Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mondays Suck. It's official.

So I'm not sure where I left off. I think Sunday after the Steelers won. :)

Yesterday though, that is, Monday....
I got up early and drove to Covington. I stopped and got my "co-pays" from my Mom for my Dr. appointments. I went to my Nanny & Papa's house and had the best grilled cheese of my life. I wish I could make them like she does. :) We talked about a lot of stuff, and for the record, they are more generous than some people may give them credit for. And I'm not talking money. But I don't know what to say on here. I'll just leave it at that. I offered to help out with their garage sale on Friday - SO, if you are a good-deal searcher, then come check it out. Message me for the address. It's in Covington.

Well then I went to my first doctor's appointment. If you're squemish or weird or male, maybe you should skip this paragraph. I went to the OB/GYN. Had to get an ultrasound of my ovaries. Basically, my left ovary has visible cysts on it and my right "isn't as bad." Yeah. So I have an unofficial diagnosis of PCOS. I posted about this a long time ago, about maybe having it, and now it's pretty official. PCOS = Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. Look it up.

For the record, it upsets me very much, mostly because it has to do with infertility issues. And for those that haven't figured me out yet - I want to be a mother. I want to be a good mother. I wanted to do it the normal, easy way, and that option was taken away from me yesterday in a way. It's still possible that I can conceive on my own, but it is HIGHLY unlikely that I will not at least need fertility drugs. At the least. It makes me really sad and I feel inadequate as a woman. Like that experience of semi-surprise or anything was taken away from me and I haven't even started trying. Or rather, "we" haven't. But... we will have to. Try, that is. And I find that that kind of takes away the joyous surprise and gets replaced with ovulation charts and drugs and "trying" and turning it into something else. I still have hope. And I am praying about it and please do too if you want. But it still sucks. :/

SO then I go to the eye doctor. My vision still sucks! lol. Duh. It's not that bad. My right eye went up to -2.75 and my left stayed at -2.25. I hate getting my eyes dilated, for the record. It's stupid.

Then I got to see my long-lost friend Ashley. :) It was really nice to get to talk to her about all of the stuff that has been building up in each of our lives. I missed it. We got to have "girl talk" I guess you could say. Next year Margaritas could be involved. lol. But it was just, all in all, good. Especially after the news I had gotten earlier and a lot of things neither of us had talked about yet.

So then, yeah, that was my day. I don't really want to remember it, but I have to, because it now affects the rest of my life. Great.

Au revoir.

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