Friday, June 29, 2012

I have no idea what to title this.

I don't even know where to start, honestly. And I don't mean that in some melodramatic "my life is so crazy" kind of way, because honestly I've been a bit bored with my life lately with some random excitement thrown in. So, I guess the appropriate title of this little update would be "my random excitement." Lame.

But here it is anyway.

On Tuesday Seth & I went and watched Ava for the day. We tried to keep her entertained as much as possible considering I have a sprained wrist and Seth's feet have been acting funny lately. Speaking of which, here's this:

Chevy is such a sweetie. <3 

It's starting to feel a little bit better considering it's been over a week. So that's good? I don't know. The cast thing is getting to that stage where I need to figure out how to wash it though. Sorry, TMI?

Anyways, here is the Tuesday update:

We flew kites.

Seth attempted to teach Ava how to play cornhole.

This one just cracks me up because of her hair. :)

We hung out outside and we both complained about how our hair was too long. Sisters. Lol

And we took her to the pool for an hour and a half. 

It was quite an eventful day to be honest. Lots going on. Seth and I were both tired after the day...and realized for the millionth time that we aren't ready to have kids and have the whole world revolve around a little person. Could we adapt to it? Sure, duh, and we'd love it. But we don't want it just yet.

Hmm, Wednesday was fairly uneventul though Jackie came over for several hours and we had girl chat time until Seth came home and insisted we draw and color. LOL. Yes, my husband.

Now Thursday was FUN. Why? Because Jackie and I (and millions of women everywhere) have been waiting and waiting for Magic Mike to come out for ages! As soon as we all figured out what the heck it was we were sold. No further explanation needed.

What is Magic Mike, you may ask? It's only one of the best woman-focused movies of the decade. haha. Channing Tatum, Joe Manganiello, Matthew McConaughey, Matt Bomer, Adam Rodriquez, Alex Pettyfer....... Are you drooling yet? You should be. BUT in case you aren't, here are two of my favorite promo pictures:
This is Joe Manganiello (yes, Alcide from True Blood) and he is hot as hell.
Stolen from Kelli because it's scrumptious.
Anyway, how this movie relates to my life is that Jackie and I decided to go see the midnight release of it a long time ago. :) haha. So we invited others to tag along. :) So me, Jackie, Jill, Tina, Will & Zach all went to see Magic Mike and 12:01 am on Thursday night. haha. Btw, yes. Jill is Jackie's mom and Tina is my mom! They're cool like that. And yes, it was rated R for a reason. *blush*

My "review" of it could be that Channing Tatum did a good job, as always, BUT I would have loved more Joe Manganiello and Matt Bomer parts. Matthew McConaughey's character was a huge douche, so I'm okay with just seeing him sometimes. Lol. The girl lead (I guess) was okay. She always looked so angry and never happy to have a man as attractive as Channing Tatum interested in her. I didn't like how abrupt it was at times (like, ya know, the ending) but overall of COURSE I will see it again and I will for sure own it. :) Plus I get to see Joe Manganiello half naked on True Blood all the time so I suppose it's okay... Okay no, I'm still bummed that there wasn't more Joe. ;) The only way it could have been better was if Alexander Skarsgard was in it too! hahaha

Our Midnight showing ticket!!! So worth it.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss

Oh my word.

I just watched the story of Jacqui on Extreme Makeover. She was over 300 lbs, I think 355 (so a bit more than me) but she also has PCOS and can't have children. She lost 207 pounds in a year and weighed in at 148 lbs! I cried. I am amazed and inspired. I need to lose weight and have hit many, many issues with this due to my PCOS and my Endometriosis. I do have a few more issues than the girl featured (the Endo being one of those) but that is no reason to give up.

