Sunday, April 4, 2010

Saturday & Sunday

Oh what a weekend! I am SO SO SO very tired. If I have french homework, I'll be surprised to find it all done at 11 am tomorrow.

First off, HAPPY EASTER everyone! I hope everyone celebrated it in a way that made them happy. My Easter was pretty good. Church was great, as usual. I think I just love that I can sing as much as I want and it doesn't have to sound like a radio. Of course I like the sermons (our pastor is super funny) but I have always enjoyed singing. I miss doing it like I used to in Oxford and all that. But we all went to church - the boys looked so pretty and so did miss Ava! hahah. They all looked like Easter eggs. :) Mom was stressed getting everyone ready - I hope one day that stress goes away for her. She might enjoy us more that way.

Well after church we went and ate lunch and then I went over to Nanny's to play with the puppies and hang out with them. (FYI: I have the greatest grandparents ever. they are hilarious.) After that we (me, nanny and papa) went back to Mom's (and everyone's) for Easter dinner. We played with the doggies and ate yummy food and in general no one was too grumpy. (This is difficult in my family. I'm pretty sure we are in the top 5 moodiest families EVER.)

This brings me to Saturday and why my dogs were at my grandparents. First off, my grandparents only live maybe 10 mins away from my mom's house. Secondly, I'm pretty sure my stepdad abhors dogs. :/ I know, how can anyone not love dogs? But that's a topic for another day. So Nanny said I could bring them to her house and we'd let them run around in her giant back yard. It's probably over an acre. So rather than have them crated in my parents' garage and only let out to walk, they got to play at Nanny's. They LOVED it, FYI. They got so much energy out they are STILL tired! But after I dropped them off there the first time, me and mom went to go see The Last Song. It was SOOOO good. I cried. Quite a bit. And even though I don't love Miley Cyrus, she did a great job and the movie was fantastic. Definitely comparable to The Notebook in a different way. Buying it.

After the movies, me and Mom met up with Mark, Will, Zach & Ava for dinner. Then me, mom, and Ava went shopping and went and bought flowers for the cross this morning. They were so pretty. After that, I went to Nanny's and everyone went home. Me and the puppies slept nicely in Nanny's living room. :) Got up early - like 7:15. And I feel very accomplished today. Me and Nanny walked the dogs this morning, then we went to church, then came back, walked them again, let them run around the backyard a lot, she cooked (I'm banned from the kitchen) and then we went to Mom's house for all the rest.

Sure, this post is rambling and long. But I felt like typing and documenting my weekend. One more thing that I think is so cool. In the Covington News there is a "Pet of the Week." It looks JUST like Chevy and they say it's a Dachshund/Pomeranian mix. So I googled that once I got here to see if they were right. Check this out if you've every seen Chevy up close and/or care. The one named Alexis = just like Chevy.

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