Friday, February 25, 2011

Such a good day. :)

Today has, overall, been a very good day. :) I got to semi-sleep-in, other than the ridiculous amount of noise coming from the construction people building new apartments. Then a mysterious awesome package came (YAY!) and then I did some laundry, because I'm a good housewife. ;) hahah

Then I showered and got ready, Seth got home and showered, and we went to Douglasville to meet part of the family for delicious dinner. We went to the Tokyo Steakhouse, and it was REALLY good. From what I gather, Zach and Will were impressed. haha. It really was quite delicious and the chef did some stuff I've never seen. I was glad I got to see my brothers and my dad and Maggie. I'm ready for college to be done so we can do that once a week. :)

After the deliciousness, we listened to some 90's music (Mmbop anyone?) and then stopped in Wal-Mart for some dog bones, a composition notebook I needed, and Seth some new work pants. Then we stopped and got .59 cent ice cream cones at Burger King - yumm. Now we're back here, and the dogs are fairly happy as they've got their new bones. Especially Lucy. She's a bone addict.

Now, I'm hoping to keep the rest of the night non-bad, so I think we're going to do close to nothing. It's almost midnight anyways.

I have a lot of schoolwork I need to do this weekend/next week. I have a HUGE Sociology project due on Monday; it's going to SUCKKKKK putting it together. The instructions were highly confusing, and it's complicated and just yucky. That is by far my least favorite class. BY FAR. I also have to write several journals for Sports Psychology and write my Sports Psyc Mid-Term (10+ pages, buh) by Wednesday. Then I have another essay for History due on Thursday, but it will be easy -- only 3 pages!!

AND THEN: Spring Break!!! I can't believe it's already that time. I don't really have any plans, other than going home for a few days. Maybe I'll catch one of Will's soccer games. That would be great; I haven't been able to do much of that. Thanks college.

Graduation Countdown: 71 Days!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Housekeeping & Questions

Busy week coming up. I have an exam on Monday, our second group Observation, essays to write, a reaction paper and literature circle. I also need to be working on some papers due in the next two weeks, and some models for my personality and motivation class.

As far as housekeeping - I need to get my four Honors contracts approved and turned it. I thought I had to do five and I only need four more! Excited. I'll graduate with Honors no matter what my GPA is since I converted so many classes to Honors credit. :p I have to keep above a 3.2 but considering my GPA is a few points higher than that, we're in the clear once I get these contracts made up!

Graduation Update: 77 days!!!!!!!! How many of these are actual class days? 35. :D Of course, lots of papers and homework and studying, BUT, 35 days spent in a classroom! I CAN DO IT. I'm so excited to be done with my Undergrad. It's also pretty awesome that my birthday is less than a month after that. :p

Now, moving on to another subject. I'm pulling from the 119 Journal Prompts that Hannah gave me a lonnngggg while back. The one I chose for today is: What is your take on soul mates?

My take on soul mates draws on what I guess you could call personal experience. I am unsure how I feel about the "there is just one person for everyone" concept, but I do believe that some people are destined for eachother. Seth and I, for example, are one of those couples that just "work." We, for whatever reason, just seem to be right. I've heard a lot of people say this to us. They'll say things like "You guys are just perfect for eachother, but I can't describe it." Well, funny but I can't fully describe it either.

We are almost complete opposites, besides one thing: our future. We both see our futures somewhat similarly. We both want kids, we both want to make decent money, we both have ideas of the future house we'd live in, we're both "animal people." And best of all, we both love eachother.

How are we opposite? Oh goodness. We are FUNDAMENTALLY different. I'm an introvert, he's an extrovert. He senses things, where as I use my intuition. We both use feelings to make judgments, but he buys into "social logic" more than I do. I have a "judging" personality and he has a "perceiving" personality. What's funny is that, he'll perceive a threat and I'll judge how best to deal with it. It doesn't always WORK, haha, but it's funny. It's almost as if we complement eachother in these differing ways.

