Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Weekend

Dum Dum Dum...

So my camera was dead this weekend, but quite a bit has happened I suppose. I got a couple of pics with my phone. Let's start with Friday afternoon! We (me, Seth, Lucy, Chevy) went to my Grandparents' house to help them out with their yard sale. Ended up going through some REALLY cool stuff - Seth was fascinated by my Papa's coin collection and how the values go up and whatnot. :) SN: (lol Hannah) I found Nanny & Papa's wedding album. My gosh, it was so gorgeous!! And adorable. I love seeing beautiful stuff like that. They have been married I think 57 years this October. Incredible. Here is the crappy picture my phone took of THEIR picture. :/ Oh well, you get the idea.

Anyways, that night we went to dinner with some of my family that night. By "some" I mean: Mom, Mark, Ava and Nic, as well as me and Seth. We went to Cracker Barrel - Nic had never been there, but he liked the Country Fried Steak. Then me, Mom and Seth went to Party City for Halloween stuff. Shane & Heather met up with us there to take Seth home and stuff. Zach apparently went on a date with a girl named Kaylee or Haley or something. Me and Mom went to see "Easy A" at like 9-something. It was sort of cute, but I wouldn't have to see it again. Maybe one more time when it comes out.

Then I spent the night at Nanny's with the dogs. They loved being able to be outside. :) And run and run and run and sniff and track. haha. Nanny misses her doggy, you can tell. :/ Anyways. Saturday I woke up at 6:15 - because that's what grandparents do. lol. Got up, showered, ate breakfast, took the dogs out, and helped set up the yard sale again. We took turns being in or outside. It was kind of nice to just hang out with my grandparents.

So then, later that day at 5, my grandparents went to Papa's sister Louise's birthday dinner while I went with Mom and Ava (and Will and Avery and Mark and Nic, but I rode w Mom and Ava) to Zach's football game. They won 8-0. He played well. Middle school quarters are so dang short though! 8 minutes.

After that we went to Chic-Fil-A. Then Mom and I went and bought Ava new ballet shoes and got a few new shirts. Then I went back to Nanny's and got the doggies and went and got Seth. Then we came back here. Whew. So far, pretty busy right?

So this morning we got up around 10 - an improvement over 6:15. OH, speaking of. Seth started his new job at Carquest yesterday and he seems to like it. Yay - more hours and closer! :) Good news.

Anyways. We got up and got ready and then met up with his Dad, Grandma, Shane, Heather, Alicia and Brenna. (Brenna = Chance's baby, she's so adorable!) We were going to Centre, Al. for a family dinner thing on his grandma's side. The food was really good and we had a pretty good time. We went down to the big creek behind where his grandma grew up and played in it. Alicia lost her flip flop trying to catch Brenna's pappy - both were lost. Oopsy! It was fun though, I wish I'd had something better to wear. haha.

Anyways, around 6 or later we finally got back. And here I am. Ta-Da!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mondays Suck. It's official.

So I'm not sure where I left off. I think Sunday after the Steelers won. :)

Yesterday though, that is, Monday....
I got up early and drove to Covington. I stopped and got my "co-pays" from my Mom for my Dr. appointments. I went to my Nanny & Papa's house and had the best grilled cheese of my life. I wish I could make them like she does. :) We talked about a lot of stuff, and for the record, they are more generous than some people may give them credit for. And I'm not talking money. But I don't know what to say on here. I'll just leave it at that. I offered to help out with their garage sale on Friday - SO, if you are a good-deal searcher, then come check it out. Message me for the address. It's in Covington.

Well then I went to my first doctor's appointment. If you're squemish or weird or male, maybe you should skip this paragraph. I went to the OB/GYN. Had to get an ultrasound of my ovaries. Basically, my left ovary has visible cysts on it and my right "isn't as bad." Yeah. So I have an unofficial diagnosis of PCOS. I posted about this a long time ago, about maybe having it, and now it's pretty official. PCOS = Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. Look it up.

