Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I got in!

So this blog should have happened some time between my birthday blogs and the engagement pictures, but whatever. I'm lazy. Here is my point: I got my letter and I GOT ACCEPTED INTO THE PROGRAM AT GRADY!!!! I am seriously so excited. I had/have been struggling a lot with how my life would go and finally I have a little bit of stability along with those worries. I have a plan for the next 2-3 years. I say possibly three because I could go on to Radiation Therapy on top of the Radiologic Technology. It's really and truly fascinating to me (I was totally into the cat scan Seth had to have a few weeks ago, asking questions like I was 5).

I can see myself doing this. I haven't been able to comfortably have that thought in a loooonnnngggg time and it feels amazing. I can, though. I can see myself wearing scrubs, working with patients, doing the work, and being happy. It's not a job that will come home with me, which is something that I thoroughly WANT and NEED from my career. I can't have a career that could come home with me because I overthink things. I need a career that I can enjoy and feel competent and accomplished in, but I also need a career that stays at the work place. I am really excited about going to school for this.

I think the program will be tough and time consuming (it will be - I mean, 8-4 every weekday is a pretty big time commitment) but it will be worth it, and I can say that will conviction. Only two years, possibly three, and I can be making a really good salary working in a field that I find fascinating and also still feel like I'm helping people. What more could a girl want out of her future career plan? :) Not much, unless it was a guarantee that my optimism will not be unfounded. :) Can you tell I'm in a happy place, blog? It's surprising actually because my day was crappy. Haha.

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