I've always heard "opposites attract," but at the same time I don't feel SO different from him, and I think it's because we see similar things for our futures and have similar values and beliefs. We enjoy different things, in different ways. It's almost ironic. But I do think there's a REASON we are together. There is a certain pull. We know that it will work, because we want to make it work. I know that sounds idealistic (um, duh, I'm an Idealist personality type) but I also know that we are both very resilient and will work for what we know is right.

You don't get this far into a relationship if you don't think it will work out the way you both want it to. So on that note, I think there are complementing personalities that make people "soul mates." I think there are traits that make people "perfect for eachother." But I also think some people have more than one. I'm not talking cheating, I'm talking...something happens to their first love, and they can still love someone else. Maybe not a soul mate though, maybe a kindred spirit. Maybe maybe maybe.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Recap

So this past weekend was Valentine's Day. It was technically on Monday, but we did our "celebrating" on Friday night. We decided to go out to eat, and ended up at Red Lobster. We don't have one super close to us, so it was different. We haven't had it in probably over a year! haha. It was our 3rd Valentine's Day together. Kind of cool!

This is my pretty rose. :) She's really opened up in the last few days. Isn't this a great picture? I thought so. Above is what my "darling" got me. :p It's a rose, a funny card, my favorite chocolates, and a funny dancing stuffed animal. It sings Queen. Lol. I don't have a pic of what I got him because he already wore it. :p It was a new Dale Earnhardt, Jr. shirt for the new season that starts this Sunday. And of course a card.

Moving on...... Let's run down through this week. Monday was V-Day. We ended up having lunch with my dad and brother at Longhorn before I went to class. Class was BORINGGGGG. But overall it was an alright day. I did have a bit of "why is everyone else engaged and now there is this romantic holiday and here we are, just dating....still..." but I got over it as I usually do.

On Tuesday I learned some new things. :) In Seminar Dr. Dillon was talking about romantic relationships in regard to differing personality types. Seth and are ALMOST complete opposites. I am an INFJ and he is an ESFP. Go figure we have the F for Feeling in common. Who'd a thunk it right? Anyways it helps me to understand some of his decisions. I personally don't get it sometimes why he seems sooooo close-minded about certain things ("name brand," or whatnot) but I get that it's not on PURPOSE that he doesn't see the value in different sometimes. One of the best examples that has come up this week was Diamond vs Moissanite. He is soooo against Moissy even though he has NO IDEA about the stone. He called it a fake diamond, which kind of hurt my feelings and pissed me off. It's NOT a fake diamond, it's its own gemstone. Here are some specs:

Moissanite- Refractive Index (Brilliance) 2.65-2.69. ; Diamond-2.42

Moissanite-Dispersion (Fire or Bling) .104 ; Diamond .044

Moissanite-Luster 20.4% ; Diamond- 17.2%

Mohs Hardness Moissanite-9.25 ; Diamond-10 (courtesy of Miss Tattoo).

Anyways realizing that he truly buys into "diamonds are the best" whereas I don't, it helps me to think about that argument in a different way. Unfortunately, he's still a Feeler over a Thinker, meaning even SEEING those facts (hi dear ;)) will not win him over. If he still FEELS that diamonds are somehow "better," then he will never agree that Moissainite is its own gemstone and has it's own qualities. Buh. :p

Anyways. Tuesday I also had a History test. It was the easiest test I've had in a few years in college and I am SO HAPPY! haha. I know I at least got a B on it. Then came Wednesday....the day of the week that makes me tired as all hell. In class for over 8 hours and I am like, DEAD. But I can still manage to talk to my bff for a few hours while waiting for Seth to get home. I wasn't comfortable coming home by myself in the dark exactly after something that happened in our complex a couple of days ago. I'll get over it, but it's really recent and freaked me out. :/

And today was/is Thursday. It's February 17th and I have 79 days until I walk across the stage and graduate college! The amazing part? Only about half of those are school days. :p

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Minor Freak-Out

Hallelujah the week is over! For me, anyways.

