Monday, April 12, 2010


Today was boring! Which is actually a good thing. I needed a fairly boring day. Went to French...had no idea what was going on...what's new? Skipped The Miracle of Life. You can only watch that woman give birth so many times.... And one was enough for me, thanks. Instead, came back and printed off study guides for Sociology...and was coerced by Seth to take a nap. :p Not that he had to do that much to convince me. Then had a Sociology test and came back here.

Got my Spring Cleaning on and vacuumed, swept, mopped, moved the living room around, swept the porch (and almost got attacked by a wasp) played with the puppies, and watched Bones re-runs. :) Full afternoon. Now Seth is home from a long, hard, awful day at work. Just kidding. But he's tired. And I am too kinda.

First gym appointment in the morning at 10!! Excited! :) I can't wait to actually get this going. Watched my portions today too - and ate breakfast! (This is not normal for me) Also drank more water than usual. If Vitamin water counts...

Au Revoir!!

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