Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saturday, May 8th

So I realize that it's been a while since I posted. (Luckily I didn't claim to plan on posting everyday! haha) But I want to update about my week, just not in too much detail.

It's been a pretty good week. Finally finished up my Spring 2010 semester of college. My grades were "ok." I got 1 A, 1 B and 2 C's unfortunately. BUT, since French 2002 was one of them, it's justifiable in my mind. Four semesters of college french is just ridiculous when it has nothing to do with my all. But it's over! I'm super excited about that!!! Time to burn all my old tests! :D haha.

This semester went by soooo slowly, yet the year itself seems to be going by really quickly. Weird how that is.. I'll be 20 in less than 3 weeks. I won't be a teenager anymore. It's kind of weird, because 20 just sounds so much older than 19 even though it isn't. I wonder if that sounds stupid.. It's also weird because my mommy was only 21 when she had me. Speaking of that kind of stuff. I really want to be at least 25 before my first child, just so I can be financially and emotionally more stable than I am now, but in a way I want a child now while I'm still young and understand kids. It sounds crazy, I know, especially if my parents or boyfriend are reading this, but I am just going through an "everybody else has babies and they are happy" stage. I know it's not true, but they are so cute! I'll just have to be content with my darling puppies for the next 5 years! :) No worries. Speaking of my puppies... we boarded them for the first time ever today. It makes me so nervous!! :( I hope my babies are okay!! I love them so much. I think the fact that tomorrow is Mother's Day is making me have those warm-fuzzy thoughts about kids. That, and the fact that I'm in a stable 2-year relationship, I guess. Not that we plan on marrying or having any kids anytime soon. It just adds to the thought process.

Hm, another topic. I'm actually in my "room" right now at home. It has been SO long since I have slept here. It seems kind of crazy. I feel so out of touch with my family and my siblings. College is definitely a time to grow as an individual, but it's really hard when you're used to all of your family being around. I miss them so much sometimes. Of course... most of the time I enjoy the quiet of my apartment. haha. But I wish I lived closer, too. I think I'm going to list my favorite things about my family members.... Random. Here goes. My Mom. I love my mom's laugh - when she is truly happy. It can touch everyone in the room. I love that she is so strong and has passed that on. My Dad. I love that he is so outgoing. I'm not outgoing at all really, and I find it really cool that he can talk to anybody. Will (16). I love how Will is growing into a really good man. He doesn't follow along with the crowd - he's his own person. Zach (13). I love Zach's independence. Some may call it stubborn, I just call it Zach. :) They are both going to make 2 girls really happy one day. Miss Ava (6). I love Ava's effervescence! She is always so excited and bubbly about the smallest things - I hope for her that she can keep it as she grows up. And for good measure :) my hopefully-future-husband, Seth. I love that Seth is so passionate and patient. I like that there is something that I can think of when I think of him. I love that I can see him teaching my kids to do things I would never be able to teach them, and that they will experience two very different parents, so maybe their lives will be even more enriched than ours were. :) Not being mushy....... haha.

Happy Mother's Day Mommy! To the "best mommy I've ever had."

Anyways, on that note, I'm going to go read a book and go to sleep with my Diet Coke. :) Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there! Oh, and the flower at the top of this post if from my Nanny's garden. :) She is magic with her flowers!
Love y'all.

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