So here we go, this one should be interesting! ;) Starting on Sunday night, January 9, 2011, snow and sleet were falling across Georgia. We were getting back from dinner when the ice balls starting falling. By the time we were back, settled and ready for the "Snowpocalypse" there was a thin sheet of snow on the ground.
By the time we woke up Monday morning, there was like 4 inches of snow and a layer of ice ALL OVER the place! The picture above doesn't even do justice to how crazy it was. The iced layer was so hard that Chevy didn't always break the surface when he was walking carefully. He's 30 pounds! Mom said that Ava didn't break it either. Lucy did. She's my big guh. ;)
The worst part though was the ice all over the roads. When we stepped on it, it was like walking over a lake of thin ice. You could see the water moving under the solid sheet of ice under your feet. It was quite strange. It melted for the most part today, but they are saying it's going to re-freeze tonight, so we'll be back to square one. Two, rather.
So apparently this is the worst snow/ice storm in Georgia since 1993. Schools all across Georgia were shut down. We have been out Monday, Tuesday and I've heard we are out again tomorrow, Wednesday. It's a little insane! But I'm certainly not complaining. I wasn't really into going back to school yet anyways. Two days was enough.
Now we'll see if we have class on Thursday. If not, this has become a Snow WEEK instead of just a Snow DAY! hahaha. Pretty awesome. It is a little weird being "trapped" in the apartment. Luckily we had gone grocery shopping. Warm soup really hits the spot after you go play in the snow/ice for an hour. What an interesting week in weather we are having. Enjoy the pictures above. :p
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