Monday, June 21, 2010

Calais' quote

My friend Calais (isn't that a beautiful name?) posted this on facebook:

Calais: this quote is stuck in my head from the movie Valentine's Day--- "In a relationship you have to accept the other person for all of who they are and not just the parts that are easy to like, and you're stupid if you turn your back on something as important as LOVE..." ♥

I'm pretty sure there is no quote more accurate for my life right at this moment. It's hard to love someone and to want to "help" them or "fix" things for them, when they don't want it at all. It's hard to go through the thoughts of wanting things to change. It's just hard to be in love and to not have all of the answers. It's hard to try not to control and instead to deal with things after the fact -- it is not my personality AT all. What I want/like to do is take things by the horns and deal with them. To confront. But I'm learning that just because I want to deal with something my way, it doesn't mean it will work. I'm learning that I have to change the ways I might deal with people. I just haven't figure out how yet.

For the record. I'm deeply in love. But I'm also deeply in hurt.


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