Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Decisions & Graduation

Okay, update. :)
After babysitting Ava on Friday, I spent the weekend back in good ol' Carrollton. Didn't do a whole lot, but we went to Newnan for dinner on Saturday night, so that was pretty nice. Anyways, I have been stressing majorly over what I want to do "when I grow up" as far as Grad School and all that good stuff. I think I have finally made a pretty solid decision. :) I hope so anyways. Now just to do the applications and other forms, writings, interviews, etc and HOPE AND PRAY that I get into the school I want! :D I'm pretty happy with this decision. I think things are looking up as far as my outlook for the future. :)

ALSO: I got a 95 on my Law & Society paper I wrote about Megan's Law. I'm really happy about this. Got a 96 on my Sexuality & Spirituality paper that I wrote regarding an interview and homosexuality. I'm pretty proud of myself - I suppose I AM a good writer! Some classes have made me think that I am not, but in my major areas I am doing very well this semester. OH and got a 90 on a quiz in S&S. Let's hope I can finish out the semester strong - please pray for my motivation! :)

I have a lot to do over the next month and a half - but it will all be worth it because NEXT SEMESTER IS MY LAST SEMESTER OF COLLEGE!!!!!!!! WELL, of Undergrad. But hey, I'll be finished with my Bachelor's degree by May 2011 at age 20 and perhaps have my Masters of Education by May 2014 at age 23! Exciting!

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