Friday, April 30, 2010


So, I didn't forget about this, BUT, I have had a busy busy busy week. It's been Finals week. Ugh. Well really just the beginning of it, but it happened to have ALL of mine in it. One french composition to go and I am DONE for the semester. Yay!

So an update is in order, I supposed. I don't really remember the past week all that well. Let's start from today and work backwards. Today was Friday, April 30. At 11 am I had my very last French final EVER (hopefully!) for French 2002. It was horrible. Pretty sure I did very badly. But as long as I got like a 50 I still got a C in the class. haha. And if I did really well....which I know I didn't.... I might have gotten a B. Anyways. Then at 2 pm I had my Theatre final. It was stupid. As usual.

Thursday, all I remember is Seth's softball game. They won 18-17 in the last inning. It was a pretty impressive win since they came from wayyyy behind. He got hurt. His leg. Pain. Bad stuff like that. lol. We went to the Dr today and he got muscle relaxers. Buddy needs to STRETCH more. :p Oh we also got to eat dinner with Seth's cousin Sharee and her family. Home-cooked food! Yay.

Wednesday was blahhh. 10 am I had a french final exit interview. Did surprisingly well, but it was still fairly mortifying. Then Hannah and I went and took our final for sex class - btw he is such a stupid jerk - but I guess I got a B in that class. Then I took my Sociology final at 5:30. I got a C. On the test. And in the class. :/ Oh well. Saw that coming.

Tuesday.... I don't really remember it. Honestly.
Monday either. haha. I know I went to class and did a group performance in Theatre that the jerk gave us a B on. How can you grade a performance?! Whatever. And Hannah spent the night!! It was pretty fun. We played "The Game of Things" and I cooked some sort of taco thing that was very very good.

This past weekend we had really yucky weather and storms. The dogs LOVED it, of course.....(kidding). They barked a lot, but it's okay. Went to Dad's for his birthday, that Seth and I baked a cake for - it was actually pretty good and we had a good time. Sunday was.... I don't remember. Seth said "The race: Talladega!" I say ok. :)

Au Revoir people!!
No pictures because, well it was finals week and it was stupid. haha. BYE!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday -
Slept in, kind of, while Seth went to "Dyno Day" at school. lol. Then I talked to Mommy-Dearest for over an hour probably about anything and everything. Then went to the Gym for a little while - I've lost a couple of pounds! Cool. - Then went to watch Seth play softball for Longhorn. It was fun, I wanted to try and hit, but not in front of people. It's been a few years since I did that. haha. They won though 12-10!

That's all really. Might have a job - keep your fingers crossed for me!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AVA & DAD! haha. 6 & 47.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Post Number 24

Oh, Tuesdays! I enjoy Tuesdays much more than Mondays. Didn't do a whole lot in the beginning of the day besides the bank and all that, but then Hannah & I went to the gym for like an hour and a half and then we went to Lake Carroll and just had "girl-talk-time" and then we went to Villa Rica to see my boyfrienddddd and buy some SeaFoam for my car. Wonder how well that works? And I got seat covers, yay! Then we all went to McDonald's for like an hour and a half, haha, and Hannah and I sang all the way home. Ta-da!

Don't have much to elaborate on, but it was a good day. I'm happy. :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ah, Monday

So Monday....
French was boring AS USUAL. And Sex class (as Hannah and I like to call it) was pretty much disturbing. We had a group come in that talked about contraceptives and STDs. Contraceptive part I could deal with. Seen most of them. (Except definitely didn't know about the Coke flavored dental dam? hahah) but the STDs part was DISTURBING. There was this picture of this woman in the third stage of Syphilis and it was GROSS. She looked like a cross between a skeleton and a ghost and her NOSE had fallen OFF. Yeah. Fallen OFF. And her lips. And her teeth. And she was all deformed. It was horrible. Still kind of disturbed by it, to be honest. But...they had free condoms? Yay. haha

Not much else happened today of significance. I read a lot. :) Trashy romance novels are my specialty this week.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday. Oh my. I am extremely tired! Today is basically an antithesis to yesterday. I was SO not bored and now I am worn out! haha. If only these days had been reversed so I could recuperate before getting back to school tomorrow! Oh well. :)

So today was Ava's birthday party!!! She will be 6 on Thursday - it's hard to believe. She was 4 when my family adopted her and didn't speak a word of English. Today, she is turning six and her two best friends came over for a princess tea party - in which SO much English was used I think my head was spinning! Little girls have so much energy it is amazing! They had a lot of fun though with their dress-up and her swing set that she got for her b-day. By the way.... it was probably the most adorable party in the history of the universe. Was it expensive? Absolutely not. It was just so sweet and pink, much like Ava herself. Even the boys were on good behavior! haha. I'll post pics whenever my mom decides to email them to me (this could be days. even weeks. haha)

Besides all that, on the way home just now I listened to a song that I love love love by Reba. I'm posting it so that one day, when I'm re-reading this entry, I can listen to it again and remember why I like it. :)

It's called "I Keep On Lovin' You" and I dedicate it to myself and Seth. If that makes sense. :)
I love you babe.

