Thursday, February 10, 2011

Minor Freak-Out

Hallelujah the week is over! For me, anyways.

It's not exactly been an interesting week. I've been stuffy/sick/yucky feeling. It IS February already, which still feels a little nuts, but I am THAT MUCH CLOSER to all of the lovely things that happen to come later in this year. I kind of want to talk about those things right now because I am a very future-oriented person and just wanna? :p I can't WAIT to find out about Graduate School.

I keep getting this sinking feeling that I'm not going to get in, which makes me sort of panic, but really? Not the worst thing that could happen. I know what I would do if I don't get in: I'd get a job (money!!!!$$$), plan my wedding, and re-take my GREs after studying majorly for them. I studied last time, but if I were to have to re-take them for re-applying next year, I'd have more time to devote to studying as I wouldn't be in school. I'm sure I could get them up a few points.

I'd also know the no-nos of the Grad school application process that I did NOT know when I actually applied. So I'm pretty confident I could get in if I had another chance and didn't happen to make the cut this time around. Besides, I'd love to have a job and an income. I want to have at least a part-time field-related job when I graduate anyways and keep it through Grad school, if possible.

Writing this has made me freak out less; knowing that there are positives and negatives to both possibilities. Negatives of not getting in now? I'd have a kind of awkward year. And it'd be a year later that I got my degree. But hey. I wouldn't exactly be old. (25)

On that note............... I have nothing else to write right now. Au revoir?

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