I'm nervous to publicly admit I have a problem. I talk about my PCOS/Endo freely because I have no control of that, but admitting that I have a problem with my weight (as obvious as it may be) is harder. It's something that I do have control over. I don't have as much control as the average person, because PCOS makes it much more difficult to lose the weight, but that is not a good enough reason to ignore it or become passive about it. I'm scared as hell. I'm scared to attempt this....again. I've attempted it so many times to no avail, to just have my body combat me and GAIN weight when I'm trying to lose it, to get so discouraged...but I am hoping and praying that my story can end up like this woman's story. I need a good workout buddy, I guess? I wish I could afford a coach or whatever.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Little Ones

I've been meaning to write this post for a long time (okay, a few months) about babies. I know I haven't blogged much about this topic recently because we've decided to wait (sort of) for a while before embarking on that journey. I know it will be a journey, too, because of my issues, and we are not ready just yet. Or rather, I'm not. It's me, not him, at this point. Which is ironic, if you've been following our story for a long time.

BUT what I really wanted to blog about was how damn cute we were as kids! ha. While getting the pictures together for our slideshow I knew I wanted to write a blog I could incorporate the pictures of us as darling little kids into.... So, with fair warning, this particular post will be a "post in progress." I don't have the time to write it all right now because my wrist is bugging me while I type.

So here's the story, readers. I don't know if I've ever shared the story of how I first knew *for sure* that I loved my husband, but here it is. :)
My youngest sister Ava (who is now 8!) is adopted. My family adopted her from China in 2008 when she was 4 years old. She has some medical issues and some other issues (therefore, special needs adoption) so the adoption process went a little bit quicker. Seth and I had started dating in June 2008 and my parents traveled to China that December. We'd been dating a little over 6 months when they came back. He had helped me over those two weeks as I was "in charge" of my brothers who were 13 (or 14?) and 11-ish at the time, I think.
Anyway, when my parents' flight finally arrived and we met our little sister in person for the first time (we'd Skyped a lot while they were in China) it was super late. We didn't get home from the airport until after midnight, probably closer to 1 am? Well Ava wasn't phased by this at all, as she didn't realize it was night time. She was hours behind us and ready to explore and play. So Seth and I (and Will & Zach) stayed up with her while Mom & Mark were able to wind down and unpack, chill out for a minute. Seeing Seth with Ava (who was tiny at this point, by the way, she literally looked about 2-3, not 4.5) just melted my heart. He was so good with her and it got those wheels turning. When you think, "He would make a great Dad" you know you are talking long term. :)
And that's the story, basically. OH! And then I saw pictures of Baby Seth and Toddler Seth and I just have to have one of my own one day! ;) You know, besides the grown man that I love and live with of course.

I'll just upload these precious pictures to remind myself why we need to make adorable babies one day. :)

My beautiful Mommy. <3

Look at those curls! Oh. Em. Gee.

I was a bit of a dramatic child.... Lol.

Can I keep it? *so adorable*

It just wouldn't be Seth without a Nascar related picture or 3. Lol.

There are no words to describe how much my heart melted the first time I saw these. Of COURSE I want to make babies with him. ;) hahah

Clumsy Me

So as most of you know, I'm clumsy. I can walk into furniture and get a huge bruise. I can stub my toe on something nonexistent. And apparently...I can either break or sprain my wrist doing.....something?? I don't even know what I did. I'm going to the Doctor on Monday because I don't want to pay the ridiculous co-pay at the ER. Yeah, I'm cheap, I know.

I've had my wrist wrapped and have been icing for a few days and it's swollen and sore and more painful than I'm letting on. It feels like it literally separates when I move it the wrong way. :-( It makes simple things really difficult to do. Oh! And yes, this is the same wrist I broke when I was younger. Which is why I think it may be broken. If it's not broken, it's a really bad sprain - worse than any sprain I've had before. And being that I kick-boxed for several years....I've had some sprains. Lol.