Love takes the patience of Job
That's what my Mama always said
Faith is the belief in something more than what you know
That's what the Good Book says
You gotta play the cards you got
Who knows what fate is holding
At times you gotta go without knowing where you're going

That's why I keep on lovin' you
I keep on lovin' you
Through the baby don't leave mes
And never will agains
And I promise tos
I keep on lovin' you

Lord knows we've had our share of fights
Our sleepless nights, our ups and downs
We've had plenty and then some of baby I'm gones and turnarounds
Sometimes I swear it might be easier to throw in the towel
Someday we're gonna look back
Say look at us now

That's why I keep on lovin' you
I keep on lovin' you
Through the baby don't leave mes
And never will agains
And I promise tos
I keep on lovin' you

Keep on lovin' you
Through the I take it backs...I didn't mean it like thats
I'd never hurt yous...Oh, I keep on lovin' you

I keep on lovin' you...I keep on lovin' you
Through the I take it backs...I didn't mean it like that
I'd never hurt yous...Oh, I keep on lovin' you
I keep on lovin' you...I keep on lovin' you

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I. Am. So. Bored.

Today has been the most boring day of my life! Just kidding. But it HAS been pretty boring. Seriously. I am....really...really.....really....bored. I read some. Went to the gym. And came back. THAT is my day. And it has been so boring! The doggies and I went for a walk. But besides that.... we've all been extremely bored today. Like, wow. They even slept in the middle of the afternoon. There's nothing on tv, nothing on the internet, nothing to read, nothing to DO! No one here..... UGH.

I miss....people! And things to do! UGH!

That's all.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Thursday & Friday

Thursday was really too boring to post about... I vaguely remember it. lol. I went to the gym again and we watched Bones. That's all really. OH and I read a really good trashy romance novel! yay.

Friday, on the other hand, was more interesting! I went to french (not fun, of course) but then Seth & I went exploring and found some really pretty property randomly. haha. Then we came back (I think?) but we went on a date! Yay! haha. We went to Longhorn and hung out with Sharee and Steven. It was pretty fun actually.

Now we're back here with the puppies watching Scrubs. haha. Goodnight all! Gym tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Okay. So. I do not recommend whatever I did yesterday to ANYONE that hasn't worked out in a while. (i.e. me) My shoulders hurt soooo bad. I guess 250 reps of anything is not the best idea when you haven't done a true workout in a while. My legs feel fine, I guess because I WALK, but my shoulders feel like hell. I have a cold pack on them right now. Whatever. Going back to the gym tomorrow. Probably in the afternoon since I'm TIRED right now and want to sleep forever. :/ lol

On another note, I went to see UWG's rendition of Batboy tonight. FYI it was very good. WEIRD. But very good. I really didn't need to see the butts or anything, haha, but it was well performed and I *think* that the bad costumes and wigs was on purpose since it's a comedy.... Hoping so anyway. The main characters really did a great job.

That's all.... going to read, eat goldfish, ice my shoulders some more, and go to bed!! Au Revoir.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

First Day of Feeling Good :-)

So today is Tuesday, April 13. I had my first gym appointment this morning at 10 am. I got there at 9:50 and didn't leave until 11:30! It was great - I feel awesome! I'm sore (duh) but it's that good sore. Where it's like "I actually did something good" kind of sore. I did 15 minutes of Cardio on the bikes (4.2 miles and 87 calories! haha) and then 15 minutes on 8 different weight machines (25 reps each) then I did 15 more minutes of cardio on the bike (same) and then 15 more minutes on the machines. Then I got measured (that would be the bad part, haha, but those numbers will be reduced next time!). Overall I just FEEL better. I know everyone says that after working out, but it's been so long since I did a serious workout that my body is just very happy. :-)

Then I came back to the apartment and Seth and I took Lucy and Chevy for a walk - it was so pretty outside and I was still pumped from the gym. Then I showered and we went to get some lunch. I did pretty good. I had a Caesar salad with grilled chicken, but I also got a value fry. Baby steps, y'all.... haha. I didn't finish the fries though so go me! I'm just a starch/salt/potato addict. Then we went to the store and bought apples and 2% milk. haha. We are kind of lame, but I have just had such a good day and it's only 3:49! I guess the gym in the morning makes you feel more accomplished, plus I think getting up early on purpose (by choice) makes the day seem more worth it?

