Sunday, November 21, 2010

Confusion, Pictures & Harry Potter? :)

I have been in a state of confusion for weeks now! I keep feeling like as soon as I figure something out, it blows up in my face. I have expectations and they aren't met or I don't have any expectations and I miss something. I just, basically, can't figure out how to live my life anymore.

That may sound stupid and whiny, and I understand that. But it is the best way I can think of to put into words. I'm not sure what the date of my last post was, since I am no longer using this daily (even though I should).

Let's do an update of sorts, then.

On Friday (Nov 19th) it was my youngest brother's 14th birthday! Happy Birthday Zachy! I always feel old when a sibling has a birthday. Like I've said, I don't feel any older when I have my OWN birthdays, but when I have a sibling have a birthday, it is then that I realize how much older everyone in my life, including myself, is getting. Will is 16 now and will be 17 in March. *gasp* He's almost a legal adult! WTF! And Zach, like I said, is 14 now. He'll be 15 in less than a year - driving!! Ava will be 7 in April. WHAT?! Yeah. And I'll be 21 on my next birthday. How very strange. Even stranger? My Papa will be 80 - yes EIGHTY - in January. I feel so blessed that I've gotten to share at least 20 years with my grandparents. But at the same time...I've only ever had 2 grandparents at all. I never "really" had paternal grandparents because my grand-daddy died a few months before I was born, and my "ammama" <-- how I said it, passed away when I was just 3. But enough of that. So on Saturday (20th) I went home for Zach's birthday dinner and to do Christmas pictures for our Christmas cards. Seth was included this year. :) I guess that makes us more legitimate in my parents' eyes? haha. No one even blinked. My Papa kept asking when he got to help plan the wedding. Ha! Don't get me started on that. Our pictures were taken by a local photographer - credit to AshleyWhitePhotography. She did a good job considering what her subjects were - MY Crazy family. Here are a few "proofs" I guess they are called.

This last one will be a choice for our cards. :) That's Nic in the front (foreign exchange student). I'll post the ones we get on the disc later if there are any that are suppperrr cute. I liked how most of these turned out. So after this (it was a little less than an hour) we went to Nanny & Papa's really quick and I got to meet their new kitten! :) Made me miss my puppies. :/ :/ They are at their favorite boarding place (Seriously, they get excited when we get there, so I don't feel as bad leaving them.) We can't do pick-ups on Sundays apparently so we can't get them until tomorrow morning. It's soooo weird being here without my puppies. I don't like it.

OH, but dinner! We went to O'Charley's and had a really good waiter. :) haha. His name was Rich and he did very well with our table of 1000. Jk. But it was 11 people on a Saturday night. Food was good, company was better. (Just in case, it was: Bday boy Zach, Will, Tyler (Will & Zach's friend), Nic, Seth, Me, Ava, Mom, Mark, Nanny & Papa).

Afterwards, we went to see the new Harry Potter. :) It was soooo long - and I had no idea! It did NOT feel that long at all! (It was about 3 hours) And we also decided Will looks a little like Daniel Radcliffe (Harry) as far as bone structure. lol. It was good - I want to see the next one NOW. :p Movies are awesome.

Today we went to church. :) I love going to church, when I get to. My Mom suggested the chapel (not the sanctuary) for our wedding one day (in 2074, at this point).......... Whatever, man.
'So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your
God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my
righteous right hand.' Isaiah 41:10
I realllllllllyyyyyyyy hope this starts working sometime soon. I need it.

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