Monday, June 21, 2010

Calais' quote

My friend Calais (isn't that a beautiful name?) posted this on facebook:

Calais: this quote is stuck in my head from the movie Valentine's Day--- "In a relationship you have to accept the other person for all of who they are and not just the parts that are easy to like, and you're stupid if you turn your back on something as important as LOVE..." ♥

I'm pretty sure there is no quote more accurate for my life right at this moment. It's hard to love someone and to want to "help" them or "fix" things for them, when they don't want it at all. It's hard to go through the thoughts of wanting things to change. It's just hard to be in love and to not have all of the answers. It's hard to try not to control and instead to deal with things after the fact -- it is not my personality AT all. What I want/like to do is take things by the horns and deal with them. To confront. But I'm learning that just because I want to deal with something my way, it doesn't mean it will work. I'm learning that I have to change the ways I might deal with people. I just haven't figure out how yet.

For the record. I'm deeply in love. But I'm also deeply in hurt.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Oh, boring, boring.

I'm bored out of my mind.
Seth is at work. The dogs are asleep (finally.)
I slept like hell.
There is nothing on tv - I'm watching a re-run of the Newlywed Game.

BUT. I'm going to blog about my past day or two, I suppose.

Yesterday we celebrated Father's Day. I went down to Dad's and me and the boys, and Dad and Maggie of course, went to the G-Braves game. G = Gwinnett. I'm pretty sure it's the league right below the regular Braves - who are doing really well this season, by the way, and I want to go to another game! Anyways, the G-Braves games are a lot smaller but they feel a lot more personal. You can read the players' jersey's from the top! haha. They lost. It sucked as far as that, but we had a pretty good time.

Then we went to Steak 'n Shake - yummy Cookies 'n Cream milkshake!! :p Got the story on Will's "breakup" too. I think she turned her crazy on when they started dating - just FYI girls, do NOT call a guy several times a day when you know he is busy. That's annoying. SAME goes for guys! I mean, he was at a leadership retreat camp thing for a week. He is going to be busy. You are not going to be his top priority - and you shouldn't be! That would be scary!! Ugh. High School. lol.

Well then I drove home and we watched something (can't remember) and went to sleep - kind of! The dogs turned THEIR crazy on when we tried to go to sleep. Annoying. They ended up in their crates from 6-something to 7-something this morning. They were fighting with eachother! I was like, no, not happening when I've had 4 hours of sleep. haha.

NOW they are sleeping - at 4 in the afternoon! Not for long though, we are not having another bad night. lol.

WELL I guess it's almost time to pack for Disney!!! I wish I could pack today and not be considered crazy as hell. Six days!! :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

AFTER babysitting Ava

Oh I'm done babysitting!! Life is so much quieter now! haha. So here is my update. I left home around 1:00 yesterday after babysitting Ava in the morning. Mom got home from Nebraska around 2 am yesterday. Talk about a layover. Anyways, once I got home it was Sooooo quiet. The puppies were with Seth and it was just me for a little while - that hasn't happened in weeks! haha. So I read a good book - I've really gotten into Rachel Gibson's books. But I don't have 2 out of 4 in one of the series'. I'm kind of upset. I guess I need to go to the library and get them, because the first two were really cute!

Well then Seth and I went to LongHorn for our "anniversary dinner" without the "ooo, ooo, ooo" kid. YAY. We ended up sitting behind our Vet. haha. The man drives a brand new escalade..... I'm glad we could make a few monthly payments for him. We're so nice! ;)

Today we SLEPT IN! IT WAS AMAZING! I haven't slept in since............ Not sure. Kind of last Saturday, but not exactly. I don't consider 10 am sleeping in. Because.... it's not. So far, not a whole lot going on today. The puppies are sleeping again - they are sooo tired from hanging out with Shane's dog Odie and the cocker spaniel Peanut. Anyways...we're hungry! Chick Fil A sounds good!!

PCOS update - I'm definitely not sure if that's what it is. I have had three (.)'s in a month! UGH.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Birthdays, Cakes, Busy-ness, and Pictures

Today has been kind of like a blur. That's why I'm going to go ahead and try and get it all down. First of all, today was two things. Today was Seth's 22nd birthday and our 2nd anniversary. Big, huh? Well, I woke up at 7:45 to get Ava and Zach ready. Day three of babysitting wasn't as tiring as Day one or two. Anyways. I got up at 7:45 and got Ava ready, got Zach up, took Zach to football and Ava to VBS. I came back and took an hour and a half nap, lol, and then cleaned a little. Then went and picked Zach up from football and Ava from VBS. We had lunch, we watched Little Bear, we "went to the pool" but since it was soooo freaking hot (like 95+) we had to do something a little different. :) I got her bathing suit, her goggles (gargoyles, in her words), her floaty, her Ariel doll and a few pool toys and took them to Mom's big garden tub. Haha. :) She said "That's the best surprise ever!" So cute. Then we colored some signs for Seth (Happy Birthday signs. She wrote one all by herself.) Then we made a cake - she chose the teddy bear cake pan, haha - and made Seth a birthday cake. We put food coloring in the icing to make green, his "most favoritest color, right?" See below. :) The cake and the sign.

Then we had a photoshoot and these turned out really cute, accidentally. (Well the first one accidentally, obviously the second was planned.)