Beyond that I've had some interest from possible employers! That's good, right? I really would love to get a Special Ed. Parapro job in Newton or Henry Counties, but I'd take some other things. I just want to be in a good position for doing my M.A.T. in Special Education if possible. Another option I have is to keep my 'Ava job' and the other two jobs I'm looking at. A woman my mom knows has asked me to watch her 2 kids several days a week after the times I watch Ava as well as another woman asking me to work for her for a few months. I've tentatively said yes in case the Parapro jobs don't come through, but I've been honest with them both that it's possible I wouldn't be able to. I could do all three of those and then do my M.A.T. by volunteering the hours if I don't get a school job. Maybe even at Ava's school? :) It could work out fine. I'd obviously make more money if I could get a Parapro job AND keep watching Ava and pickup the job watching the other 2. THAT would be ideal and perfect! :) *fingers crossed* <-- except on my Left hand. -_- ha

So I'm holding out hope, because there really isn't anything else to do. I am going with the "it will work out the way it is supposed to" idea. God knows what is best for me, I just hope we're on the same page? :)

OH!! Some inspiration for me... Seth starts his new exciting job the day after we get back from vacation. So exciting!! Wouldn't it be perfect if now I got my ideal position(s) and he has his? We could actually start saving money up and feeling like we're above water financially. Oh, in a perfect world.

And in lighter news ---- Magic Mike with so many men that are adorable and good looking comes out this week! June 29! :) haha. Channing Tatum, Joe Manganiello (from True Blood), Matthew McConaughey, Matt Bomer, Alex Pettyfer.... just so many. Jackie and I are too excited to see it! haha. Mom wants to see it too. This is obviously a "joke" card, but it's funny to me. ;) I'd see it.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

And now, we're old.

It's official. Seth and I are no longer a super young sounding couple, at least not to ourselves. Lol.

Yesterday was Seth's birthday! Yay. We're done with birthdays for the year in our house. ha. I swear if we have kids born in June that'll be hilarious. Part of me kind of wants to have kids who both have birthdays in June and we'll just go on amazing trips for the collective family birthday every year. Good plan? ;-) haha.

Anyway, here's the recap. Seth and I both had to work yesterday, so I did my stuff and he did his. Lol. I went to Ava's VBS Performance, then we went and grabbed lunch, then Ava and I went and bought his bday cards and some candy for the movies -- she and I had fun wrapping it and decorating it. :) It was a good excuse for a craft, what can I say?  We painted the paper and colored it and all that good stuff, yada yada.

Then when Seth and I met up at the house, I gave him those and the present I got him. I got him a valve spring compressor thing and... some other car stuff. I got it off the Sears registry because I knew he was slightly bummed that no one bought off of it - so I thought remedying that would be nice. Plus it made it easier to surprise him with what I actually got him since I didn't have to ask what he needed and all that. Yay for old registries? Maybe I can keep that thing around for years! ;-)

Anyway, back to our day. Since it was his bday we were meeting up with his family at Cracker Barrel for dinner. Nell, Seth Sr, Alicia, Shane and Heather were there for dinner; it was overall pretty fun/funny, what with Madea showing up and "Wednesday." Lol.

 Seth & his Dad playing Checkers before dinner :)

Then Jackie and Anthony joined us for cake (see cake below) and then Will & Zach joined us at the movie Seth picked out... We went to see Rock of Ages. I'll give Seth credit, the previews made it look a lot better. But the singing was pretty subpar and just kind of cheesy.. I mean, it was based on a musical. It wasn't terrible, but... it didn't meet anyone's expectations. I did learn that I do like a lot more "rock" songs then I thought I did. Preferably when the original singer/band is singing them. Julianne Hough should never sing. Ever. She's pretty and all that but her voice is so nasally that I just cringed every time. -_- We did have a good time laughing at it and we were in good company for the most part. ;) Sidenote: OH! Jackie is the best ever because she got me Seasons 3 & 4 of FRIENDS for my birthday!! <3 Love it. I'm buying Season 2 right now so I can keep my collection going. I seriously miss that show.

