Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss

Oh my word.

I just watched the story of Jacqui on Extreme Makeover. She was over 300 lbs, I think 355 (so a bit more than me) but she also has PCOS and can't have children. She lost 207 pounds in a year and weighed in at 148 lbs! I cried. I am amazed and inspired. I need to lose weight and have hit many, many issues with this due to my PCOS and my Endometriosis. I do have a few more issues than the girl featured (the Endo being one of those) but that is no reason to give up.

I'm nervous to publicly admit I have a problem. I talk about my PCOS/Endo freely because I have no control of that, but admitting that I have a problem with my weight (as obvious as it may be) is harder. It's something that I do have control over. I don't have as much control as the average person, because PCOS makes it much more difficult to lose the weight, but that is not a good enough reason to ignore it or become passive about it. I'm scared as hell. I'm scared to attempt this....again. I've attempted it so many times to no avail, to just have my body combat me and GAIN weight when I'm trying to lose it, to get so discouraged...but I am hoping and praying that my story can end up like this woman's story. I need a good workout buddy, I guess? I wish I could afford a coach or whatever.

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