For the record, it upsets me very much, mostly because it has to do with infertility issues. And for those that haven't figured me out yet - I want to be a mother. I want to be a good mother. I wanted to do it the normal, easy way, and that option was taken away from me yesterday in a way. It's still possible that I can conceive on my own, but it is HIGHLY unlikely that I will not at least need fertility drugs. At the least. It makes me really sad and I feel inadequate as a woman. Like that experience of semi-surprise or anything was taken away from me and I haven't even started trying. Or rather, "we" haven't. But... we will have to. Try, that is. And I find that that kind of takes away the joyous surprise and gets replaced with ovulation charts and drugs and "trying" and turning it into something else. I still have hope. And I am praying about it and please do too if you want. But it still sucks. :/

SO then I go to the eye doctor. My vision still sucks! lol. Duh. It's not that bad. My right eye went up to -2.75 and my left stayed at -2.25. I hate getting my eyes dilated, for the record. It's stupid.

Then I got to see my long-lost friend Ashley. :) It was really nice to get to talk to her about all of the stuff that has been building up in each of our lives. I missed it. We got to have "girl talk" I guess you could say. Next year Margaritas could be involved. lol. But it was just, all in all, good. Especially after the news I had gotten earlier and a lot of things neither of us had talked about yet.

So then, yeah, that was my day. I don't really want to remember it, but I have to, because it now affects the rest of my life. Great.

Au revoir.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

We win!

Just an update.........

THEY WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Overtime. 15-9. Ha! Now maybe everyone will shut up about 4 years ago.

FYI: Said today the Steelers were the only team in the N
FL to have won their past 8 opening games of the season, and continued that tradition today.

So happyyyyyyy!!!!!!

This is from

PITTSBURGH -- The Steelers are back to running the ball and playing exceptional defense. For one week, who needed Ben Roethlisberger?

Rashard Mendenhall ran 50 yards for a touchdown 2:35 into overtime and the Steelers overcame a shaky start by replacement quarterback Dennis Dixon and a missed field goal attempt late in regulation to beat the Atlanta Falcons 15-9 on Sunday, September 12, 2010.

P.S. Was anyone else annoyingly confused with "Matt Ryan" and "Matt Bryant" being talked about for the Falcons today..... Someone needs a name change. haha jk.


That's the theme of the day.
I know we don't have "Big Ben" but we have a solid-ass team, and I don't care how ghetto the Falcons fans want to be - the Steelers are classic. Beat that. :)
Win or Lose - I'm still a Steelers fan and there is no way anyone's shit-talking would ever change my mind. We could lose every game until the day I die, and I will die a Steelers fan.
GO STEELERS!!!!!!!! Beat the FALCONS!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Yay for the Weekend!

Thank goodness it's the weekend. I'm not really sure why, but I don't feel like I'm functioning all that well at school lately. I guess it's being overwhelmed with the process of applying to Graduate school. :/ It's kind of an insane process. All of the GRE scores, teacher recs, application fees, CHOICES, application deadlines, transcript requests. Just UGH! And of course that is far from "all" but it was all I wanted to think about for it.

I still have my heart set on Valdosta for their hybrid program. But did I mention how I dislike the idea of working for free for like 2 years of my life? I mean, I have been PAYING to go to school and then I have to work for FREE?? Whoever thought of that was high as hell. Yeah, that's a good idea. We're going to make school insanely expensive and then make you get "experience" while not making any money whatsoever. YAY!

Not to mention, that since both Seth and I will be graduating next year we obviously have no reason to stay in Carrollton and are thinking of moving to the area that we really want to live.... which means moving and possibly buying a house and all that. Yeah. A bit overwhelmed when it comes to 2011.

OH. But we are watching Bret Ernst comedy - and he is hilarious. BTW.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Eff Today

Today was stupid.
Sexuality & Spirituality made me feel like crap, I feel like crap, my life IS crap today. School was insanely boring except the depressing video we watched in one of my classes. Called "The Bridge." Watch it if you ever don't want to feel happy. Or if you're an intellectual, I guess. The only good things that happened today were: I got Prof Hamilton to sign my Honors conversion sheets and. Well. That was about it.