 Our joint bday cake, lol. Seth's side and my side. We put 23 candles on there since that is the average of our ages (22 and 24) because putting enough candles for both of us might have burned Cracker Barrel down. Seriously. It's bad when your combined age is scarily close to 50. Ew. I mean look at those flames! Yikes.

A funny picture from yesterday -- Mom is in Charlotte for GFWC Convention 2012 and she went to the NASCAR Hall of Fame and took this picture for Seth! haha. She got him something from there for his birthday, shhhh! ;)
UPDATE MADE THE NEXT WEEK: Funny story --- Dale Jr hadn't won a race since our first date (June 15, 2008 - also Father's Day). He finally won again exactly 4 years and 2 days later, again on Father's Day, the weekend after my Mom visited the Hall of Fame! Too funny. ;)

But anyway, that's enough of yesterday. We basically didn't get home until around 2 am? That's a pretty good birthday even if we are old. haha. 

Well that brings us to today. Seth is off and he wanted to go to Sears to see if they had the organizational tool stuff he needs for his toolbox --- OH! That reminds me, how about I tell you guys WHY he needs that? Lol. It's really exciting. On Thursday he had an interview for a new job and he got it ON the spot! Is he good or what? Lol. He starts the day we get back from vacation. It is a job that is actually relevant to what he went to school for and he's getting a major pay raise! Exciting, right? We are both super happy. The money will be great, but more importantly he will be much more fulfilled in a job like this. :) Also I applied for an awesome job that I am hoping and praying that I get!! It would be perfect. So yeah.. He needs more tools and tool organization things and whatnot for his new "adult" job. 

Back on track now I think. So I remembered seeing a Yard Sale sign that said "Tools and Guy Stuff." So we went to there and he got a Dewalt drill for $25 (normally they are $190, I am not joking, and it works and had a battery!) Also got him some floormats for his truck that he's been wanting for $10 (instead of $65!) and got some metric tool things for really great prices too! It was great! Then we went to the mall and ate and then went to Sears. They had a toolbox on sale for a really good price but we really just don't have the extra money right now. :( I hate that. I know he wants it and I know he (sorta) needs it and it just sucks not being able to do that. I wish we had the money to just go buy all the tools and equipment he needs right now, but we just have to remember that we will get there. I mean it's not as if we're struggling that much, we make it every month, but I wish we had a lot more extra! Lol.

One thing we were able to do today involves going to Lowe's. We went to look at more tool things and ended up finding a HUGE bargain that we just had to get. See this? It's a really pretty paint color called Sea Spray. See that on the lid? YES. We got a $40 can of paint for $5! And on the same clearance shelf there were these curtains that matched perfectly marked down from $20 to $10! So, for $15 we are going to be able to make our master bedroom pretty! I think it will look great with the color scheme I'm going for in there. Our comforter is Navy and we have blue and beige accents. It's perfect! I can't wait to paint later this week and finally have a room in our house feel somewhat complete! For whatever reason paint just pulls things together so much. I realize that I still won't have my dream bedroom suit or magically get awesome hardwood floors, lol, but it will be looking its best. :D 


But enough of that! I'm going to go search for more jobs and update other things I need to get around to like the blog for "our" business venture. Link provided below but I don't want to make my personal blog about business!

Au revoir!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Hi Blog!!

I know it's been quite a while since I've updated! What's happened? Well, I turned 22 last week. I felt old and it was a really boring birthday. I mean, what wouldn't be a let down after an awesome 21st? Lol. It wasn't a big deal. Seth had to work, it was just "ok." I had lunch with my Dad, Will and Maggie on my actual birthday at Olive Garden and then the next day I had dinner with my Mom, Will, Zach, Ava, Tyler, Mark, Nanny and Seth. I don't have pictures or anything like that either, which I know is *so* not me. But 22 is kind of boring sounding.

