Wednesday, November 3, 2010

100th Post

This is my 100th post! Unless blogger is lying to me, that is. Which is very exciting in some odd way! :) A lot has happened since I started this thing. :) On that interestingly happy note, I'm just going to throw up a quote that really caught my eye today. I have no idea who to give credit to for it, but I love it and I'm not taking personal credit for it obviously.
I may not be the most beautiful or the sexiest, Nor do I have the perfect body. I might not be everyone's first choice, but I'm a great choice. I don't pretend to be someone I'm not, because I'm good at being me. I might not be proud of some of the things I've done in the past, but I'm proud of who I am today. Take me as I am or watch me as I walk away.
I feel like this quote is something all of us women need to realize while in serious relationships or while single and looking for a "good man." I only say this because I have a good friend that needs to re-read this quote again :)

EDIT: (I decided I wanted to add to this at about 1 am - I just needed to type) Life is a complicated thing. You never get what you thought you would, no matter if it's by a little bit or by a lot, you will be surprised. I just read my bff Hannah's blog. First of all Hannah, you totally pegged Seth and I - love so strong that not even our stubborn asses can mess it up. To be honest, I sort of teared up when I read that, even though it wasn't particularly sweet. It was just so damn true. I know, I'm a huge emotional pile of mush when anyone seems to understand me better than I thought they did. That is exactly right though. "Young" relationships are not easy, but I feel like they are worth it because they challenge you so much. You are challenged to grow up and for your significant other (SO) to grow up and to still wo rk well together. It's okay if it stops working, you move on, but when it DOES work, it's a beautiful thing. I don't see it as "changing for another person" I see it as you change, together, to make both of you better. If you aren't making eachother better, then you have no business being in a relationship. If you aren't challenging eachother to change views or to change perception or to change the way you deal with people - then your relationship ultimately does not benefit either of you very much. Unless you two were perfect to begin with (ha!)

Seth and I. We challenge the hell out of eachother. He challenges me to let down my guard, to "chill the f*ck out," to let my anxiety just BE, to accept different things and learn to relax and enjoy more. I challenge him to grow up a little, to realize life isn't all about the cupcakes/race cars, to learn to communicate more openly and effectively and to not be afraid of plans. None of these things are BAD changes. Have we changed together over the years of our relationship? You betcha. Well, DAMN I HOPE SO. If neither of us had changed, I would be worried. When people say "you changed for your boyfriend" to someone, I say to that no, it's changed with my boyfriend. I changed because of. Not for. I can only change for myself. But my pride doesn't get in the way of this change because changes made in love and for the right reasons last.

I know some people may think we are too young to be talking marriage. Granted, I don't find 22 and 24 that young. Scratch that, we may be 21 and 23 for a few more months if the date we both like is available. It would be 2 months before our birthdays (yes, our birthdays are very very close.) And about 2 months before our 4 year anniversary. Th e ability to succeed in a marriage is not about how old you are to me. It never has been. At the same time, I used to think "I'll be 25 or so. Maybe 27." Well. Maybe so, but I just don't see our relationship taking that long to get there.

I used to think life was all about education and money. I think this was because I was scared of love. I was scared of being hurt and trusting and changing. I think all three things can successfully create a happy life (with lots of other little things). I think education is important - which is why I will have my Bachelors degree and be partway through my Masters when we get married and why he will finish his degree before then too, and maybe even take some certification classes. Education clearly did not get taken away. I think you need money to be happy (I think it's the number one cause of divorce) well since we will both have our education, I think that we will both be able to provide a happy and comfortable lifestyle. I think that love, no matter if you are 20 or 30, is important in a marriage. (That is kind of a "duhhh") but I think some people get married only for the status or the novelty or to have kids or just because they are "supposed" to. For the wedding, rather than the marriage. I could forego the wedding. As long as I can commit to spending the rest of my life with Seth, I see nothing that I can't do. I see nothing standing in my way. If it doesn't work out 15, 20 years down the road, at least we can say we tried, and better yet, if we do make it work, then I can say we took a chance. Either way it will be worth it. We gave love a chance. We didn't chicken out because we kept hearing we were young. Not once has anyone said this to me other than passive-aggressively. Not once has anyone said "Amelia, you and Seth are too young and immature." Why? Because we are already in a committed relationship. It takes a lot for a couple to learn to live together. We have lived together for 1.5 years. It's working so far. We know this part of our marriage will work.

But to be honest again. I don't want to feel like I am justifying it. FYI I'm not, in this post, justifying it. Rather I am blogging about my thoughts and feelings that I have when the topic comes up. Am I happy that we are working and have bee n for 2.5 years? Yes. Do I think it makes me better than anyone else? Nope. But I am happy with it. Which is really all that matters. Seth and I are happy with it and our decisions are based on what is right for us. Do I think everyone should get married young? Nope. I think you should get married when you find a guy that you can be frustrated with and still love. I think you should get married when you have committed for a while to a man (and vice versa) and you can't see your life any other way. I think when you find "the one" <-- cheesy, I know, then you know when it's right for you. And why should society or a birthdate dictate that for anyone? You're right. It shouldn't.

Oh. And UWG is irritating me about my classes. I still do not have a final schedule for the Spring and I am TICKED OFF. Oh well. Hopefully it will all work out and I will be fine with my classes (I've realized I will not be happy with them, I just want to be fine with them). That is all. :) Au revoir blogger! I'll come back with something interesting soon I promise!!!!!

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