Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week Recap, Date Night, Bdays & Steelers!

I'm pretty sure I left off on Monday or Tuesday, before my week took off on a topsy turvy route. That's exactly what it did, too. On Tuesday night/Wednesday morning Seth had a severe toothache - to the point that we ended up in the ER at 5 am. Obviously it was bad, or we wouldn't have had that happen. :/ Unfortunately this set the tone for both of our days. We got back from the ER around 6:30 am, so got to sleep around 7 am. Wednesdays are my "busy" days. I have class solidly from 12:30 until 8:00. Needless to say, I was not myself. I was so not into the subject's being brought up, had no desire to put on my happy face, and was just ready for some damn sleep and food. :/ It was not a favorite. Seth slept a bit later than I did, but then had to go pick up his antibiotic and pain medications for his tooth - it was absessed. I'm not entirely sure what that means, but it looks bad. The dentist we went to on Thursday is going to have to pull it and eventually put a bridge in. :/

But once we were past these two days, we seemed to improve in temperament and whatnot. Friday was pretty mellow. We went to Cathy Ho's! Our favorite Chinese restaurant. Of course, we got smoothies - she makes the best. He tried Mango and I got my all-time favorite: Strawberry Banana. Yummmmmmmm. Unfortunately our sleep patterns were still basically really jacked up so we took a nap after lunch and then got up for dinner. Ha! I am somewhat back to normal.... he is still asleep. lol.

Yesterday Seth had to work all day, but when he got home we had date night! I love having someone to do that with. We went and treated ourselves to a nice dinner (yay!) at Carrabba's and then went to the mall. I wanted some new candles, so we bought one called Vineyard and Pink Sands. They smell delicious! I want to post a picture of them, so I might add that later. After that we went to see Green Hornet in 3D!! Seth Rogen is so cute. haha. And of course that car was sooooo badass! Seriously!
After that it was around midnight, so we trekked back to the lovely apartment, and went so sleep shortly after.

Today is a new day - Today happens to be my grandfather's 80th birthday!! How amazing is that? To make it to 80? I am always so enchanted by ages and birthdays. 80 just sounds so established and important. We are heading down to my house for his birthday party later, and then doing dinner, and then the whole family is watching the Steelers game! GO STEELERS! I love the family camaraderie that is associated with our favorite NFL team. It's adorable. Here is a throwback -- this is less than two months after we adopted Ava. Her first SuperBowl -- which the Steelers WON!! How crazy. Must be her luck. (How stinking cute are these pictures?)

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