Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Eff Today

Today was stupid.
Sexuality & Spirituality made me feel like crap, I feel like crap, my life IS crap today. School was insanely boring except the depressing video we watched in one of my classes. Called "The Bridge." Watch it if you ever don't want to feel happy. Or if you're an intellectual, I guess. The only good things that happened today were: I got Prof Hamilton to sign my Honors conversion sheets and. Well. That was about it.

You know what I hate? Feelings. I wish I could just turn them off and live like everyone else. That I could just go along pretending everything is fucking fine when it's not. But really. I don't wish that at all. I think it makes me a bigger person for RECOGNIZING my feelings. But it still doesn't help me to deal with them. Especially when the person or persons I wish to do this with have absolutely no desire to participate. It's so fucking frustrating. Sorry. This is not a PG rated blog today. I just feel like this is stupid.

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