Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Post-Surgery Update 1

Well, the good news is I made it! The bad news is: OUCCCHHHHHH!! Urgh.

So here's my fairly detailed recap. Monday, 11/21/11 I had my surgery. I didn't sleep very much the night before - I slept maybe 5 hours. I woke up around 5:45 and took my second "hospital soap" shower that I was required to use. It's got a really awkward brush and smells kind of odd, but whatever. I got my glasses & contacts, packed a small bag, put on comfortable clothing and Seth and I left for the hospital.

We arrived at about 7:10 am and waited in the parking lot for my Mom. At 7:20 am we went inside. I was schedule to be there at 7:30. You know how I love to be early and all that. So we wait and then they call my name and my stomach drops to my feet (or rather...I get up and walk to the back, but really, I was screaming in my head.) The nurse has me go take a pregnancy test (ha) and then I go to the bathroom. I change into my ugly gray hospital gown that was huge and I take 2 Xanax and something else. I can't remember what. We do the whole temperature, blood pressure, sign papers and releases thing.

Then they try to start my IV and the fun begins! The first nurse tried my left forearm, and my left elbow area (?). The next one tried my right hand. Then they decide, ok we'll just let the anesthesia department do it. So I get wheeled up there...By the way, laying on a bed in an elevator is kind of freaky and a bit nauseating. I have my kiss my mom & Seth goodbye (and almost cry, though I don't think they saw) and am wheeled into a weird room. They argue about whether I am allergic to iodine or neosporing (Iodine people, it says so on one of my many colorful hospital bracelets) and then this mean nurse lady demands I take my contacts out even though I was told downstairs that they would be fine. She goes to get my contact case from Seth. Same lady also has the Dr in to check on a rash I had on my belly button (heat rash, I think, ew).

Then an anesthesiologist guy is going to try my IV. Remember, this is stick number 4. And this needle? Yeah. It's not small. It's almost as long as my pinky. So he tries my elbow on my left arm. No dice. The girl with him tries my left wrist (holy crap this one hurts, they warned me but damn! wrists are sensitive!) and again...nope. FINALLY, on try number SIX, they get it in my right wrist. Ouch! It really did hurt. But I was just glad it was finally freakin' working. I look like a pincushion.

So right after the IV drip starts working, crazy mean nurse lady demands I take my contacts out. Lady, my arms are sore. I've sorta been poked 954058943594 times and I'm starting to feel it and you want me to do WHAT?! I finally get my contacts out and shoot her a glare before they wheel me down the hall.

We get into the surgery room, I'm transferred over to the operating table, my arms are strapped down so I don't move/the needle doesn't come out. They put some things on my legs - that vibrate and massage, to help with blood flow, and then I'm told to take deep breaths from an oxygen mask thing. I do this......and then.......goodnight world.

I wake up two hours later with a sore throat, sore stomach, and goopy stuff in my eyes. I woke up at 11:11 - I'm so lucky. ;) ha. I kept trying to cough because of the stupid breathing tube and the nurse had to hold my stomach still so it didn't hurt too. That was great fun.

I vaguely remember seeing the Dr, she told me that she had removed some Endometriosis and there were other things she'd tell me at post-op. Also, I remember her saying she'd told Mom & Seth and she made a joke about men not remembering stuff. One of the guy surgeons said something about my "angry uterus" which made me go "Wth?" I later found out what that meant...I think. Lol. ***To be expanded upon later***

I was wheeled downstairs, given some ginger ale (thank you!!) and then I had to pee. Standing up? NOT FUN. I felt nauseated, my stomach hurt more than I though two incisions could and sitting down? Psh. The first couple of hours were pretty terrible.

The anesthesia wearing off also gave me the shakes. Ha. That's always good when you feel like you got hit by a bus, right? Lol. I'm being a bit dramatic on that part, but really, this is the worst pain I think I've ever felt in a concentrated area for sure. I slowly was wheeled out to the car (after Seth had to help me do EVERYTHING to dress - I just despise feeling helpless). I felt like I was going to throw up just riding in a wheelchair. We went by Mom's house and got my prescriptions and then came home. It literally took me probably 5 minutes to get up the stairs. But, I made it. I laid down ever-so-gracefully (hahaha) and then was out for, Oh, I don't know. The next several hours.

I woke up and was ready for some sustenance at around 8 or 9 pm. Seth made me some "Tokyo soup" and a grilled cheese. Yum. It was the perfect meal since I hadn't eaten in 24 hours. Went back to be around 11 pm and slept pretty much until 12 pm the following day (yesterday). Mom came to get me around 1:30. I still felt like crap, but "ok." Yesterday was not just a recovery turned into an even worse day.

We found Nanny at her house, passed out on the floor. Her sugar had gotten down to 31 and she'd passed out face down in her kitchen. The oven was on. I had to call 911 (where I talked to the LEAST HELPFUL 911 DISPATCHER EVER IN THE WORLD) and then the paramedics got there and got her sort of stable. They took her to the hospital, ran some tests, made her eat and gave her something... and yeah. Mom had to drop me & Ava off at her house because I couldn't drive since, you know, I was 1 day post-surgery. Ava had to basically take care of me yesterday and she did a great job. Kept me covered in blankets, was fairly quiet. You know, pretty good.

I started hurting really badly at around 4:30/5:00 and had to take another of the strong pain pills because I'd over-exerted myself during the Nanny scare. I'm telling you guys...I was not in a good place. I was basically sitting there thinking how much the month of November has SUCKED for my family. I mean, could it have been any worse? I was like, No way am I about to lose my Nanny too. Not less than 3 weeks after my Papa. :'( And I felt useless because of my surgery. Which I know in all honesty I shouldn't - this surgery was necessary and I'm glad I had it (though I'm still in a blahhhhhhh place.)

So now that I've written ten THOUSAND pages for this, I'm going to stop. I'll update in a few JUST about the findings of my surgery so it doesn't get lost in this awfully long, crazy post.

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