Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Post-Surgery Update 2 - The details

So, here is what I know.

I have Endometriosis. I have PCOS. And I had some sort of scar tissue.

Now let me elaborate. Remember they told me I didn't have PCOS, that's why we were doing this surgery? To make sure it was Endo? Well. It was Endo. But it was also PCOS. Now, how could they miss it on the ultrasound and then find it during surgery? Easy. The cysts are INSIDE my ovaries, not on the outside. So they missed the PCOS before.

They found several "pockets" of Endometriosis - three of which Doc burned off (to the best of her ability) and one of which was removed for biopsy. Also, they did whatever to the scar tissue. The other Doc's "angry uterus" comment began to make sense when I was told that the Endo was mainly on the back side of my uterus and on the right side -- well that explains why I had pain on my right side more than my left. And the PCOS being inside the ovaries explains why I don't ovulate regularly (if at all?) and why everything is so wonky.

So, I've been explained for the most part. Now comes the "fun" part....making huge, possibly life-altering decisions. In essence, Doc told mom and Seth that "if the normal couple takes 10 months to conceive, your timeline would be more like 1.5 years." And she said if it did indeed take longer than a year, there would be room for medical (read: hormonal drug) intervention.

So we should be able to have babies, hopefully, though there is no guarantee and it will take us much longer than your average couple. I still have a hard time understanding accidental pregnancies because there are literally very few days of a month you can get pregnant! Insanity. And really, that's jealousy. I wish we could just be like "Oh we are pregnant!" Instead of charting, counting, tracking, planning like we will most likely have to. But again, I'm just jealous.

I started to do a tiny bit of follow up research (the first I've done since finding out for sure what I do/do not have) and it basically says the longer you wait, the faster your chances deterioriate. So that scares the living hell out of me.

We're not ready for a baby right this very second - though I have no doubt we could make it work and figure it out over the next 9-10 months if we needed to. Also...if it's really going to take that long to get pregnant, the earliest we'd theoretically have a baby would be 2014. (Assuming the factors were: we waited until March 3 to start trying and it took 1-1.5 years to get pregnant, plus the 9 months of pregnancy.) Then again, God works in mysterious ways, and we could have a baby as early as 2013. We've agreed pretty much that we want to at least be married before we actively try. That's what we've agreed on so far.... the rest is not determined. We shall see, folks.

All I know is...I will at least be 22 and Seth 24, more likely 23 and 25...and if it takes loner than planned 24 and 26, or older. This makes us think a lot about our career choices, school choices, life choices. And we still need to sit down and discuss...which we will, soon.

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