Anyways, I'm really excited about this program! I got a guest past for Miss Hannah in case she ever wants to go with me (psst....) haha. Maybe we can try one of their classes! Going back Thursday!! I'm going to need a massage tonight Seth. ;)

I hope everyone is having a lovely day - and keep in mind, if I can do it, you can do it. I'm a big girl ya know. Not 300 pounds or anything, but definitely bigger than the sticks walking around campus. haha. I will NOT be posting my weight, but maybe I'll post my weightloss by pound. (Next weigh in is May 15th)

Au Revoir!

Law & Order Criminal Intent is tonight. :) I'm ready for BONES though!

Monday, April 12, 2010


Today was boring! Which is actually a good thing. I needed a fairly boring day. Went to French...had no idea what was going on...what's new? Skipped The Miracle of Life. You can only watch that woman give birth so many times.... And one was enough for me, thanks. Instead, came back and printed off study guides for Sociology...and was coerced by Seth to take a nap. :p Not that he had to do that much to convince me. Then had a Sociology test and came back here.

Got my Spring Cleaning on and vacuumed, swept, mopped, moved the living room around, swept the porch (and almost got attacked by a wasp) played with the puppies, and watched Bones re-runs. :) Full afternoon. Now Seth is home from a long, hard, awful day at work. Just kidding. But he's tired. And I am too kinda.

First gym appointment in the morning at 10!! Excited! :) I can't wait to actually get this going. Watched my portions today too - and ate breakfast! (This is not normal for me) Also drank more water than usual. If Vitamin water counts...

Au Revoir!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday, April 11

Today has been...full of revelations and things, I guess you could say. I went to my great-aunt's funeral today. I haven't seen her in a while, but it's still hard when someone you know passes. But what this really brought up was a question of mortality to me. It made me really start to realize that you never know who is next. It scares me that it will be my Nanny or my Papa. They are both getting up there, age-wise, and neither are in perfect health. It isn't very fun to think of these things, but at the same time, I know that then their bodies wouldn't hurt and they'd get some peace. It's kind of contradictory and almost feels selfish doesn't it? Like 'stay alive so I can have you at my wedding.' It feels so contrived. I love them dearly and don't want anything to happen to them, but I do notice that life is alot harder for them than it has been in the past, physically. Nanny walks a mile a day and all...but she's been giving herself insulin shots for years. She moves slower and thinks slower and doesn't really seem to enjoy life as much. I want her to enjoy life, but at the same time, I don't want her to suffer and just not say anything. (She's from that generation, and so it my Papa.) If it hurts, deal with it....right?

Anyways. This also brought up another issue I have. I feel like I can't talk out my feelings anymore, and maybe it's just that I'm looking for the wrong outlet. Maybe I should just write them here? It's making me feel better right now. I stopped crying. I feel more logical. It's kind of nice.

Back on track.... my other issue that this day has brought up is that I feel like my family is "big/small." I have a lot of immediate and step family.... but no cousins, aunts, uncles. It feels sort of "off." I know that neither of my parents have brothers or sisters they grew up with, but it still feels very small in a way. Like yeah I have a TON of siblings if you look at it (2 biological, 1 adopted, 3 step = 6) but I don't have that "helpful Aunt" or that Uncle like my Dad kind of relationship with anyone. At least I know my kids will have that one day. With all 7 of us, they will have A LOT of cousins and aunts and uncles. That's something I enjoy thinking about the future. :) Maybe I should stop being selfish wishing for things that will never change, but it's my blog. I'll be selfish if I want to. My thoughts = My blog. :)

And yet another issue came up that I've never actually dealt with. I haven't dealt with it yet, even though I know where it comes from for the first time. I now can better pinpoint where my instability comes from and my need for control. My childhood (the later part, 8-15 or so) was very very unstable. I moved a lot. I didn't know what would happen next. It was very overwhelming and it came out in bad ways. One physical, several emotional I guess. My need for control is kind of ridiculous to others at times, but it makes perfect sense to me. When you move several times to several different TYPES of places, you like to know where the next one will be, how it will get paid for, etc, in your adult life. (I make it sound like I have this under control....ha!) But I've lived in big houses, small houses, medium houses, apartments, rooms, dorms, different cities. Because of this I feel very unstable about new living arrangements. Others don't see it as a good thing that I "overplan" but for me to feel comfortable at all...I have to. I've never really looked at my childhood as unstable for that reason before. I mean the whole "divorced parents" thing and all that isn't exactly stability but I just considered it rough. I never thought of the other things happening and how they in turn affected me. I like knowing where it comes from. I don't think it will change. But it's good to know the root of the problem, nonetheless. I really just need someone to tell me things are all right and to hold me. Does that sound silly? Well it's true. I need reassurance. I'll never ask for it - too much pride. But I NEED it just as much as the next person.

