Saturday, February 19, 2011

Housekeeping & Questions

Busy week coming up. I have an exam on Monday, our second group Observation, essays to write, a reaction paper and literature circle. I also need to be working on some papers due in the next two weeks, and some models for my personality and motivation class.

As far as housekeeping - I need to get my four Honors contracts approved and turned it. I thought I had to do five and I only need four more! Excited. I'll graduate with Honors no matter what my GPA is since I converted so many classes to Honors credit. :p I have to keep above a 3.2 but considering my GPA is a few points higher than that, we're in the clear once I get these contracts made up!

Graduation Update: 77 days!!!!!!!! How many of these are actual class days? 35. :D Of course, lots of papers and homework and studying, BUT, 35 days spent in a classroom! I CAN DO IT. I'm so excited to be done with my Undergrad. It's also pretty awesome that my birthday is less than a month after that. :p

Now, moving on to another subject. I'm pulling from the 119 Journal Prompts that Hannah gave me a lonnngggg while back. The one I chose for today is: What is your take on soul mates?

My take on soul mates draws on what I guess you could call personal experience. I am unsure how I feel about the "there is just one person for everyone" concept, but I do believe that some people are destined for eachother. Seth and I, for example, are one of those couples that just "work." We, for whatever reason, just seem to be right. I've heard a lot of people say this to us. They'll say things like "You guys are just perfect for eachother, but I can't describe it." Well, funny but I can't fully describe it either.

We are almost complete opposites, besides one thing: our future. We both see our futures somewhat similarly. We both want kids, we both want to make decent money, we both have ideas of the future house we'd live in, we're both "animal people." And best of all, we both love eachother.

How are we opposite? Oh goodness. We are FUNDAMENTALLY different. I'm an introvert, he's an extrovert. He senses things, where as I use my intuition. We both use feelings to make judgments, but he buys into "social logic" more than I do. I have a "judging" personality and he has a "perceiving" personality. What's funny is that, he'll perceive a threat and I'll judge how best to deal with it. It doesn't always WORK, haha, but it's funny. It's almost as if we complement eachother in these differing ways.

I've always heard "opposites attract," but at the same time I don't feel SO different from him, and I think it's because we see similar things for our futures and have similar values and beliefs. We enjoy different things, in different ways. It's almost ironic. But I do think there's a REASON we are together. There is a certain pull. We know that it will work, because we want to make it work. I know that sounds idealistic (um, duh, I'm an Idealist personality type) but I also know that we are both very resilient and will work for what we know is right.

You don't get this far into a relationship if you don't think it will work out the way you both want it to. So on that note, I think there are complementing personalities that make people "soul mates." I think there are traits that make people "perfect for eachother." But I also think some people have more than one. I'm not talking cheating, I'm talking...something happens to their first love, and they can still love someone else. Maybe not a soul mate though, maybe a kindred spirit. Maybe maybe maybe.

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