Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Oh, June...

Might I just say - June is going to be super overwhelming!! I'll get into that later though. First off, I'll update on the past week. I am not doing too terribly much since it's summer and I have NOTHING to do. Curse or a blessing? I haven't decided. Anyways. Over the past weekend, Hannah and I went to see Miss Ava's ballet recital - it was ADORABLE! She has no interest in dancing though, but PERFORMING is definitely something she enjoys. She's a ham. haha. It was cute!

Other than that... Hannah, Seth and I hung out and Hannah and I watched "It's Complicated." It is AMAZING by the way. I'm definitely buying it. Then we had a Puppy Emergency! Chevy had managed to lick open his incision from when he got neutered last week and it was awful! We had to rush him to the vet when it first opened Monday morning and then dropped $112 on the vet care. I was not very pleased with my little man, but, I'm sure it itched so he licked it! Only makes sense! But oh well. He's fine now, he can't reach it. (We have TWO e-collars on him because the small ones weren't working!)

Not a whole lot happened Tuesday... Seth and I went to IHOP to see our favorite waitress. haha. And he worked. I finished a book? Yeah. My life is fairly boring.

Here's the thing though... This upcoming month is going to be insane!! My 20th birthday is a week from today. I have 7 more days of being a teenager (and they will probably be boring! ha!). But my family is doing my birthday stuff this weekend since they are all off work for Memorial Day. Me, Mom and Nanny are going to see the Lady Di exhibit at some point (since my Nanny is from England!) and have a girls day. Then we'll have our traditional family birthday dinner. Every birthday, the birthday boy or girl (or woman or man) gets to choose where we go out to eat. With such a big family.... that guarantees that we go out at least once a month! HAHA. Anyways, then me and mom are going to go see Sex in the City 2!! Excited! I used to LOVE Sex in the City when it was still a show. I miss it. And I miss Friends! Ahh.

But then Wednesday is my birthday. The big 2-0. Can't wait until next year. Lol. And then we are going on a trip to Charleston with my Dad & brothers. (We = me & Seth) That'll be for a few days. Seth's 22nd birthday is June 15th - that is also our official 2 year anniversary. Crazy! I feel like it hasn't been nearly that long. THEN, the family vacation to Orlando for Ava's first Disney trip is at the end of the month!! I KNOW! Maybe this means my posts will be a lot better! :p They will still be spaced out though since I won't necessarily be in town sometimes! I'm super excited for this month - and dreading July! (My summer college classes start in July and they are brutal! In class from 10 am until 5:15 pm) BUT I get 9 hours completed in like 3 weeks! Oh well! I won't stress about that right now. :p

So long for now blog! :p

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Birthdays, Babies, and More!

Bonjour everyone! As I said, a few blogs ago, you know, when I posted on a regular basis, Seth and I made my Dad's birthday cake. And I said I would post a picture. SO. Here it is! Ha. Better late than never, right?? Right. It was delicious. Maybe not the most beautiful thing ever, but it was yummy!

Today I have been contemplative on rather a lot. I had one of the best conversations I've ever had with my Mom in my adult life. (Not that that has been very long. Just 2 years.) Anyways. I won't betray her confidence on a number of issues, but I want to write about my reaction. We talked about, basically, that "mothering instinct" you seem to get around my age - that is, if you are in a committed relationship. I began to feel that instinct a few months ago - as witnessed in one of my blogs I do believe. She said to me, "I knew when you got your first dog." Yep. Hit the nail on the head, Mom. Lucy & Chevy are my, or rather our, babies. I sort of knew it then too, but it took a little more time for me to put a name to the feelings I was experiencing. I thought - I just want a dog to love! And of course, to save it from the shelter. Which, of course, I did. But I was also looking to fulfill an instinct that I didn't even know I had!

With the new news that I may have PCOS or endometriosis, that instinct has sort of entered a "fight or flight" stage. If that doesn't make sense to anyone is my attempt to sort it out. I had to decide what I would do if I DO have these things. Is it important to me to be a mother? YES! Does it matter HOW I get my children? NO. BUT I would love to experience pregnancy and childbirth and holding something that is a part of me and my future husband-to-be. I am not against adoption - far from it actually. My mom and dad were both adopted and so was my little sister. It is a part of my family history. But, with facts remaining, I would love to have a child with Seth someday. I don't think I've ever said that out loud.

