Thursday, October 7, 2010

Grades= good! Money = bad..

Okay so this week has been mainly a week of good grades and worries! NOT related. haha. So last week I had a ton of mid-terms! SO here is the outcome, haha. We'll start with the worst. Terrorism Mid-Term: 79. Close enough to a B for me. lol. Considering it was on 10 chapters. Sexuality and Spirituality Paper: A-. Law and Society Mid-Term: 95!!!!!!!!! I was so super happy about that one, you have no idea! Just a minute of bragging on myself (haha) the class average was an 85.4! :D Let's see. Also some assignments for Corrections I got an A on.

OKay besides that. The on-going story of my college life = there is not enough money! I am so sick of my bank account, so sick of bills coming in as soon as the others get paid, so sick of WORRYING where the money will come from for them. It is so annoying! And honestly, I don't want to hear "that's life." I don't want to hear that "all adults deal with this." Wanna know why? Because I am not annoyed that there ARE bills, I'm annoyed that we don't have enough money to be comfortable paying them. FYI: Adults who make more than $30,000 a year should be fine with their bills if they are young and don't have kids etc. Since we don't have kids and I am unemployed (aka full-time student killing herself to get done at the age of 20) I just feel like this BETTER be the poorest I am in my life, because there really is nothing less to be unless it counts as "in debt up to your eyeballs and making money." Which, thank God I'm not. *knock on wood* But this is just crazy! I also hate the concept of RENT. I'd rather have a mortgage. Funny part? Mortgages are cheaper!!! Yes you do your own maintenance but hello, our maintenance guy comes like 4 times a year to replace a filter and that is it. Because we do the little things ourself anyway.

OKAY off my soap box. I am done bitching, I know it's annoying, but other than the whole F*ck Money thing... Life is pretty good I guess. My family is good, for my family. My dogs are good. My boyfriend is good and happy in his new job. I am making good grades, so it kind of pays back the stress. We live comfortably, when bills and money are not involved. So, I am okay. I know I am. But the emotional feeling of stress is just irritatingly unnecessary, or so it feels.

The end?
SO GLAD IT'S THE WEEKEND FOR ME!!!!! No Friday classes! :p

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