You know what I hate? Feelings. I wish I could just turn them off and live like everyone else. That I could just go along pretending everything is fucking fine when it's not. But really. I don't wish that at all. I think it makes me a bigger person for RECOGNIZING my feelings. But it still doesn't help me to deal with them. Especially when the person or persons I wish to do this with have absolutely no desire to participate. It's so fucking frustrating. Sorry. This is not a PG rated blog today. I just feel like this is stupid.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy September

Happy September!
I know I'm a few (about 6) days late on that, but as I thought my blogging has been reduced since school started. That's probably NOT a good thing since my stress levels have gone UP. lol. I think I forgot how to write a good blog...

So I'll tell you about my days, but not in order. We can ignore today - while it WAS Labor Day I spent most of it in bed asleep due to a late night. I also spent a lot of it driving. I DID enjoy seeing my puppies again! I missed them. They really need to nap soon, they are getting on my nerves. lol.

But here is yesterday: Yesterday was Sunday - aka NASCAR day to Seth - and it was the Atlanta night race. I believe the Emory Healthcare 500. We spent the first part of the day at a lot of vendors and booths. Got a couple of free things and did some other cool things and then we got our tickets (thank goodness for student discounts!) For the record, we were in the Elliot grandstands and to be honest I really liked our view other than the climbing 294885402 steps to get there and the drunks in front of us. lol.

It was me, Seth, Shane (Seth's brother) and Heather. Tony Stewart (Alicia's favorite driver) won the race. It sucked that she missed it. :/ Dale, Jr did good until the end. He spent the whole time on the leader board (top 20) but by the end he wasn't even up there because he pitted too late. I think. There will be pictures, but we have to wait for Shane & Heather to post them because our camera battery wasn't holding a charge. I'll post those later on.

Let's go back a day. Saturday the 4th. Spent the morning with Ava and Nic. Ava and I played on and made her "inner bride." Of course she will be gorgeous. She is obsessed with all things sparkly so she had fun. We made like 5! haha. It was so cute. Later that day, Me and Mom went to see Eat, Pray, Love. It's a book I read right before I went to college. It was a graduation present from Lynn Garrett of the Service Guild. :) It ended up being one of my favorite books because it applies to every life situation, regardless of the specifics. For the record, I recommend it. The book, that is. The movie was okay and served as a good reminder about the books stories and lessons, but it wasn't that great. We went to dinner at LongHorn and talked about wedding stuff and marriage, oddly enough.

Friday night I decided to go home. It was the Eastside-Newton game. Good ol' fashioned rivalry. For the record, Eastside has won for the past several years, but this game was not that game. I am an Eastside alum, so it was sad, but here's why: Because they didn't have my brother! ha. And their student section sucked. Which as a former "Most School Spirit" female senior superlative it was just sad. They hardly even did anything. Get it together youngins. lol. Ava and I left early though and went home to watch Pocahontas II. :) It was good. We had popcorn together too. She was so excited. :) I am so blessed to have my siblings, they all bring something new to the table.

Back to Thursday? I'm not really sure. I know I went to class and was bored a lot. But on WEDNESDAY, Mary talked me into the Honors college thing. So I've since gotten in touch with all of my teachers that I want to convert their classes to honors. I'm doing 4. I decided to do: Research Practicum, Correctional Programs, Psychology of Visual Culture, and Terrorism. I hope I don't regret this! It should be worth it though - a degree with Honors for doing a bit of extra work. I doubt you can go wrong with that. Hopefully it helps get me where I want to get in life.

Speaking of which, I don't know if I blogged about it yet, but I've decided on my "new" graduate school plan. I do this where I have a plan for like years and then I change it. I did it in high school too. But it has definitely worked out for me for my undergrad! So what I now know I want to do is get my Masters in Social Work. I really like VSU's hybrid program, but I am still looking at the other good schools of course. I just like the hybrid part - the mostly online, flexible, part. It works best with my ideals for the next few years. Fingers crossed because I take the GRE next month!!

OKAY. Well that should sum it up for the most part. Pictures to come from the race, but that's all. Au revoir!