Saturday, June 23, 2012

Clumsy Me

So as most of you know, I'm clumsy. I can walk into furniture and get a huge bruise. I can stub my toe on something nonexistent. And apparently...I can either break or sprain my wrist doing.....something?? I don't even know what I did. I'm going to the Doctor on Monday because I don't want to pay the ridiculous co-pay at the ER. Yeah, I'm cheap, I know.

I've had my wrist wrapped and have been icing for a few days and it's swollen and sore and more painful than I'm letting on. It feels like it literally separates when I move it the wrong way. :-( It makes simple things really difficult to do. Oh! And yes, this is the same wrist I broke when I was younger. Which is why I think it may be broken. If it's not broken, it's a really bad sprain - worse than any sprain I've had before. And being that I kick-boxed for several years....I've had some sprains. Lol.

Beyond that I've had some interest from possible employers! That's good, right? I really would love to get a Special Ed. Parapro job in Newton or Henry Counties, but I'd take some other things. I just want to be in a good position for doing my M.A.T. in Special Education if possible. Another option I have is to keep my 'Ava job' and the other two jobs I'm looking at. A woman my mom knows has asked me to watch her 2 kids several days a week after the times I watch Ava as well as another woman asking me to work for her for a few months. I've tentatively said yes in case the Parapro jobs don't come through, but I've been honest with them both that it's possible I wouldn't be able to. I could do all three of those and then do my M.A.T. by volunteering the hours if I don't get a school job. Maybe even at Ava's school? :) It could work out fine. I'd obviously make more money if I could get a Parapro job AND keep watching Ava and pickup the job watching the other 2. THAT would be ideal and perfect! :) *fingers crossed* <-- except on my Left hand. -_- ha

So I'm holding out hope, because there really isn't anything else to do. I am going with the "it will work out the way it is supposed to" idea. God knows what is best for me, I just hope we're on the same page? :)

OH!! Some inspiration for me... Seth starts his new exciting job the day after we get back from vacation. So exciting!! Wouldn't it be perfect if now I got my ideal position(s) and he has his? We could actually start saving money up and feeling like we're above water financially. Oh, in a perfect world.

And in lighter news ---- Magic Mike with so many men that are adorable and good looking comes out this week! June 29! :) haha. Channing Tatum, Joe Manganiello (from True Blood), Matthew McConaughey, Matt Bomer, Alex Pettyfer.... just so many. Jackie and I are too excited to see it! haha. Mom wants to see it too. This is obviously a "joke" card, but it's funny to me. ;) I'd see it.

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