Friday, February 25, 2011

Such a good day. :)

Today has, overall, been a very good day. :) I got to semi-sleep-in, other than the ridiculous amount of noise coming from the construction people building new apartments. Then a mysterious awesome package came (YAY!) and then I did some laundry, because I'm a good housewife. ;) hahah

Then I showered and got ready, Seth got home and showered, and we went to Douglasville to meet part of the family for delicious dinner. We went to the Tokyo Steakhouse, and it was REALLY good. From what I gather, Zach and Will were impressed. haha. It really was quite delicious and the chef did some stuff I've never seen. I was glad I got to see my brothers and my dad and Maggie. I'm ready for college to be done so we can do that once a week. :)

After the deliciousness, we listened to some 90's music (Mmbop anyone?) and then stopped in Wal-Mart for some dog bones, a composition notebook I needed, and Seth some new work pants. Then we stopped and got .59 cent ice cream cones at Burger King - yumm. Now we're back here, and the dogs are fairly happy as they've got their new bones. Especially Lucy. She's a bone addict.

Now, I'm hoping to keep the rest of the night non-bad, so I think we're going to do close to nothing. It's almost midnight anyways.

I have a lot of schoolwork I need to do this weekend/next week. I have a HUGE Sociology project due on Monday; it's going to SUCKKKKK putting it together. The instructions were highly confusing, and it's complicated and just yucky. That is by far my least favorite class. BY FAR. I also have to write several journals for Sports Psychology and write my Sports Psyc Mid-Term (10+ pages, buh) by Wednesday. Then I have another essay for History due on Thursday, but it will be easy -- only 3 pages!!

AND THEN: Spring Break!!! I can't believe it's already that time. I don't really have any plans, other than going home for a few days. Maybe I'll catch one of Will's soccer games. That would be great; I haven't been able to do much of that. Thanks college.

Graduation Countdown: 71 Days!

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