Then Seth got here, and she wanted to take pictures. Here's one of the good ones. :) Then SHE played photographer and took a few of us. haha. I think she's just obsessed with cameras. It was good though, because we were about to go out for our anniversary dinner. :) Tokyo. Unfortunately, we ended up in the kiddie section. Didn't know they had one? Well, apparently they do. The baby next to our table kept gooing "ooo, ooo, ooo" like an owl. And then a bratty 7-year-old girl kept crying because there were mushrooms in her soup.... I was like ahhhhh!! Shut up! Not really, but it was funny. We're out for our anniversary and we end up with all the crazy kids with parents that apparently don't know what to do? GREAT. But it was nice.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Oh Sunday Sunday

Busy weekend! Here's an update. After Charleston, I didn't do anything for the majority of the week and then we had "our" birthday party in Atlanta! Seth and I had a "joint birthday party" since our birthdays are so close together. (Mine is June 2, his is June 15). SO we had our friend-party on June 11th. :)

Hannah, Megan, Elea, Derek and Steven (and of course the two of us) went to Maggiano's Little Italy - it was fairly delicious and we all gained five pounds. haha. Afterwards we went to Krispy Kreme, like true fatties. ;) ;) haha. We had a really good time and then Hannah and Megan came back with us and we hung out until we fell asleep.

Right now, I'm babysitting Ava. Oh my gosh - I do not have the energy for this after 5 hours of sleep and a 2 hour drive. Who does that?! haha. We have watched a million episodes of Little Bear, watched some Barbie movie, played hair (I braided hers and she....well, she played with mine), we colored, looked at babies, ate lunch, took a "break" (meaning she was giving me a headache so she went to her room and i went to mine for 1/2 an hour...) And now... I'm blogging as she chatters away like a serious chatterbox about how bear is sad and she can't find her lipstick, but she's still pretty without lipstick right? hahah. WOW. Here are some random pictures. :p

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

So after my birthday "week" we went on a trip to Charleston, SC. Of course it was GORGEOUS and Will and I kind of obsessed over this really cool bridge. (See below) It kind of freaked Seth out a bit, but I think it might have cured his fear of bridges? Since we had to go over it like at least twice a day - haha!

Oddly enough, we took more than 3 pictures of this bridge. It was just! It was HUGE and just architecturally really pleasing to the eye! On the first night, we hung by the pool and had a good time, and the next day we all went to see the USS Yorktown. I remember going to see it in middle school for a field trip but it was cooler seeing it after the age of 11. Everything was so small! It didn't help that it was like almost 100 degrees. :/ There is a picture that has both the bridge and the Yorktown in it - so I won't post another of just the ship. Later that day, Maggie, Dad, Seth and I went to the outdoor market. We all got awesome new sunglasses! haha. And a few other things here and there. It was really cool how many different things there were at the Market. It was SOOOO HOT! Not to mention we walked like well over 2 miles that day. :/ Our feet were not happy. haha. That night, we went to Bubba Gump's! haha. I had Mahi-Mahi. :p I actually got Seth to try a tiny bit - success! These are pics of us at dinner!

The next day (Saturday) we went to the beach! Ahh I love going to the beach! The water was the PERFECT temperature! Seriously, it was! We hung out in the water, ran away from the big jellyfish we saw, and played in the sand. haha. We're so retarded! (Keep in mind, we are all above the age of 13 minimum!) That day we also went on a tour of the harbor. It was a nice tour but way too long! Especially considering it was over 90 degrees and probably much hotter on deck. Let's put it this way - I had on SPF 30 and managed to get a bit of a tan before we went below deck after 15 minutes. It was cool though - we saw Rainbow Row, Fort Sumter, the islands, another view of the Yorktown and some stuff. The dude doing the tour part had a weird voice! Jeez. Here is Seth and I on the boat and then at the beach! :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Birthday Week :p

So today is my actual birthday! 20. No longer a teenager and all that. Birthdays lose their sparkle as you get older, don't they? Sad but true. My little sister sang "Happy Birthday" the other day SO many times and I was just thinking.... damn I wish I could be that excited about ANYTHING! Anyways. Here are the pictures of my "first birthday weekend." I went home for Sunday and Monday. On Sunday, Nanny, Mommy and I went to see the beautiful Lady Diana exhibit at the Civic Center. It was absolutely GORGEOUS, of course. She was such a great woman, no wonder everyone loved her. It was really cool because they talked about the small town that my Nanny grew up in (King's Lynn) because she (Lady Di) and her sister both went to school there before her father inherited the Earldom. (Yes, that is SO neat to me that they still talk in terms of Earldom's and Princesses!)

They also had some SERIOUS jewelry. No cameras allowed unfortunately :( BUT let me describe: There was a necklace with 84 diamonds. 84!! And they were all the size of a button! It was incredible. They also had 27 of her outfits that she wore from the time she married Prince Charles to her death. Some of them were gorgeous - others were.... well.... the 80s. haha. They had her wedding gown with that massive 25-foot train too. I didn't realize she was just 19 when she married him! Anyways, we all enjoyed it, especially Nanny. :)

Then we went to Cracker Barrell (haha, my choice) for my family birthday dinner. That would be: Me, Will, Zach, Ava, Mom, Mark, Nanny & Papa. We were laughing because they thought that some of us were cousins or something. We were like no. This is immediate family. Anyways. Then we went back to the house and did cake and presents. (Cake = REALLY good, btw) And we took some pictures. :p Here they are. First one is obviously me and my siblings - it was my birthday present from the boys. :) The second one is Ava and Nanny playing with the paper from the present. haha. Then it's me and my papa - we do that every time we see each other since I can't remember when and it's actually a very special picture to me. Then it's me and my beautiful Mommy. I love her. :) Then me and Ava :) After cake! Haha and then... me and my boys. We were told to look natural. ;)