Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Major Update - Honeymoon, Babysitting, PCOS

So I already started this post once. :/ Boo. I hate it when that happens. Anyways, long story short I've been babysitting Ava for 5 of the past 7 days. It's pretty insane. Most energetic child EVER in the whole WORLD. I'm pretty convinced this is true, like legitimately. I've babysat a LOT of kids in my day and been around a lot more. I'm not saying she's the worst behaved (she certainly is not) but she is the most energetic and talkative.

That said, I'm not ready for children. I'm not ready for someone to rely on me 24/7/365. Not ready to give up sleeping in or not worrying or listening. Lol. Lazy? A little. But at least I'm honest. Lol. I need to use my early 20s to do lazy stuff and worry about me and Seth. haha. And not have to worry before we leave for our honeymoon (that we are working on planning!) haha. It's sort of exciting and overwhelming at the same time. It's only overwhelming because it costs money and we have to figure so much out. It's cool though! I'm ready for an amazing relaxing trip to a beautiful place I haven't been to before. :) I'm excited for Seth too! I'm probably more excited for him that for myself. We're thinking tropical, warm, and relaxing beach. :) Jamaica? Other Caribbean? Hawaii? We're going to talk to a travel agent about it and see if they can get us better prices or a better idea of what we want or need ... or can afford. Lol.

Oh, Will got home from his Europe trip last Tuesday night. For the record, he preferred Greece and Turkey to Italy. Italy is apparently one of those "only have to see it once" kind of places. He brought Ava this SUPER cute outfit that we call her "Jasmine outfit." See? Told you it was cute!

In other news, I had my annual today. Those are always so awkward and weird...and do not feel good at all. I brought up my ultrasound I had last year - official word is I only have 1 cyst that is "worthy of classification" basically. The rest are small. Here's the thing though....2 centimeters is pretty large considering the size of an ovary, I thought? But I guess not. There was some pain there when she pushed down on it and so, because of that, the past US, and the other symptoms I have, I'm scheduled for yet another gross ultrasound in two weeks. (Sorry, TMI a little). We have to see if my ovaries have developed more cysts or if they are fixing themselves on their own or what. If there is still a cyst or there are more, the Doc said "we would need to do something about it." I dk what that means, but it made me nervous and kind of wanted to cry, if I'm perfectly honest. And why shouldn't I be? It's my honest to blog (heh) feelings. I really wanted to say that phrase... lol. I'm really nervous and feel skeptical and uncomfortable with this. PCOS is stupid. It needs to go away.

On a happier note - vacation soon!!! :) So excited.

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