On that note.... "I am not afraid of storms, I am learning to sail my own ship." ~ Louise May Alcott

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday :-)

So Saturday isn't over yet, but it has definitely been pretty good so far! It is so absolutely beautiful outside! Not scorching hot, but warm enough to just have everything with a yellow-sunshine glow. :) It made waking up at 9 am on a Saturday not so horrible. Matter of fact, I was sort of happy. :)

As much as I DON'T want people asking me about this or commenting on this part, I want to share because when I go back and read my blog I want to remember. Today I went to my consultation at Wonder Women Fitness. I joined a 36-week program yesterday because I got an invitation in the mail to be a study participant. They say they have a 96% success rate - hopefully by 9 months from now I will look and feel fantastic! (Again though - I don't want comments really. I don't want people to tell me it's a good choice - I KNOW it's a good choice.) I am seriously excited. 3 times a week I go see a personal trainer for 30 minutes and I got a personalized "grocery list" today. We'll see!! :)

Now me and the puppies are sitting out on the back porch/deck thing enjoying the sounds of the birds. haha. Good day so far. Seth will be back later tonight, maybe we'll have a date night??

Friday :)

So today. French (blah) and then Seth & I went to sign some of his papers, we went and saw his grandma, ate at Subway :), then went to get me some new tires and then to my house! Then Ava, Mom, Seth & I went out to eat and Seth & I babysat Ava for a little while when my mom had an appointment. That really was it, though. Boring week! Maybe that will change!!

And BONES last night - was not cool! Booth basically said "let's be together" and Bones said no! She is crazy.

Wednesday & Thursday

So Wednesday was fairly uneventful as well. Took a French test (hopefully passed!) and then Human Sexuality SUCKED. I'm about to vent about my teacher. We'll call him Dr. H. Dr. H was such an ass today. He basically called our entire class stupid. For no reason. He said "Can you all even make a connection? Do you know what that is?" And honestly. It irritated me. A lot. Of course I can make a connection. FOR EXAMPLE: Asshole professor + pissed off students = BAD REVIEWS AT THE END OF THE SEMESTER. How about that for a connection Dr. H? lol.
Then on Thursday, we (me and two friends) presented at SPARC. Student Psychological Annual Research Conference. It went really well - we presented "What's in a name?" It was really cool. Dr H did not attend! Yay! :p

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Law and Order: Criminal Intent was.... not cool. Not cool at all. I am NOT ready for no more Goren or Eames. That sucks. I guess Law and Order: SVU is my favorite now. If they get rid of Elliot and Benson they will lose a viewer for sure. :/

Today was boring. And kind of sucked. Tomorrow I have a gross french test that I really just want to pass. And I need to draw something for Theatre. Did I mention that I can't draw?

That'll be good.

Not grumpy, just not interested in my own day, or my own tomorrow really.

Goodnight all.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Just Another Manic Monday..

“It's the bad days that make the good days seem better.”

Mondays. I hate Mondays, and this one certainly won't change my mind. My ankle is all messed up. I'm pretty sure I rolled it instead of spraining it, but oh well. It does not feel good. I was running late today. Lucy growled at me. :/ That was all before class! haha.

Took a Human Sexuality test, went to advising w/ a friend - helped friend stop freaking out because of the HORRIBLE advisor, ate, went to stupid Theatre and sat there with all the annoying smart kids, rode the bus (ugh) because of my ankle, and came home. How eventful! Not really. Mondays just stink.

OH! And our apt complex has decided that everyone's rent will go up $100 when we renew our lease. Make that "If" we renew our lease! $855 a month for an apartment is KIND OF ridiculous.

“You make mistakes. Mistakes don't make you.” -- Maxwell Maltz

On the bright side: We are presenting at SPARC on Thursday and we got our time! Yay for building our resumes! Also, got the puppies graduation picture today. I am of course not looking and everyone else is. :) But it's good of the babies!

And this one is for Hannah:
“No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see the possibilities – always see them, for they're always there.” -- Norman Vincent Peale

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Saturday & Sunday

Oh what a weekend! I am SO SO SO very tired. If I have french homework, I'll be surprised to find it all done at 11 am tomorrow.

