Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Who AM I?

So I was given the assignment to describe who I am and psychologically describe my personality. I went in a very raw, simplistic and honest direction with it. I think I'm just going to copy and paste it onto here. First, some tidbits about my day. Classes were okay. I actually do like my History professor but the PEOPLE in that class are douches. They were complaining about a 10 page paper. I laughed.

I had some graduate school problems, but hopefully all is well on that front now. If not, expect a looonnnnggggg rant about it tomorrow or the day after. It would have been funny to have posted how I was actually feeling AT THE TIME. Ha!


It’s always interesting to me to try and answer the question: Who are you? Sometimes I feel like I can answer adequately and sometimes I feel like there are so many possibilities that I could never begin to answer it. I also think that both would be completely and honestly true.

As far as basics, I am Amelia Daniel. I am a Senior Psychology major that is excited and yet anxious about graduating in May. I am someone who is incredibly nervous about getting into Graduate School to attempt to become a Speech-Language Pathologist and work with people with communication disorders. I am an organized, but messy person. I organize for school, but my kitchen is always in transition. I like to have a plan, but am okay going off the grid.

I am someone that loves those closest to me, all in different ways. I am the oldest sibling of four, playing the role of “oldest sibling” almost to a tee. I am now the doting older sister to my six-year-old adopted sister Ava, and feel that she truly completed our family. I feel cheesy a lot. I am a child of divorce and reconstruction. I am a dog-lover, and overall animal-lover, and have two hyperactive puppies of my own. I am a future mother that often gets “baby fever” and must be talked down by my patient boyfriend of three years. I know, in my heart, that I will be as good of a mother as I can be. I have infertility issues that have recently come to light – PCOS has really challenged me to reconstruct my idea of motherhood. I may or may not have biological children, but I already love my future kids.

I am an observer, and I have learned many of my lessons from observing others. I am impatient in many things, but know how to wait. I am quick-witted, but not sharp. I am quiet, but I hope it is not mistaken for being shy. I am not shy. I am intelligent, in some ways, and clueless in others. I am an avid Pittsburgh Steelers fan (Go Steelers!), but I really just love the game. I am a former athlete who now enjoys kickboxing for relaxation and stress-release purposes. I am a Coke addict – liquid, not the drug.

I am complex and simple, to myself and others. I also feel that you never truly have yourself figured out. The idea is something that I hope will fascinate me for all of my life. I am flawed and imperfect. My favorite concept is to be “perfectly imperfect.”

On that note, I enjoy quotes and song lyrics. I feel a passion for music, but have never had a strong desire to produce it myself. I took piano lessons when I was around the age of ten and I was terrible at it. I obviously admit my flaws fairly easily, but I don’t take criticism well, unless I ask for it.

My Keirsey temperament type is “INFJ.” Introversion, Intuition, Feeling and Judging; these are things that I feel accurately describe me in a way I could never do on my own. Introverted, I can definitely agree with whole-heartedly. I am introverted unless I am in a group I am comfortable with. This sometimes happens easily and other times I need more coaxing. I have a select group of friends; two best friends, Hannah and Seth. Seth is my boyfriend who I have a feeling will one day be my husband. Hannah is a kindred spirit and we connected as friends on the day that we met. It almost makes me believe in fate, in a cheesy sort of way.

I tend to be everyone’s confidante, but am lucky enough to have my own as well. I sometimes feel that I am hyper-sensitive to others, and sometimes I feel like I am choosing to ignore it for my own sake. I would say that due to my introspective personality, I come off as caring and probably complex. When I was younger, I never understood why I ended up always being the friend people could talk to. Now I realize that it’s just part of who I am.

I am not sure if it is accurate, but if it is; my personality type makes up approximately 1% of the population. I find the concept interesting, because I do sometimes feel like others do not experience things on the level that I do. I think that that is an accurate snapshot of who I am, but is nowhere near to all of it. J

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