Then on June 5 Jackie came to our first anniversary at Four Corners Woman's Club. I love FCWC because I just love volunteering and I love how fun the projects are and I love the fact that it gives me a unique social outlet. Jackie said she enjoyed it and plans to join!! I'm so excited to have one of my favorite friends join something I love! I think she will really enjoy it as well. :) How fun. Plus now there will be at least one other member under the age of 30 since Courtney is moving. :( Maybe we will continue to recruit other younger members and get a truly diverse group of women involved. I wonder if Ava counts? haha.

Let's see, what else. Oh! Mom couldn't make it to Will's orientation at UWG so I played "parent" for him. It was June 8 and June 9, so we had to stay overnight. Now...I am not a fan of those icky dorms or sharing a room with some random person who is likely twice my age or close to it. Lol. So I got a hotel room -- it's bad when your hotel room has nicer features than your house isn't it? ;-) Oh the joys of being young! Haha. What I am referring to is the fact that it had a super comfy King size bed (yay!), a really nicely tiled bathroom (jealous!) and a big flat screen tv. Which, we have a big flat screen in the living room but our bedroom one is purely old school and we don't have cable upstairs, just a dvd player. Lol.

His orientation was interesting -- I am SO excited for him! On one hand I'm nervous and I'm going to miss my little brother but I am soooo excited for him to get to grow and learn and be a part of something so interesting. I miss college. I don't miss *everything* about college, but I do miss a lot of it. It made me re-think some things about where I want to end up in my career, but not in my usual panicky crazy way. Lol.

Yesterday we went shopping for some of his dorm stuff! Eek! So exciting. I made him a huge list of things you need to bring that they don't tell you! haha. One other thing is that we found out that my parents will probably travel to China in September to go adopt Jenn. :) Or Jennifer, whichever she decides to go with. I prefer Jenn, but ya know. ;)

Jackie got me addicted to True Blood, lol. I hadn't watched it because we didn't have HBO or anything. Then Jackie let me borrow Season 1 and Season 2 and I became addicted! I found a way to watch Seasons 3 and 4 and added HBO On Demand to our Comcast, lol. I had to! I never do anything like that for myself, so no, I'm not sorry. I usually just don't get what I want that is "frivolous."

Wanna know why? Yeah. Him. 

Let's see.... Not much else. Oh! I figure I've become somewhat of a social media guru? Lol. Let me explain. Besides the obvious (the fact that I have a FB, Twitter and a Blog) I am the State Social Media Facebook (and Twitter) Chair for GFWC Georgia. I am going to be the FCWC Facebook Admin once I get the info. I created my Dad's D&D Design Benefits website and now I've added to my portfolio that I've created a website for Seth to sell his buildings. He is a certified dealer for R&B Metal Structures and we're hoping this will be a good supplemental income for us right now! Since, ya know, I didn't get the job I interviewed for at the school. :-( Oh well, onwards and upwards! But his grandfather used to sell these buildings and it seemed to work out well for him, so we're hoping to carry it on. It's really cool actually since it can be WHATEVER you want really. A carport so you don't get hail damage on your car or a storage facility for the backyard...all the way up to a literal 2-car garage or even a 4+ car garage, a barn for horses, a mechanical shop. SO many options! Just for some more exposure, here is the link to his new "website." And yes, it's a blog technically because we don't want to pay for a domain name and all that jazz. :)

That's really it other than the fact that Seth is going to like his birthday presents, or at least he better! :) His 24th birthday is Friday. We really are getting older, huh?

June birthdays. <3 

Actual Photography Update - And happy Cinco de Mayo.

So today, ironically, was supposed to be our wedding day. It was the original date we picked! haha. Good thing we didn't, because there are lots of college graduations going on today and next weekend. We've been married for two months now! Well two months and two days. ;-)

I wanted to *finally* come do a REAL picture update with tons and tons of them. I'll probably get annoyed and cut it short at some point, because uploading pictures to blogger is really annoying. I'll get started anyway.

And no, I'm not reordering them to make it make sense. I really, truly do not have the patience to do that when you can figure out quite well what is actually going on....right? LOL. Love my husband, loved our wedding, love my family and friends.