Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Just Want To Win The Lottery...... Please?

So it's been a minute, yet again, since I updated my blog. Life is moving a bit faster right now and it hasn't really been a priority, oddly. I don't even know where to begin with my updating because it's been a while since I last updated. I'll just touch on the significant things that I remember.

As far as the wedding front goes, Jackie, Hannah, and I (and Seth) went bridesmaid dress shopping this past Saturday. Unfortunately, Elea couldn't make it because she was busy. We did find a dress that surprisingly we think will look good on everyone! My intended goal was to have everyone pick a dress in the same length and fabric, but with different tops if they wanted. However, Jackie and Hannah BOTH liked the same dress, and we think Elea will like it as well because it has straps - one of her things she wanted in her dress. :) We had a good time. We ended up changing the color though from Eggplant to Plum (in AA styles) because it matched the Tux Vest variety offered. Also, Jackie, Seth and I went to the mall afterwards and I bought my wedding shoes! They were on clearance for $24 and I was hoping to spend less than $30! Score!

In other news, Seth and I are losing our minds waiting in this horrible process called "Putting in an offer on a house." I am extremely lucky and blessed to have amazing grandparents that wanted to help us buy our first house. We found one that we all liked, in an area we all approved of, for an amazing price due to the shape the economy is currently in. We made an offer, they countered, we countered, and they made a final offer. We, so far, accepted. Just have to have the contract written up and an inspection done and voila! We may be homeowners! This is great and crazy and scary all at the same time. We are super excited and humbled by what may be happening, but we also realize we have more responsibility, particularly of the financial variety, when it comes to a house (property tax, homeowners insurance, etc). It's not that bad, but it's also a bit scary, since I am going to be spending the next three years in school and Seth hasn't graduated officially yet (though just a few more months for that one). We're also planning a wedding that we cannot afford and definitely won't be affording a honeymoon anytime soon. That kind of sucks, but hey, a house lasts longer for sure.

Speaking of school for the next three years, I've had a lot going on in the Grady front lately. I went yesterday and got fitted for my scrubs. It was kind of cool. :) I can't wait to get to wear the super cute ones! Also, I'm working on my online portion of becoming CPR certified so I can work in the hospital. Ordered books today too...ugh, I don't miss that expense at all. It seems to sort of be working out right now though... maybe I can find someone to carpool with me so I can save some gas money!

I'm just going to gloss over the saving money thing because money is seriously causing some sleepless nights for me right now. This isn't really "because" of the house thing. It's more because of the "broke thing." Lol. We are going to have significantly less bills than even if we rented due to the inflated prices of rent right now and how cheaply we are getting this house. Isn't that INSANE? It costs less to have a house. But at the same time, it doesn't matter when you have no money right? haha. I'm being a bit dry in my humor about this.... meh. "It is what it is" right Hannah?? Lol.

I've been babysitting Ava for the past few days. Actually, last Thursday and Friday and then Monday, Tuesday (today) and then Wednesday, part of Thursday, next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Whew. It's much like it's been before - somewhat overwhelming and makes me wonder lots of things.

Oh. Speaking of that. I got a call from my OB/GYN's office about my ultrasound I had to go have. I went in and thought everything went well because the cysts were smaller! However, I was experiencing more pain. Red flag. They think I also have endometriosis and I have to have the laparoscopic procedure done some time this year. GREAT, right? Double Whammy. If that doesn't make me scared that I can't have kids I don't know what would.

Moral of the stories: I just want to hit the lottery. Please?

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