Thursday, October 21, 2010

Week of Randomosity

So, a quick update on this week. Monday was basically the only day that anything truly productive happened. :) Monday I took the GRE (aka the ACT/SAT of college graduate programs.) Ummmmm, I am NOT a fan. The testing centers are all somewhere within the Atlanta area, which is great, I love driving 2 hours to take a 2.5 hour test and then...driving 2 more hours home. (Catch the sarcasm?) Anyways, I get to Marietta and I'm looking for the test site and I can't find it for the life of me! I am literally almost in tears because of the stress and how I will freak if I am late to this ridiculous thing. My GPS tells me "You have reached your destination" while I am sitting at a red light on Windy Hill Road. HA! Not funny GPS. So I go into the first shopping center. No bueno. Then I go into the second and drive past the center because.... it's not labeled! Yay. I finally figure out where to find the address numbers (they hide them, swear) and get there at 12:58 for my 1:00 test time. I'm the last one there. :/ Not my style, considering I like to be at least 10 mins early for everything. BUT, it all worked out in the end. I took the stupid thing and then got my scores. I got a 1020. Apparently that is pretty good. I asked my Grad TA and she said it will get me into any school in GA easily so: YAY!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! NOT that I'm going immediately to Grad School. Still standing firm on that one. ;)

I finally get back to the apartment around 5:30 or 6:00. And proceed to write my 5.5 page paper for Sexuality & Spirituality. I would just like to put out a PSA for teachers/professors: We do not appreciate anything about having to write more than 3 papers for a class. Thank you. :)

Tuesday, well, Tuesday was interesting. In S&S...we talked about Purity Ball's. It is not an actual ball like you throw. It is a ball like a dance or whatever. And in my honest opinion, it is SO CREEPY!!! I get the concept and the good morals behind it, but the fact that the girls taking part in this are so young is just...anti-choice, anti-woman, and pro-patriarchal society WHICH I am not. :D I believe very heavily in personal choice and equality, I think it is a parent's job to instill morals into their child, not a program at church or school. I feel like my mom did a good enough job doing this for me and plenty of other parents, young and old, seem to be very good at it. I just find it offensive that some of these programs are in a school. ESPECIALLY when it comes out that statistically people who take the pledge are MORE LIKELY, yes, MORE LIKELY, to have unprotected pre-marital sex. Wonder why, right? How about because choice matters to people. :) :) :) :) :) Off my soapbox about that though.

I don't remember much about anything after that except in L&S we watched 12 Angry Men. Um, yeah. Seen it. And it's much too long. And in VC I was uncontrollably bored, AS USUAL. And yesterday in Terrorism Hannah and I got so bored we played a game called "Pretend you are the Duggar family and you have 20 kids that you want to name using the same letter." Hannah won round 1 (letter M). I won round 2 (letter A, and then letter J for MN). We did the second round to use the first names of the same letter AND add middle names with a different "same" letter. It was HARD!!!!!!!

Oh, and then I woke up at 6 or so this am throwing up. I loooooove stomach viruses! :/ But I am going home today to babysit Ava tomorrow. I feel much better as of right now, but it could be bc I don't have anything in my stomach to throw up. Who knows.

BYE BLOG! I'm going to go walk the dogs and enjoy the beautiful weather yet again. Our walk last night was so peaceful & pretty. :D

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