Friday, June 29, 2012

I have no idea what to title this.

I don't even know where to start, honestly. And I don't mean that in some melodramatic "my life is so crazy" kind of way, because honestly I've been a bit bored with my life lately with some random excitement thrown in. So, I guess the appropriate title of this little update would be "my random excitement." Lame.

But here it is anyway.

On Tuesday Seth & I went and watched Ava for the day. We tried to keep her entertained as much as possible considering I have a sprained wrist and Seth's feet have been acting funny lately. Speaking of which, here's this:

Chevy is such a sweetie. <3 

It's starting to feel a little bit better considering it's been over a week. So that's good? I don't know. The cast thing is getting to that stage where I need to figure out how to wash it though. Sorry, TMI?

Anyways, here is the Tuesday update:

We flew kites.

Seth attempted to teach Ava how to play cornhole.

This one just cracks me up because of her hair. :)

We hung out outside and we both complained about how our hair was too long. Sisters. Lol

And we took her to the pool for an hour and a half. 

It was quite an eventful day to be honest. Lots going on. Seth and I were both tired after the day...and realized for the millionth time that we aren't ready to have kids and have the whole world revolve around a little person. Could we adapt to it? Sure, duh, and we'd love it. But we don't want it just yet.

Hmm, Wednesday was fairly uneventul though Jackie came over for several hours and we had girl chat time until Seth came home and insisted we draw and color. LOL. Yes, my husband.

Now Thursday was FUN. Why? Because Jackie and I (and millions of women everywhere) have been waiting and waiting for Magic Mike to come out for ages! As soon as we all figured out what the heck it was we were sold. No further explanation needed.

What is Magic Mike, you may ask? It's only one of the best woman-focused movies of the decade. haha. Channing Tatum, Joe Manganiello, Matthew McConaughey, Matt Bomer, Adam Rodriquez, Alex Pettyfer....... Are you drooling yet? You should be. BUT in case you aren't, here are two of my favorite promo pictures:
This is Joe Manganiello (yes, Alcide from True Blood) and he is hot as hell.
Stolen from Kelli because it's scrumptious.
Anyway, how this movie relates to my life is that Jackie and I decided to go see the midnight release of it a long time ago. :) haha. So we invited others to tag along. :) So me, Jackie, Jill, Tina, Will & Zach all went to see Magic Mike and 12:01 am on Thursday night. haha. Btw, yes. Jill is Jackie's mom and Tina is my mom! They're cool like that. And yes, it was rated R for a reason. *blush*

My "review" of it could be that Channing Tatum did a good job, as always, BUT I would have loved more Joe Manganiello and Matt Bomer parts. Matthew McConaughey's character was a huge douche, so I'm okay with just seeing him sometimes. Lol. The girl lead (I guess) was okay. She always looked so angry and never happy to have a man as attractive as Channing Tatum interested in her. I didn't like how abrupt it was at times (like, ya know, the ending) but overall of COURSE I will see it again and I will for sure own it. :) Plus I get to see Joe Manganiello half naked on True Blood all the time so I suppose it's okay... Okay no, I'm still bummed that there wasn't more Joe. ;) The only way it could have been better was if Alexander Skarsgard was in it too! hahaha

Our Midnight showing ticket!!! So worth it.

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