Anyways. When all of these facts started hitting home and the fact that they DO sometimes cause infertility registered... I felt sick to my stomach. I sort of panicked. And my gut reaction was - well why don't we try! Of course...logic took over. DUH. Because we are much too young for babies just yet. 20 and 22 might not be the right age for us to do that. BUT my purely emotional reaction was panic - and to FIGHT. To TRY and have a baby. Test out my body, I guess? I WANTED one. And my Mom called me today and said - I know what you're going through. It happened to me. You have a LONG time yet to have the children you want, you don't have to make that decision yet. I NEEDED to hear that. Logically, I knew it. But I needed to hear "I understand." I needed to know that it will be okay and not to jump into something that huge and life-changing over an emotional need. The fact that I still need my Mommy to tell me these things is an indicator that I'm not ready yet, right? I guess maybe... though won't we always need our mothers? I know I will. And even if I don't.... I couldn't live without her. I have absolutely no idea if any of this has made sense. I'll leave that topic at this: I want to be a mother. I have the best mother in the world. I need to wait until I can be an equally good mother before choosing to have a child. If God so blesses us with one before we think we're ready - we can do it. But not based on emotion alone. (And not until I get a pretty diamond ring. ;)) haha.

On another note.......... A much less heavy topic. Chevy is home!!! After getting his little man-parts removed, he is back. He's mad at us (when we put the E-Collar on him) but he's home! :) I missed my little man. Here's a picture of the little cone-head. :) He wouldn't cooperate. haha. Go figure. But he's doing fine, physically, if not a little ticked off that we sent him somewhere to get body parts removed. lol. Poor little guy.

(Above: Won't he make a great father? He's a good doggy daddy! haha) Another topic that this discussion with my wonderful Mommy brought up was just life in general. Though we didn't really talk about it that much, the talk made me think about a lot of things. What things are important to me? Do I trust my own decisions? And the answers are really...I initially trust my own instincts but then question myself about it later. I think I'm afraid of a lot of the experiences that I crave. That makes no sense!! Of course it doesn't. Haha.

If you're at all interested in the topic, I found an interesting blog that covers young marriage. Okay. I am NOT THAT YOUNG. 20 is not that young, in my opinion. And we have absolutely no plans of tying the knot right now - needed to get that out there to not have lots of questions. But especially after dating for 2 years, the topic HAS come up. I would like to point this out: older couples get married after one or two years of dating. Why do young couples have to "prove" that they found the right person sooner rather than later?? Is it so bad to have found the right person young? When a young couple gets married after FOUR YEARS they are still ridiculed simply for an arbitrary number applied to their age. Young couples that get married between 18-20 are expected to fail - why? I know several young couples that have turned into REALLY long marriages. Really HAPPY marriages. This article talks about our ability to be a couple rather than two co-habitating people when we are young. When you find someone young, you can grow together and choose things together, rather than "make things work" later. It's interesting. Just read it if you have any interest. I don't really care either way - I would love to marry Seth at some point in the future. When, will be determined by what is right for us. <-- Seriously. Read it.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Random Post

Oh what a week....
I have no idea where I left off. However, I have had quite a weekend and beginning of the week. First of all. Friday and Saturday I babysat my little sister, just she and I. It was interesting. She has never been without at least one of her parents and she cried... And it upset her tummy and I got thrown up on for the first time ever. lol. I actually had fun with her otherwise, AND I didn't gag while cleaning me, her floor, and her "soft blankie" up. I guess now I know I can handle kids! Between being thrown up on and my dogs' nasty habits sometimes, I am READY! hahah. Bring it on. All that's left if having a baby boy who pees when you open the diaper...right? :p Anyways. I feel like I handled it pretty well. *pack on the back* I ended up having to sleep with her because she was scared - thank you Mom and Mark for getting her a full size bed! It was pretty good. We had fun.

After that, I had a "scare." I think that I have PCOS. Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. If you don't know what it is, feel free to google it. I'm going to the Lady Dr. on Monday so we will found out - hopefully not, but it's definitely possible since I have 9 of 12 symptoms. But it can be dealt with. Apparently 1 in 10 women have it and deal with it. So, let's see how it goes.

Yesterday, I didn't really do anything, lol. And today, not so much yet. I am going to meet my hunny for lunch in a little while though. :) Au Revoir fellow blogsters.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


So, so far this week....
Besides a really good & fun Mother's Day with the family, I have been pretty bored! That's the collage I made for her on Sunday. My beautiful mommy!

