Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Recap

So this past weekend was Valentine's Day. It was technically on Monday, but we did our "celebrating" on Friday night. We decided to go out to eat, and ended up at Red Lobster. We don't have one super close to us, so it was different. We haven't had it in probably over a year! haha. It was our 3rd Valentine's Day together. Kind of cool!

This is my pretty rose. :) She's really opened up in the last few days. Isn't this a great picture? I thought so. Above is what my "darling" got me. :p It's a rose, a funny card, my favorite chocolates, and a funny dancing stuffed animal. It sings Queen. Lol. I don't have a pic of what I got him because he already wore it. :p It was a new Dale Earnhardt, Jr. shirt for the new season that starts this Sunday. And of course a card.

Moving on...... Let's run down through this week. Monday was V-Day. We ended up having lunch with my dad and brother at Longhorn before I went to class. Class was BORINGGGGG. But overall it was an alright day. I did have a bit of "why is everyone else engaged and now there is this romantic holiday and here we are, just dating....still..." but I got over it as I usually do.

On Tuesday I learned some new things. :) In Seminar Dr. Dillon was talking about romantic relationships in regard to differing personality types. Seth and are ALMOST complete opposites. I am an INFJ and he is an ESFP. Go figure we have the F for Feeling in common. Who'd a thunk it right? Anyways it helps me to understand some of his decisions. I personally don't get it sometimes why he seems sooooo close-minded about certain things ("name brand," or whatnot) but I get that it's not on PURPOSE that he doesn't see the value in different sometimes. One of the best examples that has come up this week was Diamond vs Moissanite. He is soooo against Moissy even though he has NO IDEA about the stone. He called it a fake diamond, which kind of hurt my feelings and pissed me off. It's NOT a fake diamond, it's its own gemstone. Here are some specs:

Moissanite- Refractive Index (Brilliance) 2.65-2.69. ; Diamond-2.42

Moissanite-Dispersion (Fire or Bling) .104 ; Diamond .044

Moissanite-Luster 20.4% ; Diamond- 17.2%

Mohs Hardness Moissanite-9.25 ; Diamond-10 (courtesy of Miss Tattoo).

Anyways realizing that he truly buys into "diamonds are the best" whereas I don't, it helps me to think about that argument in a different way. Unfortunately, he's still a Feeler over a Thinker, meaning even SEEING those facts (hi dear ;)) will not win him over. If he still FEELS that diamonds are somehow "better," then he will never agree that Moissainite is its own gemstone and has it's own qualities. Buh. :p

Anyways. Tuesday I also had a History test. It was the easiest test I've had in a few years in college and I am SO HAPPY! haha. I know I at least got a B on it. Then came Wednesday....the day of the week that makes me tired as all hell. In class for over 8 hours and I am like, DEAD. But I can still manage to talk to my bff for a few hours while waiting for Seth to get home. I wasn't comfortable coming home by myself in the dark exactly after something that happened in our complex a couple of days ago. I'll get over it, but it's really recent and freaked me out. :/

And today was/is Thursday. It's February 17th and I have 79 days until I walk across the stage and graduate college! The amazing part? Only about half of those are school days. :p

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