Saturday, November 12, 2011

Crazy Week - Awesome Ending!

So this week was really insane adjusting to my new "role" I guess you could say. Basically, my role is that of caretaker for my Nanny during the day (plus still tutoring and watching Ava in the afternoons). Like I've said before about that...if anyone doesn't call this a "real" job they are INSANE. And are welcome to try it. ;) haha.

The week itself was pretty busy but d0-able. I'm really trying to figure out the best ways to work with Ava on her spelling - she is great at Math, but gets really frustrated with spelling words and sometimes reading. My Nanny gave me the best compliment - she kept telling me how GOOD I do with Ava. I needed to hear that, because I do get frustrated but I try not to let it show too much while we're working. I hope we can find some creative ways to work this out.

All in all, I enjoyed my week, though I was definitely ready for bed every night. There were some late days since Mom was out of town for two days, and those were the ones that I was ready to fall asleep within 2 minutes of getting in my PJs.

But the awesome ending to my week was this - last night was FCWC's Bunco for Boucher fundraiser/project! The project benefitted the family of a local (to Athens) soldier who lost his legs overseas. He's currently in a hospital up north (not going to say) and the money raised went to the family to use for plane tickets to see him over the holidays and for helping pay to renovate their house to be more wheelchair friendly and ready for him to come home! It was so great!

Not to mention, Bunco is actually pretty damn fun! haha. Seth and I were partners and we did pretty well! There were prizes for: Most Wins, Most Losses, Most Buncos, and Most Snake-Eyes. Zach got most Snake-Eyes! And won $20. And Nanny & Mom's team ALMOST got Most Buncos - it was a three-way tie between them and 2 other teams and all three teams have to "Bunc Off." <-- Yes, we all giggled at that phrase too. And they didn't win the prize. Boo. But they did really well! We had a pretty good turnout too. We ended up using 12 of the 18 tables we had set up (I think) and had more than that many people there. So I would guess around 60 people? Plus we made a lot on the Raffle sales, ticket sales, and donations for the family! Sweet right!

Happy Veterans Day yesterday - 11.11.11! And Happy Veterans Day to Michael Boucher!

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