Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Okay. So. I do not recommend whatever I did yesterday to ANYONE that hasn't worked out in a while. (i.e. me) My shoulders hurt soooo bad. I guess 250 reps of anything is not the best idea when you haven't done a true workout in a while. My legs feel fine, I guess because I WALK, but my shoulders feel like hell. I have a cold pack on them right now. Whatever. Going back to the gym tomorrow. Probably in the afternoon since I'm TIRED right now and want to sleep forever. :/ lol

On another note, I went to see UWG's rendition of Batboy tonight. FYI it was very good. WEIRD. But very good. I really didn't need to see the butts or anything, haha, but it was well performed and I *think* that the bad costumes and wigs was on purpose since it's a comedy.... Hoping so anyway. The main characters really did a great job.

That's all.... going to read, eat goldfish, ice my shoulders some more, and go to bed!! Au Revoir.

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