First off, HAPPY EASTER everyone! I hope everyone celebrated it in a way that made them happy. My Easter was pretty good. Church was great, as usual. I think I just love that I can sing as much as I want and it doesn't have to sound like a radio. Of course I like the sermons (our pastor is super funny) but I have always enjoyed singing. I miss doing it like I used to in Oxford and all that. But we all went to church - the boys looked so pretty and so did miss Ava! hahah. They all looked like Easter eggs. :) Mom was stressed getting everyone ready - I hope one day that stress goes away for her. She might enjoy us more that way.

Well after church we went and ate lunch and then I went over to Nanny's to play with the puppies and hang out with them. (FYI: I have the greatest grandparents ever. they are hilarious.) After that we (me, nanny and papa) went back to Mom's (and everyone's) for Easter dinner. We played with the doggies and ate yummy food and in general no one was too grumpy. (This is difficult in my family. I'm pretty sure we are in the top 5 moodiest families EVER.)

This brings me to Saturday and why my dogs were at my grandparents. First off, my grandparents only live maybe 10 mins away from my mom's house. Secondly, I'm pretty sure my stepdad abhors dogs. :/ I know, how can anyone not love dogs? But that's a topic for another day. So Nanny said I could bring them to her house and we'd let them run around in her giant back yard. It's probably over an acre. So rather than have them crated in my parents' garage and only let out to walk, they got to play at Nanny's. They LOVED it, FYI. They got so much energy out they are STILL tired! But after I dropped them off there the first time, me and mom went to go see The Last Song. It was SOOOO good. I cried. Quite a bit. And even though I don't love Miley Cyrus, she did a great job and the movie was fantastic. Definitely comparable to The Notebook in a different way. Buying it.

After the movies, me and Mom met up with Mark, Will, Zach & Ava for dinner. Then me, mom, and Ava went shopping and went and bought flowers for the cross this morning. They were so pretty. After that, I went to Nanny's and everyone went home. Me and the puppies slept nicely in Nanny's living room. :) Got up early - like 7:15. And I feel very accomplished today. Me and Nanny walked the dogs this morning, then we went to church, then came back, walked them again, let them run around the backyard a lot, she cooked (I'm banned from the kitchen) and then we went to Mom's house for all the rest.

Sure, this post is rambling and long. But I felt like typing and documenting my weekend. One more thing that I think is so cool. In the Covington News there is a "Pet of the Week." It looks JUST like Chevy and they say it's a Dachshund/Pomeranian mix. So I googled that once I got here to see if they were right. Check this out if you've every seen Chevy up close and/or care. The one named Alexis = just like Chevy.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Friday :)

So today was pretty good. :) Kind of exciting actually. Went to french - but I realized I only have 12 days left of French!!!!! EVER!!! I can definitely make it now that I know that. And for the first time in a looooong time I'm excited about my schedule! Especially for the fall! First of all - NO FRENCH. After 4 semesters of college french, I am so ready for a schedule that does not involve grammar or the french dictionary. I'm taking: Family Violence, Juvenile Delinquency, What Matters in Psychology?, Terrorism, and Sexuality & Spirituality!! Score. And this summer only one of my classes should suck! I'm taking: Psychology of Dreams, Sociology of Social Psychology and History. (Guess which one will be boring. Yep, History.)

Besides all of this - I went back to a place I haven't been since high school! The Atlanta Shakespeare's Tavern. It was really nice to not be volunteering and experience the tavern from a different perspective. The show (King Lear) was really good! Some parts were quite funny, which was nice. Plus, Atlanta was absolutely beautiful tonight. I'm sure it always is. That's the only reason I can think of to live in Atlanta - to see it at night. During the day it's not that impressive. To me at least. Anyways - going home tomorrow for Easter. Taking the puppies to Nanny's house so they can run around the backyard! :)

Au Revoir 1 or 2 people that read this. :p

Friday, April 2, 2010

Numero Sept

I'm sorry but totally basically completely SUCKED. And sadly, that is NOT an April Fools joke. I found out that some moron (can't help it..) put my tires on backwards, causing the tread to wear down wrong and basically demolishing my front wheel bearings. Maybe worse. YAY! :/

Today wasn't a total loss though. Seth made some really yummy dinner. :) And we got ink for the printer! :) Yay for the few good things that happened with the really bad, really expensive news! :p

Tomorrow I probably won't update about until Saturday - Seth and I are going to the Shakespeare's Tavern to see King Lear for my Theatre Appreciation class. I hope it's good! I used to volunteer there several times a year (probably more than 10) and it was good back then! Wonder if any of those actors will still be there?! That would be kind of cool.

Anyways. Kind of in a yucky mood. Going to finish writing/revising my french composition. Yay.

Au revoir! :) xoxo