Monday was quite boring. Yesterday Seth's team won their softball game - he did so good! :) I yelled. haha. But today pretty much went to hell as soon as we woke up! We got a notice saying our rent was late...except I have a confirmation in my email for it?? Stupid. AND THEN, Seth goes outside to go to work, and his CD player has been stolen right out of his car! It has just been a CRAPPY day. So I went to the gym to work off some of my frustration. Not to mention, I found out Monday that I didn't get the job I interviewed for and was perfectly qualified for because I'll be in school for 3 weeks this summer. I think that is kind of stupid, since it's just 3 weeks, and I am almost TOO qualified for the position.. But I won't air my dirty laundry - just my frustrations of the week. It's really difficult to keep your calm when it feels like everything is falling apart - thank goodness for my gym time!! *sigh*

Hopefully the rest of this week will be better and we can hang out with Hannah and I'm babysitting Princess Ava this weekend. haha. See the Princess in her Flapper dress? haha. So cute.

Bye for now.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saturday, May 8th

So I realize that it's been a while since I posted. (Luckily I didn't claim to plan on posting everyday! haha) But I want to update about my week, just not in too much detail.

It's been a pretty good week. Finally finished up my Spring 2010 semester of college. My grades were "ok." I got 1 A, 1 B and 2 C's unfortunately. BUT, since French 2002 was one of them, it's justifiable in my mind. Four semesters of college french is just ridiculous when it has nothing to do with my all. But it's over! I'm super excited about that!!! Time to burn all my old tests! :D haha.

This semester went by soooo slowly, yet the year itself seems to be going by really quickly. Weird how that is.. I'll be 20 in less than 3 weeks. I won't be a teenager anymore. It's kind of weird, because 20 just sounds so much older than 19 even though it isn't. I wonder if that sounds stupid.. It's also weird because my mommy was only 21 when she had me. Speaking of that kind of stuff. I really want to be at least 25 before my first child, just so I can be financially and emotionally more stable than I am now, but in a way I want a child now while I'm still young and understand kids. It sounds crazy, I know, especially if my parents or boyfriend are reading this, but I am just going through an "everybody else has babies and they are happy" stage. I know it's not true, but they are so cute! I'll just have to be content with my darling puppies for the next 5 years! :) No worries. Speaking of my puppies... we boarded them for the first time ever today. It makes me so nervous!! :( I hope my babies are okay!! I love them so much. I think the fact that tomorrow is Mother's Day is making me have those warm-fuzzy thoughts about kids. That, and the fact that I'm in a stable 2-year relationship, I guess. Not that we plan on marrying or having any kids anytime soon. It just adds to the thought process.

Hm, another topic. I'm actually in my "room" right now at home. It has been SO long since I have slept here. It seems kind of crazy. I feel so out of touch with my family and my siblings. College is definitely a time to grow as an individual, but it's really hard when you're used to all of your family being around. I miss them so much sometimes. Of course... most of the time I enjoy the quiet of my apartment. haha. But I wish I lived closer, too. I think I'm going to list my favorite things about my family members.... Random. Here goes. My Mom. I love my mom's laugh - when she is truly happy. It can touch everyone in the room. I love that she is so strong and has passed that on. My Dad. I love that he is so outgoing. I'm not outgoing at all really, and I find it really cool that he can talk to anybody. Will (16). I love how Will is growing into a really good man. He doesn't follow along with the crowd - he's his own person. Zach (13). I love Zach's independence. Some may call it stubborn, I just call it Zach. :) They are both going to make 2 girls really happy one day. Miss Ava (6). I love Ava's effervescence! She is always so excited and bubbly about the smallest things - I hope for her that she can keep it as she grows up. And for good measure :) my hopefully-future-husband, Seth. I love that Seth is so passionate and patient. I like that there is something that I can think of when I think of him. I love that I can see him teaching my kids to do things I would never be able to teach them, and that they will experience two very different parents, so maybe their lives will be even more enriched than ours were. :) Not being mushy....... haha.

Happy Mother's Day Mommy! To the "best mommy I've ever had."

Anyways, on that note, I'm going to go read a book and go to sleep with my Diet Coke. :) Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there! Oh, and the flower at the top of this post if from my Nanny's garden. :) She is magic with her flowers!
Love y'all.