Saturday, June 23, 2012

Little Ones

I've been meaning to write this post for a long time (okay, a few months) about babies. I know I haven't blogged much about this topic recently because we've decided to wait (sort of) for a while before embarking on that journey. I know it will be a journey, too, because of my issues, and we are not ready just yet. Or rather, I'm not. It's me, not him, at this point. Which is ironic, if you've been following our story for a long time.

BUT what I really wanted to blog about was how damn cute we were as kids! ha. While getting the pictures together for our slideshow I knew I wanted to write a blog I could incorporate the pictures of us as darling little kids into.... So, with fair warning, this particular post will be a "post in progress." I don't have the time to write it all right now because my wrist is bugging me while I type.

So here's the story, readers. I don't know if I've ever shared the story of how I first knew *for sure* that I loved my husband, but here it is. :)
My youngest sister Ava (who is now 8!) is adopted. My family adopted her from China in 2008 when she was 4 years old. She has some medical issues and some other issues (therefore, special needs adoption) so the adoption process went a little bit quicker. Seth and I had started dating in June 2008 and my parents traveled to China that December. We'd been dating a little over 6 months when they came back. He had helped me over those two weeks as I was "in charge" of my brothers who were 13 (or 14?) and 11-ish at the time, I think.
Anyway, when my parents' flight finally arrived and we met our little sister in person for the first time (we'd Skyped a lot while they were in China) it was super late. We didn't get home from the airport until after midnight, probably closer to 1 am? Well Ava wasn't phased by this at all, as she didn't realize it was night time. She was hours behind us and ready to explore and play. So Seth and I (and Will & Zach) stayed up with her while Mom & Mark were able to wind down and unpack, chill out for a minute. Seeing Seth with Ava (who was tiny at this point, by the way, she literally looked about 2-3, not 4.5) just melted my heart. He was so good with her and it got those wheels turning. When you think, "He would make a great Dad" you know you are talking long term. :)
And that's the story, basically. OH! And then I saw pictures of Baby Seth and Toddler Seth and I just have to have one of my own one day! ;) You know, besides the grown man that I love and live with of course.

I'll just upload these precious pictures to remind myself why we need to make adorable babies one day. :)

My beautiful Mommy. <3

Look at those curls! Oh. Em. Gee.

I was a bit of a dramatic child.... Lol.

Can I keep it? *so adorable*

It just wouldn't be Seth without a Nascar related picture or 3. Lol.

There are no words to describe how much my heart melted the first time I saw these. Of COURSE I want to make babies with him. ;) hahah

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