To you, they are animals. To me, they are my children who are just short, hairy, walk on all fours and don't speak clearly.
Love, Seth, Amelia, Lucy and Chevy. :)

THIS is our super-fantastic living room color! The blue is PERFECT for this room. It's not "matchy-matchy" but it really ties the rooms together! We all LOVE it and it makes me smile just to look at it. :D


Not entirely sure where I left off. I think I posted my reminiscing stuff and old blog. However, a lot has gone on since then! First of all - FINALS ARE OVER! I am just so glad that school is not happening for two weeks. It was beginning to REALLY grate on my nerves having to be there from 10 am until 5 pm EVERY day. That is just not cool at all, really. Grades came in on Friday I think - I got two B's and a C. I thought I would get at least one A, but oh well. Didn't see the C coming either. 79.2. WHAT a lovely man. :/

ANYWAYS, on a more happy note: We got a roommate!! :p Hannah moved in the other day and we have been having a fabulous time playing Sally Homemaker. We went out and painted and moved her stuff in and just really made it more homey here. :) We got these three paint colors approved at the apartment to do accent walls in a few rooms - and apparently my pictures are not uploading to blogger at all. That makes me very very unhappy. I'll just continue with what has happened. Hannah moved in to our "spare room," we got paint colors approved, we went to Lowe's and got paint, and painted and decorated, pretty much all in a two-day span, because we are superheroes. We finished over half of a to-do list in a day (A BIG to-do list) and now we are all bored with nothing to do! haha.

Seth is at work and Hannah and I are getting dressed up to go sell books back to the bookstore. That is basically it. And laundry is going right now, but really.. OH, we went to the pool yesterday. Got some "sun." Not a BURN though, thank goodness!

Basically another HUGE thing has happened in my family - our Bolivian exchange student Nic arrived on Saturday night/Sunday morning! My Mom thinks he is really sweet - but I have yet to meet him. The boys seem to like him a lot (Soccer!) and Ava thinks he is her new friend to play with. "I'm so glad we found you." <-- Literally what she said to him the second day we were here. She's so funny.

I guess I'll be uploading pictures later.... Stupid thing. Going out - Bye!