Friday, April 30, 2010


So, I didn't forget about this, BUT, I have had a busy busy busy week. It's been Finals week. Ugh. Well really just the beginning of it, but it happened to have ALL of mine in it. One french composition to go and I am DONE for the semester. Yay!

So an update is in order, I supposed. I don't really remember the past week all that well. Let's start from today and work backwards. Today was Friday, April 30. At 11 am I had my very last French final EVER (hopefully!) for French 2002. It was horrible. Pretty sure I did very badly. But as long as I got like a 50 I still got a C in the class. haha. And if I did really well....which I know I didn't.... I might have gotten a B. Anyways. Then at 2 pm I had my Theatre final. It was stupid. As usual.

Thursday, all I remember is Seth's softball game. They won 18-17 in the last inning. It was a pretty impressive win since they came from wayyyy behind. He got hurt. His leg. Pain. Bad stuff like that. lol. We went to the Dr today and he got muscle relaxers. Buddy needs to STRETCH more. :p Oh we also got to eat dinner with Seth's cousin Sharee and her family. Home-cooked food! Yay.

Wednesday was blahhh. 10 am I had a french final exit interview. Did surprisingly well, but it was still fairly mortifying. Then Hannah and I went and took our final for sex class - btw he is such a stupid jerk - but I guess I got a B in that class. Then I took my Sociology final at 5:30. I got a C. On the test. And in the class. :/ Oh well. Saw that coming.

Tuesday.... I don't really remember it. Honestly.
Monday either. haha. I know I went to class and did a group performance in Theatre that the jerk gave us a B on. How can you grade a performance?! Whatever. And Hannah spent the night!! It was pretty fun. We played "The Game of Things" and I cooked some sort of taco thing that was very very good.

This past weekend we had really yucky weather and storms. The dogs LOVED it, of course.....(kidding). They barked a lot, but it's okay. Went to Dad's for his birthday, that Seth and I baked a cake for - it was actually pretty good and we had a good time. Sunday was.... I don't remember. Seth said "The race: Talladega!" I say ok. :)

Au Revoir people!!
No pictures because, well it was finals week and it was stupid. haha. BYE!

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