It's not exactly been an interesting week. I've been stuffy/sick/yucky feeling. It IS February already, which still feels a little nuts, but I am THAT MUCH CLOSER to all of the lovely things that happen to come later in this year. I kind of want to talk about those things right now because I am a very future-oriented person and just wanna? :p I can't WAIT to find out about Graduate School.

I keep getting this sinking feeling that I'm not going to get in, which makes me sort of panic, but really? Not the worst thing that could happen. I know what I would do if I don't get in: I'd get a job (money!!!!$$$), plan my wedding, and re-take my GREs after studying majorly for them. I studied last time, but if I were to have to re-take them for re-applying next year, I'd have more time to devote to studying as I wouldn't be in school. I'm sure I could get them up a few points.

I'd also know the no-nos of the Grad school application process that I did NOT know when I actually applied. So I'm pretty confident I could get in if I had another chance and didn't happen to make the cut this time around. Besides, I'd love to have a job and an income. I want to have at least a part-time field-related job when I graduate anyways and keep it through Grad school, if possible.

Writing this has made me freak out less; knowing that there are positives and negatives to both possibilities. Negatives of not getting in now? I'd have a kind of awkward year. And it'd be a year later that I got my degree. But hey. I wouldn't exactly be old. (25)

On that note............... I have nothing else to write right now. Au revoir?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Whirlwind Week

This week has been a whirlwind at the same time that it has technically uneventful. Weird? Yes.

Let's start out with the fact that it's now February! I'm so glad. Getting closer and closer to the things I'm looking forward to this year. I know that sounds strange and "not living in the moment" but I have come to terms with the fact that I live a lot through my future. It's just a personality trait; one that I am learning to own. I know there are all sorts of quotes "live for the day" but to be honest, a lot of times my day is not interesting or challenging enough for my mind that never shuts off. It can be majorly overwhelming and make me feel like I'm highly misunderstood.

I think I have blogged about this before, the fact that my brain doesn't willingly shut off? Ever? lol. Seth and I have talked about this before because he has the ability to LITERALLY not be thinking about anything. At all. Seriously, nothing. For a long time I didn't even BELIEVE him because I had no idea that was even possible. (LOL) My brain is constantly going. Whether it is technical stuff, school-related stuff, theories, plans, hopes, dreams, thoughts. SOMETHING is always going on. And seriously, even when I'm sleeping. Because we all dream, every night, even if we don't remember. :) Thanks Dr. Kunkel for that tidbit.

This concept is really entertaining to me at present - I think it is why I am so easily stressed and anxious. Because I don't have an "off" switch. I can CHANGE what I'm thinking about, but I can't not think. I just can't. When I try to...I get distracted. haha. This idea is sort of a new exploration for me, but I'm thinking that to embrace this fact of myself I need to be more honest about it. I literally am always thinking. I think that's why I love the 'Bee. It offers new and different questions and circumstances for me to contemplate and sometimes offer advice on. I LOVE to feel useful. When someone says "THANKS that's a great idea" it's a huge compliment to my ever-so-dainty ego. (Or should I say....Id? Superego?)

Break: Of course I couldn't focus on that for too long; I got distracted by my thoughts. I wanted to start being more literal, so guess what? Since it's my blog I think I'll do just that. haha. This week has FLOWN by and I am honestly so glad. I don't love school right now - it's dry and pretty boring for the most part. I like a couple of my classes, a couple of my professors, and only one of those overlaps. haha. I am also bored. I'm bored with my routine. College is getting old. Grad School (eek!) better be a much different routine. And please God, can I have a JOB that pays WELL in Grad School? I'd love that. More to do and not so much selfishness! Because my inner thoughts are inadvertently very selfish...Adurrrrr.... Our favorite subjects are ourselves. :)

I think that's all I have to say right now?

Here's something pretty to look at: