Thursday, January 6, 2011

School Update

So I have now officially been to all of my final classes. :) Let's do the run-down. Social Psyc is going to be pretty good. Not the easiest, nor the hardest of my classes, and the teacher seems really funny and goofy. I think I'll probably like it. Psyc of Immigration will probably be alright. The teacher seems really passionate about the subject and the coursework doesn't seem to be too terribly difficult. Personality & Motivation (taught by my advisor! haha) I think will be pretty good. It will probably be one of, if not my MOST, difficult class. It's a 4 hour credit though, so that contributes as well. Lots of time will be spent on that one. Sports Psychology seems AWESOME! It isn't really what it sounds like it will be. Sports are involved, but it's mostly about personal motivation and drive, as well as success. Former Tampa Bay lineman DeMarcus Curry is coming to talk to our class though - because he is now a youth counselor! Tie-in. Those were my Wednesday classes btw. I have the first three on Mondays as well. My Tuesday/Thursdays that I went to today seem pretty good too. The Senior Seminar (for Psyc majors) seems like it's going to be really helpful and useful. I'm looking forward to it. :) And then I have US History. I saved it for my senior year so it would make my schedule easier to make - and it WORKED. haha. It's going to be so easy and perfect for the load I have. The teacher seems nice, and seems to like what he does.

Overall, my impression is that as long as I do what I'm supposed to do as per the syllabi, I will make A's or at least B's. :D I'd love to get all A's for my final semester. :D And in my hardest one, to boot! Since I'm taking 19 hours = SIX classes. But as of now, I'm not overwhelmed. I'm a bit nervous and apprehensive, but nothing I can't handle.

OH! Other good news! All is set for graduation. May 7 will be the official end to my Undergrad. 121 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would like to say that the people that snicker and complain about classes really irritate me. It's the first damn day. WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?! This girl was complaining about having to write two whole papers for history. I would like to point out that they are SHORT AS HELL. One is three pages and the other is 3-5. I was ELATED at their length! haha. I'm used to 10+. I don't get how this girl is supposed to make it through college if she bitches and moans about like 6-8 total pages for a class. She was a freshman, obviously. I was like wow. Don't get your degree then, because your major classes are going to kick your annoying butt. END RANT. :)

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