Saturday, June 16, 2012

And now, we're old.

It's official. Seth and I are no longer a super young sounding couple, at least not to ourselves. Lol.

Yesterday was Seth's birthday! Yay. We're done with birthdays for the year in our house. ha. I swear if we have kids born in June that'll be hilarious. Part of me kind of wants to have kids who both have birthdays in June and we'll just go on amazing trips for the collective family birthday every year. Good plan? ;-) haha.

Anyway, here's the recap. Seth and I both had to work yesterday, so I did my stuff and he did his. Lol. I went to Ava's VBS Performance, then we went and grabbed lunch, then Ava and I went and bought his bday cards and some candy for the movies -- she and I had fun wrapping it and decorating it. :) It was a good excuse for a craft, what can I say?  We painted the paper and colored it and all that good stuff, yada yada.

Then when Seth and I met up at the house, I gave him those and the present I got him. I got him a valve spring compressor thing and... some other car stuff. I got it off the Sears registry because I knew he was slightly bummed that no one bought off of it - so I thought remedying that would be nice. Plus it made it easier to surprise him with what I actually got him since I didn't have to ask what he needed and all that. Yay for old registries? Maybe I can keep that thing around for years! ;-)

Anyway, back to our day. Since it was his bday we were meeting up with his family at Cracker Barrel for dinner. Nell, Seth Sr, Alicia, Shane and Heather were there for dinner; it was overall pretty fun/funny, what with Madea showing up and "Wednesday." Lol.

 Seth & his Dad playing Checkers before dinner :)

Then Jackie and Anthony joined us for cake (see cake below) and then Will & Zach joined us at the movie Seth picked out... We went to see Rock of Ages. I'll give Seth credit, the previews made it look a lot better. But the singing was pretty subpar and just kind of cheesy.. I mean, it was based on a musical. It wasn't terrible, but... it didn't meet anyone's expectations. I did learn that I do like a lot more "rock" songs then I thought I did. Preferably when the original singer/band is singing them. Julianne Hough should never sing. Ever. She's pretty and all that but her voice is so nasally that I just cringed every time. -_- We did have a good time laughing at it and we were in good company for the most part. ;) Sidenote: OH! Jackie is the best ever because she got me Seasons 3 & 4 of FRIENDS for my birthday!! <3 Love it. I'm buying Season 2 right now so I can keep my collection going. I seriously miss that show.

 Our joint bday cake, lol. Seth's side and my side. We put 23 candles on there since that is the average of our ages (22 and 24) because putting enough candles for both of us might have burned Cracker Barrel down. Seriously. It's bad when your combined age is scarily close to 50. Ew. I mean look at those flames! Yikes.

A funny picture from yesterday -- Mom is in Charlotte for GFWC Convention 2012 and she went to the NASCAR Hall of Fame and took this picture for Seth! haha. She got him something from there for his birthday, shhhh! ;)
UPDATE MADE THE NEXT WEEK: Funny story --- Dale Jr hadn't won a race since our first date (June 15, 2008 - also Father's Day). He finally won again exactly 4 years and 2 days later, again on Father's Day, the weekend after my Mom visited the Hall of Fame! Too funny. ;)

But anyway, that's enough of yesterday. We basically didn't get home until around 2 am? That's a pretty good birthday even if we are old. haha. 

Well that brings us to today. Seth is off and he wanted to go to Sears to see if they had the organizational tool stuff he needs for his toolbox --- OH! That reminds me, how about I tell you guys WHY he needs that? Lol. It's really exciting. On Thursday he had an interview for a new job and he got it ON the spot! Is he good or what? Lol. He starts the day we get back from vacation. It is a job that is actually relevant to what he went to school for and he's getting a major pay raise! Exciting, right? We are both super happy. The money will be great, but more importantly he will be much more fulfilled in a job like this. :) Also I applied for an awesome job that I am hoping and praying that I get!! It would be perfect. So yeah.. He needs more tools and tool organization things and whatnot for his new "adult" job. 

Back on track now I think. So I remembered seeing a Yard Sale sign that said "Tools and Guy Stuff." So we went to there and he got a Dewalt drill for $25 (normally they are $190, I am not joking, and it works and had a battery!) Also got him some floormats for his truck that he's been wanting for $10 (instead of $65!) and got some metric tool things for really great prices too! It was great! Then we went to the mall and ate and then went to Sears. They had a toolbox on sale for a really good price but we really just don't have the extra money right now. :( I hate that. I know he wants it and I know he (sorta) needs it and it just sucks not being able to do that. I wish we had the money to just go buy all the tools and equipment he needs right now, but we just have to remember that we will get there. I mean it's not as if we're struggling that much, we make it every month, but I wish we had a lot more extra! Lol.

One thing we were able to do today involves going to Lowe's. We went to look at more tool things and ended up finding a HUGE bargain that we just had to get. See this? It's a really pretty paint color called Sea Spray. See that on the lid? YES. We got a $40 can of paint for $5! And on the same clearance shelf there were these curtains that matched perfectly marked down from $20 to $10! So, for $15 we are going to be able to make our master bedroom pretty! I think it will look great with the color scheme I'm going for in there. Our comforter is Navy and we have blue and beige accents. It's perfect! I can't wait to paint later this week and finally have a room in our house feel somewhat complete! For whatever reason paint just pulls things together so much. I realize that I still won't have my dream bedroom suit or magically get awesome hardwood floors, lol, but it will be looking its best. :D 


But enough of that! I'm going to go search for more jobs and update other things I need to get around to like the blog for "our" business venture. Link provided below but I don't want to make my personal blog about business!

Au revoir!

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