Tuesday, July 12, 2011

AmeliaBedelia and the terrible, horrible, no good very bad day(s)

So I'm going to do an awesome update on our vacation when I get pictures and whatnot back - and when I'm not having a week like this one. I feel it would color my post badly. The point of this post, however, is clearly to vent and just get it outttt!

The past two days have been borderline terrible. I don't even know what's going on with my life or how to feel about half of what is going on. Good news is...no one died? I guess that's about it. Not trying to be insensitive but whatever, it's my blog. Lol.

Let me just breakdown the past THREE days (since day one of those is good!). We'll start off with Sunday, which was good. Seth and I woke up and bathed the doggies. We had gotten back Saturday night with them and they needed baths something fierce. We did that and then went out to get lunch...the place we were going was PACKED. The next choice was closed. Then we decided, screw it, let's go to Douglasville. We went to Douglasville and had a nice lunch and tried a drink that we may include in our wedding drinks. :) It had Peach Sangria. Ummm. So we did that, and during lunch we determined how many Save the Dates we are going to need to send out. :) Productive check number one.

Then we went to the Mall over there and went into Savvi Formalwear. Initially, Seth wanted to just have all the guys buy their suits. Then we saw Savvi was having a good deal and checked it out. He chose what he is going to wear (and it is quite sexy, if I do say so myself) and then we found the exact colors --- Eggplant and Kiwi! :) After that, we went and REGISTERED at our first store!! It was pretty fun. We were a bit confused and ADD because, well, we've never done that before. But it seemed to work out. We registered and BB&B and are excited! Then when we got home, we finished designing our Save the Dates and then I ordered them. :) I also talked to Tabitha about hairstyles and times for the wedding day! See how super Sunday was?

And then Monday happened.

Monday was a bitch. I am NOT a fan. It started to go really sour when we had some wedding budget bullshit come up and it spiraled from there. The wedding budget stuff sent me into a sort of angry panic regarding both that and bills in general. I tried to let it go and we went to Wal Mart for groceries and a gift for the wedding we're going to Saturday for Seth's boss' son. We got their gift off their registry, and we found cute favor boxes and bought them for our own wedding. Lol. Then we are grocery shopping, all is fine, and then... a can falls on my toe. It literally cut two of my toes and cracked my toenail. Seriously? And then, with a slightly peeved and grumpy attitude, we returned. Seth and I had a small tiff and got over it pretty quickly, mainly because at that point we were BOTH grumpy and wedding money stuff and then me because of my toe and him because of another external circumstance. It doesn't sound like that much, but that's only because I am not going into the details of what I'm calling "wedding budget woes." I'm going to take the high road and just keep that one to myself - just keep in mind, it's not good. It's ugly and frustrating and anger inducing. Lol.

Then I wake up this morning. I have a dentist appointment at 10:50 so I wake up at 8. Seth is already at work. I get ready and get in my car, all is fine so far... I get to I-20 and my tire pressure light turns on. For a normal car, this wouldn't be a big deal. For mine, considering how STUPID my back left tire has been, it was. By the time I really noticed, I was passing exits I wasn't comfortable pulling off on. So me and my anxiety traveled to the exit and I got to learn how to check my tire pressure and put more in. My tire is being a little bitch. We filled it up on SATURDAY to 40 and it was on 30 or 31 today. I filled it up, and I'm willing to bet it's at like 34 right now. I need a new tire. But for that...I need money. Ha!

So then I go to the dentist. I like the dentist, in general. I like my dental hygienist (Ms Cindy!) and I like my dentist (Dr Leonard!) but today I got some "meh" news. My gum is recessing on two of my teeth...that = a $20 toothbrush. Lol. Okay. Oh, and my veneer will need to be replaced soon. The one I had put on after my tooth broke when I was 8....... And of course, then my gums hurt.

Mom and Ava and I met for lunch at Tokyo. At this point, I found out that Hannah had found a helpful website called PetsMd.com. Lucy had been having some issues lately and the symptoms n the site = not good diagnoses. Her symptoms include a rash, darkening skin, itchiness, hardening of the stomach, lethargy, etc. I freaked out. Lucy is my babygirl. :/ Basically she's my oldest child. So I tell mom about this and almost cry at lunch. :/ Boo.

On top of that, the topic came up of Ava's Dr appointment yesterday. Found out that her muscles are very weak in her legs and she can't feel anything in her feet (temperature-wise, rocks in her shoe, stuff like that). It's scary. I'm not wanting to go into detail but it can affect her in many ways as she gets older, some including reproductive issues. And I, for one, know about reproductive issues and they SUCK to have. :/

So then some retail therapy was in order. Us girls went to LB (fav store) and we spent mom's coupons. $25 off coupons are the bomb. :) I got a new bra, new panties, and a bathing suit. :) That's a good part of my day - yay!

It starting pouring down rain (like, hail) as we're walking out. Of course. Wouldn't have expected anything less out of my week. ;) So I get soaked, which doesn't matter since I was wearing my hair curly anyway, because of yesterday. Ha! I'm merging onto I-20 in the rain and my car literally is STOPPED by the force of the rain and the giant puddle. It was freaky. It rained for a little while longer, sometimes putting people into "flasher mode" and other times not so much. Then it stopped...and I drove and cried because I was freaking about Lucy and Ava and stuff. Crying is good sometimes.

We had made an appointment for 4:30 for Lucy at our Vet's office. I got back here in the 3 o'clock hour. Hannah was going to go with me for moral support, but then Chevy the poor guy was freaking out. We felt like he was saying "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS LEAVING ME?!?!? WHAT DID I DOOOO?" So we made the executive decision that Hannah would come back and put the little guy at ease. Jeez. They have separation issues. Lol. (Luckily, right now they are adorable and sleeping back to back). So Hannah stayed with my little man and Lucy and I went off to the Vet's office.

We got there, and Lucy was doing her sleuthing/hound thing and was sniffing EVERYTHING in sight, which is always adorable to me. She tried to make friends with another dog but it was scared of her big ol' self. Speaking of which, Hannah and I guessed her weight. I guessed 63 and Hannah guessed 66. We were way off. Lucy only weighs 55. She's only gained 5 pounds since last December... Lol. Anyways. The vet examined her, she was a ham until the icky parts that she did not like. Overall, we were sent home with a week's supply of medicine to give her twice a day to treat a skin infection. The other factors may be minimized by these meds. We have another appointment for next Tuesday to see if it has worked and if everything is back to normal. If not, we will go from there and see.

Now that I've posted all of this, I feel better. I needed to get it out. Today and Yesterday were just stupid and I'm ready for tomorrow! PLEASE!

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